"Darkest Days" |
Part 58 by Ash |
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Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the original characters
from “Roswell.“ They belong to Melinda Metz and Jason
Katims and the wonderful people at WB. I have invented
a slew of characters to go with ‘em, though and I hope
the originals aren’t too insulted to have them mix and
mingle and perhaps fall in love here or there. Summary: This has become an alternate universe over the course of the other three stories. It was in line with the show through “Sexual Healing” and then my own version of Tess hit the atmosphere in “Captivated by Darkness.“ Two years later, we picked up the story and began the mythology with “Fight the Break of Dawn,“ where Liz was transformed and they met Christopher in L.A. Next came “Fading Into Twilight” which was NOT a wedding fic, but did contain the ill-fated nuptials which led our characters to this point. Now, in my AU, remember that I diverge from the show and Sheriff Valenti is still an unknown quantity, Pierce doesn’t exist, my Tess is very dead (and deservedly so) and the Evans and Mrs. Parker know the truth about the aliens. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: Dedication: To Sheeijan and Abs, both of whom are excellent ‘backers and obsessors. Just a handy-dandy pronunciation guide for one of the more difficult alien names, since it might bug ya’ if you don’t get it right. Joey’s alien name, Millamalinka, is pronounced “Mee-ya-ma-link-a”, sort of a French pronunciation in the first part of the name. So it’s not “Mil-la“, it’s “Mee-ya” for her nickname. Title comes from Remy Zero’s “Yellow Light,” featured in The White Room episode from season one. |
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Kyle watched as two by two, the aliens disappeared.
After Liz and Max had gone, Alex and Isabel had been
hugged all around before heading off to Paris for the
next few hours. This glowing thing definitely came in
handy for making the most of their honeymoon time,
that’s for sure. Of course, Michael and Maria had
never made it back in the sanctuary, so no one knew
where they had gone. Kyle had his suspicions that he
should probably stay out of the back rooms of the
church, though. The parents had sat around for a while, trying to put the pieces of stories together to understand what their kids had been through, but eventually it kind of hit them that their kids were off having sex. Kyle had smirked when Mr. Evans suggested going to get a drink and everyone else readily agreed. The L.A. gang went somewhere, Delia and Tug seeming just as idiotically wrapped up in each other as Christopher and that red-haired girl. So, that left Nathan alone to guard the premises. He sat there silently, his eyes wandering over to Kyle and Joey every once in a while. Finally he got enough glaring from Kyle and took off to the back of the church. Kyle sighed and looked at his watch. Finally alone- at 10:59. Only one hour to go. How did Joey feel about that? She had stopped crying long ago, but hadn’t said a word in response to his admittedly lame attempts at conversation. But what are you supposed to say to someone you love when you’re human and she’s alien and- oh yeah, she’s heading back to planet Krypton? Kyle absently fingered one of her curls. He didn’t think the X-Files had covered this one. “Kyle,” Joey whispered. “I think I may have messed up.” “What are you talking about?” Joey sat up and wiped at her still wet eyes restlessly. Guess she hadn’t stopped crying. She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. “If you could be transformed, but you couldn’t come home with us, would you want to do it, anyway?” Kyle stared at her. He could still feel the warmth of her body in his lap and the softness of her hair in his hands. “Uh, maybe I’m confused here. I thought the twelve was already complete. How could I be transformed now?” Joey sighed. “Matpatha said he can do it, but only twelve can make the trip home. That means that you would be a hybrid, like Liz and the others, but you would be stuck here... alone.” As she paused, Kyle’s mind frantically tried to catch up. Him- an alien? A hybrid? Tied to Max Evans for life? Kyle shook his head. His mind was skipping over the most important part, the part that Joey wasn’t actually saying: they would be... compatible if he was transformed. And she would be here for another hour. He looked over at her, the new possibilities crashing through his mind. Could he make love to her, tie her to himself like that? He almost smiled at the stampede of desire. Hell yeah! But then he paused. Joey wasn’t looking at him anymore. She was staring out into the darkened church, not even moving a muscle. Kyle looked away. She was only sixteen, he reminded himself. And he knew without a doubt that if she were human, if things were normal, they would take it slow, wait until she was more ready. But the situation... and this deadline made that impossible. And god, did he want her. He’d been desperately trying NOT to think about what everyone else was doing right now, coupling off and... Yep, that’s what I’m tryin’ NOT to think about. Kyle shook his head. Joey deserved better than this- hormone-crazed typical male bullsh*t. Just because she had sort of given permission for him to think that way didn’t mean that he should look at her like a piece of meat. But his next thought brought him to his feet, pacing away from Joey. What if- what if he didn’t get transformed and she and Brit boy got cozy while they were gone? Oh god... Who knew how long they would be gone? Maybe... over time... she’d give in to him... IF Kyle didn’t stake his claim now. His claim... Something in him revolted against the words. It wasn’t right. Just because he was wigged about her leaving was no reason to force her into something. Kyle blinked. Where had that come from? He shook his head. Inner pansy, female alter-ego... you name it. He forced himself to speak before his pants took over again. “No. I wouldn’t want to be transformed.” He hoped that he didn’t sound as desperate as he felt. He looked over to see Joey staring at him with a destroyed look on her face. “You don’t- you don’t want to be with me?” Her words speared him in the heart. He stumbled over to her, cursing himself under his breath. He sat down beside her heavily and gestured with both hands as he tried to find the right words. “Joey, I don’t want to be with you just for tonight.” She looked hurt. Okay, definitely not the right words. “Wait-” He shook his head. “Okay, I do want to be with you tonight. That’s- that’s not the problem here.” He had to smile at the understatement. Joey wiped away a tear and nodded for him to continue. “But- and this is a big but- it wouldn’t be fair to you. I may be a guy, but that‘s no excuse to treat you like property.” Joey was silent for a while and Kyle went back over his words nervously. He was trying to say he wasn’t a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” kind of guy. Did she understand that, or had he just screwed things up worse? Crap. If he had just made things worse by denying his body what it was screaming for, he was going to scarred for life, he just knew it. Finally, she leaned in and hugged him. “No, Kyle, it wouldn’t be fair to YOU.” Her arms tightened around him. Kyle reached around her numbly, wincing at the sudden pain ripping into his heart. They weren’t going to be together. Not tonight. Maybe not ever. He almost couldn’t breathe. Doing the right thing sucked. ****** Liz was glancing around the room one more time. It was her bedroom, the one that seen her through most of the stages of her life, and had now been witness to the ultimate change- from girl into lover. Liz blushed lightly, but sadness quickly overtook her again. She was about to leave her home- probably never to return. *Are you okay?* Liz felt Max’s concern wash over her, tinged with the closeness of their new bond. He was a part of her now, and she felt an awareness and a confidence that had been missing before. It was amazing, unspeakably beautiful and- His warm hand slid around her waist, pulling her back into him gently. *Enough waxing philosophical. We only have minutes left. Everyone will be waiting.* Liz leaned into his warmth and nodded regretfully. The feelings in her felt too new, too fragile to be shared with a roomful of people. If only they could- *Sorry, sweetness. After we get to Dagon, I promise.* Then he leaned forward and breathed on her neck. “I can’t wait to lose myself in you again...” The hot flash of desire that sped through her met a hunger equally as violent from him. She had thought making love would make it go away, but it seemed to have a mind of its own. And all she wanted to do was- “We can’t.” Max groaned in her ear and immediately, Liz felt the intense fire of transference taking over her body. She surrendered her desire and her will, and her room slowly disappeared from view. Only Max stayed with her. ****** Max was extremely thankful for the willpower that got them to the church on time. Where it came from, he’d never know. After experiencing Liz and her sweet, seductive ways, he was an addicted man. *You make me sound like a narcotic. How romantic.* Max smiled down at Liz, still pressed against his side. No one had noticed them yet. He took a deep breath, desperately hoping that the King on Dagon would be permitted at least a week of time off before getting in the swing of things back on the planet. Liz needed the attention after all she’d been through and he needed- *I don’t need attention. I just need you.* Max leaned down to kiss her just as a high-pitched squeal reached his ears. He gave Liz a quick peck just as she was snatched from his arms. ****** “Liz! Chica!” Liz found herself being hugged and almost knocked over by a blonde whirlwind- Hurricane Deluca. Liz knew she was already blushing at what was coming, but just couldn’t stop herself. Maria was heading for the side pews, a conspiratorial look on her face. When they sat down, she immediately leaned in for the kill. “So, how was it?” “Maria, I- I have no idea how to answer that!” Liz looked down in embarrassment. “Liz, honey,” Maria instantly adopted a motherly air. “I’ve known you since before you went on the rag. It’s not like I don’t already know what you and Max did tonight.” Liz buried her face in her hands. “Oh god...” “Okay, okay, you don’t have to tell me details. I knew better than to expect that and Max would completely kill you, anyway. I just want to know how you felt about what happened. You know, if it was okay?” Liz looked up into Maria’s concerned blue eyes and smiled. She should have known Maria was just being her usual overprotective self. Liz reached out and took her hand. “Thank you, Maria.” Then she looked over at Max, who was leaking very uncertain feelings about her conversation with Maria right now. Liz smiled at him reassuringly and he smiled back gently. *I trust you.* Thanks. Liz looked over to see Maria glaring at Michael. “He thinks I’m going to tell you the nitty-gritty stuff. Grow a brain, why don’t ‘cha?” She tossed out in his direction and turned back to Liz. It was good to see Michael and Maria having such an intimate connection. At least he wouldn’t be lonely, since Liz was blocking him most of the time now. Or was he blocking her? No matter. Liz gave Michael a quick wave and he smiled back. He looked so happy... and at peace. Wow. “Boy, whatever you did to Michael must’ve worked. He looks.... great.” Maria raised her eyebrows. “I have my secrets, as do you. Now, you were going to say...” “Yeah. I was going to say that it, um...” “It,” Maria interrupted. “It meaning sex?” Liz glared at the twinkle in her eyes. “Yes. Sex... making love, whatever you want to call it. It surprised me.” Her eyes skittered around the room as she tried to get used to talking about something so intimate. “Surprised you? How so?” Maria’s eyes narrowed. “Max wasn’t too...” she nodded her head pointedly. “Was he?” “Oh no, not at all. He was...” Liz searched for a word. “Wonderful.” She felt the echoes of his response to the word touch her. *Thank you.* She smiled and continued. “It was just like I wanted it to be, you know? It sort of... filled up all the missing pieces in here.” She indicated her chest loosely. “You know?“ Maria nodded with a slight smile. “But it surprised me because I didn’t know that it would be so intimate emotionally.” “Emotionally.” Maria nodded, but looked slightly confused. “Yeah. I... I cried.” Maria’s eyebrows shot up and Liz decided to look away while she explained. It was just so hard to put into words. “I mean, at first, it was because it was just so beautiful. And I think he cried a little bit, too. Just to be finally... whole, you know?” “Yeah,” Maria whispered. “But then I just kept crying. I couldn’t stop.” Liz’s gaze drifted off to the back corner of the darkened room as she continued. “It had just all built up- you know- being away from Max, the kidnapping and that horrible place... everything. It all happened so fast and I just had to deal with it. There was no time to stop and get it all out.” “But now you have?” Liz looked over at Maria’s tear-filled eyes. “I mean, you’re okay?” Liz squeezed her hand. “Yeah, I feel much better now. It’s absolutely insane how happy I am, despite the fact that I’m leaving my parents and my home behind.” Maria leaned over and put her arms around Liz. “You’re not leaving me behind. And you deserve every bit of insane happiness you feel.” Liz smiled through her sudden tears. “So...” She pulled back and speared Maria with her gaze. “What about you? Did you have a good time tonight?” Maria stood with a haughty look. “I don’t kiss and tell, Liz Parker Evans, and you know that.” As she flounced away, Liz laughed ‘til tears rolled down her cheeks. |
Part 57 | Index | Part 59 |