"Darkest Days" |
Part 59 by Ash |
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Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the original characters
from “Roswell.“ They belong to Melinda Metz and Jason
Katims and the wonderful people at WB. I have invented
a slew of characters to go with ‘em, though and I hope
the originals aren’t too insulted to have them mix and
mingle and perhaps fall in love here or there. Summary: This has become an alternate universe over the course of the other three stories. It was in line with the show through “Sexual Healing” and then my own version of Tess hit the atmosphere in “Captivated by Darkness.“ Two years later, we picked up the story and began the mythology with “Fight the Break of Dawn,“ where Liz was transformed and they met Christopher in L.A. Next came “Fading Into Twilight” which was NOT a wedding fic, but did contain the ill-fated nuptials which led our characters to this point. Now, in my AU, remember that I diverge from the show and Sheriff Valenti is still an unknown quantity, Pierce doesn’t exist, my Tess is very dead (and deservedly so) and the Evans and Mrs. Parker know the truth about the aliens. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: Dedication: To Sheeijan and Abs, both of whom are excellent ‘backers and obsessors. Just a handy-dandy pronunciation guide for one of the more difficult alien names, since it might bug ya’ if you don’t get it right. Joey’s alien name, Millamalinka, is pronounced “Mee-ya-ma-link-a”, sort of a French pronunciation in the first part of the name. So it’s not “Mil-la“, it’s “Mee-ya” for her nickname. Title comes from Remy Zero’s “Yellow Light,” featured in The White Room episode from season one. |
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Alex wasn’t surprised that Isabel wanted to be back
early. They had already been out shopping, which
seriously stunted the afterglow of their lovemaking.
But she HAD to go back with something to give her mother
before they left and he’d learned long ago to be
patient with her where her mother was concerned. He took her hand and kissed it, knowing that she was gearing herself up to say goodbye to a huge part of herself for a long time, maybe forever. Isabel blanched and shook her head. “I don’t think I can do this, Alex. I can’t leave her.” She was panicking. Man, that was quick. But he could handle panic. He pulled her close, enclosing her soft, warm body in his arms. Of course, his body was becoming aware of other possibilities beside comfort at this particular moment, but he forced himself to think soothing thoughts as he rubbed at her neck. We’ll be able to come back. And Kyle will look after your Mom, and the Sheriff, not to mention your Dad. Isabel pulled back to look into his eyes, trying to draw comfort from them. Alex played with her hair softly, the way she liked. “Your mother has raised you knowing that this day would come, that you would leave to go make your own life. Now, granted, this is a little more extreme that she was probably expecting, but it’s just part of the parental job description- loving and letting go.” He looked at her pointedly. “And it’s in your job description to ‘leave and cleave,’ I believe.” Isabel smiled sadly, but she arched her eyebrow at him. “Well, we are pretty good at the cleaving part, don’t you think?” Alex nodded heartily. “Absolutely. Much to look forward to in that department.” “So, I guess now we do the leaving.” Alex saw the melancholy return to her eyes. He wished he could make it go away, but he knew she was strong enough. His Izzy was the strongest person he’d ever known. He smiled at her, and then looked up at the ceiling lightheartedly. “Two to beam up, Scotty.” The burning overtook his body in seconds, and the transfer was done in a heartbeat. ****** Joey reluctantly pulled out of Kyle’s arms when the others started reappearing. It was time to say goodbye. “Sh*t,” he muttered. She looked up to see panic on his face. “Can we rethink this or something?” He closed his eyes and his jaw clenched tightly. Her already grieving heart somehow found the ability to hurt more, and she knew that she had to cut this short. “Kyle, I’m sorry.” He slowly opened his eyes. “If things were different...” She refused to finish that sentence. “But they’re not,” he said flatly. She nodded, suddenly incapable of speech. In a desperate rush of emotion, she threw her arms around him one more time and buried her face in his neck. He slid her up onto his lap and held her so tightly that she almost couldn’t breathe. And she didn’t care. She just wished that she could crawl up inside him somehow and stay forever. Isabel’s voice broke into her thoughts and Joey steeled herself to get to pull away. No one could see them in their dark corner, but she needed a few more minutes with her family. And that was going to be painful, too. Tears began to stream down her face as she pulled Kyle’s arms from around her. He let her go without comment, keeping his head lowered. She stood and hesitated, wishing she had the strength to say what she needed to. She started to back away. A whispered “I love you” reached her ears just before she turned to go. He was still looking at the floor. She took in a deep breath. “I’ll always love you, Kyle Valenti and I‘ll try to come back. But don’t- don’t wait for me.” His only response was to bury his face in his hands. Joey fought the urge to run to comfort him. She’d had to say that, to give him permission to go on with his life, but she hated it, all the same. She covered her trembling mouth with one hand and turned to go to her family. ****** Michael was the only thing keeping Maria standing right now. She had been ignoring the inevitable leaving, refusing to deal with the thought, but now it was time. Her Mom was doing so good, dispensing advice without tears, and asking for updates without begging. Maria just nodded. She was speechless. How could she say goodbye? How could she- *Take it easy there, little diva.* Maria broke a trembling smile at Michael’s new pet name for her. The few torrid hours of honeymoon they’d shared had shown them surprising things about each other. Maria liked to be in control in the bedroom, thus her new nickname, and Michael was nothing short of a... well, a prude. *Hey, I resent that!* Not as much as I do. Maria snorted at him. A more natural smile followed that retort, breaking through the ice that had been forming over her heart. She shot him a grateful look and held onto his hand tighter, because Amy Deluca was starting to look weepy. “I am just no good at this ‘if-you-love-someone-let-them-go’ crap, so just give me a hug and I’ll try desperately to let it go at that.” Her arms went around them both. Maria hugged her back fiercely with her one free arm. She was afraid to let go of Michael right now. Tears seeped out of her eyes and she wiped them away as her mother pulled back and smiled at them. “There. See? I did fine, didn’t I? So I’ll just go over there by Jim and bawl my eyes out and you kids just go have a good time in whatever distant galaxy you’re traveling, okay?” Maria nodded and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. “Oh,“ her Mom said with a smile. “Thank you. I-” Then she cut herself off and pointed over to Sheriff Valenti. Maria nodded, squeezing Michael’s hand again. This is it. Then her mother turned and walked away. *There. Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?* Maria didn’t answer. She just buried her face in Michael’s chest and broke down, absolutely positive that her mother was doing the same thing right now. “Oh, geez...” ****** Max looked around the room silently. They only had a few minutes left and everyone was making the most of it. He walked over to his parents, joining Isabel and Joey. “Honey, did you see the croissants Isabel bought me in Paris,” his Mom held up a bakery bag with a smile. Max looked at Isabel questioningly. She rolled her eyes. “The bakeries are about the only thing open that early in the morning, or I’d have gotten her something else.” His Mom pulled Izzy into a hug. “I love croissants, you know that. And actual Parisian ones! I‘ll probably gain five pounds!” Isabel smiled and buried her face in one hand over her Mom‘s shoulder. Max saw Joey quietly wiping her eyes as his Dad held her close. Then his mother was reaching for him. “You look so sad, honey. I can’t take you leaving sad.” Max put his arms around his mother and whispered in her ear. “Thank you for believing in me, in us. You could have turned away so easily.” His Mom pulled back and looked him directly in the eyes. “Never. I could never turn away from you. I love you, Max Evans. You remember that when you’re off ruling some other planet. Remember that you still have a Mommy who wants you to make her proud.” Max smiled and laughed painfully. “I will.” His Dad came up and clapped him on the back. “So, you’re a man now, son. You have a wife and a responsibility to be a good man for her. Let me give you some advice: Never buy her anything fake and never lie to her. When the world turns upside-down, she’s all you got.” Max watched his Dad slip his arm around his Mom. She nestled in beside him and he was grateful they would still have each other. “Thanks, Dad. For everything.” Max leaned forward and gave his Dad one last hug. “It is time.” Max looked over to see Matpatha standing beside him. His heart quickened. He looked over to Isabel and Joey, who were holding each other close with stricken looks on their faces. This wasn’t going to be easy. ****** Liz felt Max’s emotions spiral downward and she pulled out of her father’s long embrace. Tears were running down his face and her heart just melted. “Oh Daddy, I hate to make you cry.” “No, sweetie,” he said, wiping his tears away quickly. “I’m just so proud of you. And happy that Max will be with you. I never thought I’d see the day when I thought a boy was worthy of my daughter, but he’s proven himself many times. You go and you have a happy life, and remember that we love you.” Liz looked from his earnest face to her mother’s emotionless one. They were like night and day. “Mom, I love you and I- I’ll miss you. Take care of Daddy for me.” She leaned forward and pulled her Mom into a hug. Her mother’s arms were tight around her, but no words were said. *It’s time, sweetness.* Liz pulled back. “I have to go now. I can’t make any promises, but we’ll try to come home soon. It just may take a while to save up the energy.” Her parents nodded and clutched each other tightly. Her Dad gave her a quick wave. “Bye, Lizzie. We love you.” “Bye, Dad,” she tilted her head to the side, memorizing this moment in her heart. Then she turned to face the others. They had already gathered in a rough circle, all looking around at each other nervously. Liz walked over to Max and pressed herself under his arm, relishing his strength. He pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. *Are you ready?* Yes. She swallowed hard. What do we do? *Matpatha says that we just let the others back home do the work. To us, it will feel like a normal transference until they take over.* Liz nodded. “Is everyone ready?” The group of grim, sad, excited and hesitant faces nodded one by one. Liz quickly checked on Maria, who looked sad but strong enough to do it, and Isabel, who was leaning on Alex and looking miserable. They would be taking it the hardest. Oh- and Joey. Liz looked around and saw her holding Nathan’s hand dismally. Poor girl. Where was Kyle? Liz couldn’t see him anywhere. The parents had all gathered in the back corner. Oh, and where was the minister? *Nathan took him back earlier. He was fine, just tired and a little giddy after all he’d been through.* Liz smiled. He’ll probably never agree to do a wedding again. ***IT‘S TIME.*** Liz looked up at Max in surprise. Who was that? ***JOIN HANDS AND CONNECT WITH ONE ANOTHER.*** *It’s Matpatha.* Excitement flooded through Liz’s body. This was it! ****** Joey joined hands with Nathan and with Isabel beside her. The connection instantly flowed through the circle and she became MaxLizChristopherShelleyTugDeliaMichaelMariaAlexIsabelJoeyNathan. This time, the connection was sparking with life, different than the last time they’d done it. Justin wasn’t a part of the twelve anymore. It amazed her that his energy had made such a difference, but it was obvious that it did. Poor Justin. It did seem better for everyone that he stayed behind. She felt several others around joining in that sentiment, though there was sadness as a whole. Then, in amongst the swirling thoughts and emotions, the burning started. From Max, she was able to gather that it should feel normal, like any other transference at first. And it did. The burning took over her body and swept through Nathan beside her. She held his hand tightly and watched in amazement as he began to glow beside her. All around the circle, the glow dissipated the darkness of the room, chasing away all the shadows until the room was awash in yellow light. Joey found herself looking into her mother’s eyes and seeing amazement and pride there. Her father looked stunned. And in the background, not too far away, she saw Kyle move out from his corner. Goodbye, my love. ****** Max let the burning take over and tried to keep his mind from rushing ahead. He held Liz’s hand tightly, determined that he shouldn’t lose her. He was even more a part of her now. At the thought, he felt her push closer. Without dropping her glowing hand, he looped his arm around her and pulled her into him. I love you so much, Liz. Always. *I love you, too.* Then the burning was taken over by a stronger force. He felt someone reaching for him, recognizing him. That energy melded with his and began pulling. He wanted to warn Liz that this was it, but the pulling took his thoughts, too... ****** Kyle had never seen anything like it in his life. He stood there, knowing that his mouth was gaping open like a big-mouth bass. But he couldn’t help it. The whole freakin’ church was lit up. His eyes were drawn to Joey’s magnificently outlined form. She was magical, so beautiful like that. He remembered the feeling of touching her, kissing her as it had overtaken her that time. It was... amazing. Like touching a live wire that for some reason didn’t burn you. Suddenly, she lit up even brighter, and all around the circle, the intensity grew until Kyle had to shield his eyes. There was a sizzling sound and a shockwave exploded. Kyle was knocked back into the pew, almost taking it over with him. When he finally got his feet up under him again, all was quiet. The only sound he could hear was the pounding of his heart and echoes of regret in his mind. Goodbye, Joey. |
Part 58 | Index | Part 60 |