FanFic - Other
"This World"
Part 3
by Erin
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the 'Roswell' characters. They belong to those awesome people at the WB and I am borrowing them. Please don't sue me. I'm a poor high school student without a job, who writes fanfiction to let the muse out. If you do, I promise you that you won't get anything important, other than my violin or guitar and some picture albums...
Summary: All right! I was listening to my Caedmon's Call CD and I got inspired to write this piece. If you have the CD, you know what song I'm talking about, but I'm not revealing it at this point, it'll ruin the fic! So...
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Maria sighed as she picked up the plates, heavy with greasy food. How could she work here for so many years and still find a way to advertise this shit?

She carried the hot plates over to the pod squad's table, giving each of them their food. She noticed that Alex and Liz had both joined the table. She just assumed that Alex had convinced Liz to sit with them while they waited on her.

She also noticed that Michael wasn't there anymore, but she ignored it and placed his plate on the table where he used to be sitting.

At that moment, Michael walked into the cafe. He smiled as he approached her. She tried to back away and escape, but he was too fast and pinned her in a corner.

"What the hell do you want, Michael?" she whispered loudly as she squirmed against the wall.

"What do you think I want?" he said, eyeing her and licking his lips.

"No. I think not," Maria exclaimed as she shoved him away from her.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I want to talk, Blondie," he smirked.

She didn't say anything. All that she did was grab his sleeve and dragged him into the break room.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"


"There is no 'us,' mister. You broke that off, oh... about five years ago," Maria shot at him, ignoring his hurt look.

"You know what?" Michael exclaimed.

"What?" she challenged.

"We came back to see you. We found ourselves in the process of our running away and we left our destinies behind. We killed off all the evil aliens and decided to come home to see the people that we love the most," he said quietly, looking at the ground.

"Really?" she asked, her voice softening.

"Why else would we come back to Roswell?"

"I don't know. I've never ran from everything I knew and loved," Maria completed, staring into his dark, mysterious eyes.

"True..." he began, "but we came back. We knew that it was wrong, but we came back to make it up."

Maria motioned for him to continue.

"And we're here to stay this time. I know that we can't just pick up where we left off, but do you want to just start by taking things slowly and seeing where they lead?" he asked her, hope evident in his voice.

"That would be great," she beamed.

Then, Michael grabbed Maria's hand and led her back into the cafe, a grin spread across his face.

He had finally admitted it.

He finally said that this world that he thought had nothing had everything he really needed.

The years on the road and of loneliness taught him that.

And now that he had everything back that he really needed, he wasn't going to let it go again.


"There's tarnish on the Golden Rule
And I want to jump from this ship of fools.
Show me a place where hope is young
And a people who are not afraid to love.

This world has nothing for me
And this world has everything.
All that I could want
And nothing that I need.

This world is making me drunk
On the spirits I fear.
So when He says who will go?
I am nowhere near.

This world has nothing for me
And this world has everything.
All that I could want
And nothing that I need.

This world has nothing for me
And this world has everything.
All that I could want
And nothing that I need.

And the least of these
Look like criminals to me
So I leave Christ on the street.

But now I'm waking up
And now I'm breaking up
But now I'm making up
For lost time.

This world has nothing for me
And this world has everything.
All that I could want
And nothing that I need."

"This World," performed, owned, and copyrighted by Caedmon's Call.

Part 2 | Index