FanFic - Other
"The Real World …. Roswell Style"
Part 17
by RBS722
Disclaimer: This is a purely fun parody of the show the Real world. I do not refer to any real world cast members in anyway, and I do not mean to offend any real world fans. Also, I love all the Roswell characters. The dialogue I made is for entertainment and for laughs only. I am not in anyway bashing any character. There are also many sexual innuendos and undertones, so if you do not want to read any of that nature, I suggest you leave the thread. Teddybehr ****** Due to the popularity of the story I felt everyone should have a chance to read it. I in no way wrote this story I just compiled this all together straight from the Roswell 1 FanForem board and ran a quick spell check, I gave credit to everyone who participated and I'm submitting this with permission from the original author teddybehr. Hope you like. Faith Evans
Category: Other
Rating: R
Authors Note: This part written by shortiegrl510
Kyle: I had my second alien booty! (starts to giggle.)It was so cool, He was in a tight mail man uniform and Max said his radar went off and I ran into the front yard and just started humpin'....I didn't hear his name or home planet but....

Max in the confessional:

Max: It was so funny I told Kyle that the mail man was an alien. He looked at me with his big ol'puppy eyes that could make a boy---I mean girl melt and started running and then right in the front yard, he started doin' it. Then the guy exploded. It was sso funny. Then his eyes had this 'Did I do that' Innocence (sp?).I AM NOT GAY!

Michael in the confessional:

Michael: What do I think about Kyle? At least he isn't eying me anymore. And Hey I don't have to use my powers. But hey he was getting pretty scary before the first guy. And the Woody doll was on it's last legs.

(cut to living area, everyone is sitting there. Max is eating a candy bar. Liz is reading karma sutra, Maria and Michael are doing it on the couch, Alex and Isabelle are having a making out threesome with Lampchop and Kyle is sitting on the couch with a frown. There is a knock on the door).

Liz: Kyle can you get the door?

Kyle: No stupid girl but you can.

Liz: What?

Kyle: I said you can get the door, you do nothing but sleep with My Max and want me to get the door.

Max: It's an evil alien.

Kyle: (runs up and straddles the alien)

Part 16 | Index | Part 18