FanFic - Other
"More Of Us"
Part 8
by Christina
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Category: Other
Rating: PG
Authors Note: I own Anna, Caley, Jordan, and any other characters not mentioned that aren’t the WB’s. Just remember, the character’s thoughts are in brackets [like this]. The apartment is where Caley, Anna, Jacob, and Jordan live. It is located above the Crashdown, next door to Liz and her family. Have fun!!! Luv ya. Christina Conrader
Then the Morning Comes

Part VIII Section 1

Sept. 17, 2000]

Maria’s house

(Maria is on the couch laying against Michael. It is six in the morning.)

Maria: *Yawn* How did I get here?

(She looks around the room and realizes where exactly she is. The Box is playing on the TV and Michael’s shirt is on the floor.) Maria: Oh no! Oh God! We didn’t! Did we? I’m going to have a nervous breakdown!

Michael: What are you doing here?

Maria: I live here, genius.

Michael: We must have fallen asleep.

Maria: You don’t think we. . . Michael: No! We didn’t.

Maria: We couldn’t.

Michael: Where’s my shirt?

Maria: On the floor.

Michael: Thanks Maria: You want breakfast?

Michael: What do you have?

Maria: Left over doughnuts in the bread box. Michael: Do you have any tabasco sauce?

Maria: Yes.

(She goes into the kitchen and emerges with a box of doughnuts and a bottle of tabasco.)

Maria: Anna is going to kill me if I don’t drop of her books this morning. Michael: She’s probably still asleep. I usually am.

Maria: That doesn’t surprise me a bit. You seem like the type to sleep til noon.

Michael: When is your mom supposed to be home?

Maria: She probably already came in, changed clothes and left for work. If she came in the back she didn’t have to go through the livingroom.

Michael: So she probably doesn’t know I was here?

Maria: Right.

Michael: If anyone asks- Maria: You stayed on the couch and I slept in my room. I know. Michael: Thanks. . . for letting me stay here.

Maria: I had fun.

Michael: I should get going. Max was expecting me at the café last night. Maria: I have to go to work so I could drive you.

Michael: It will save me the long walk.

Maria: No problem. I just have to grab a quick shower and change into my uniform. You can watch television or do whatever.


Section 2

Sept. 17, 2000

Anna’s room

(Jordan is pounding an her door.)

Anna: What do you want? It’s only. . .

(She looks at her watch on the night stand and groans.)

Anna: 7:30

Jordan: The café opens for brunch, hon. I want home fries.

Anna: Jerk.

Jordan: I aim to please. Now get it in gear. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.

Anna: Yeah, yeah.

(She gets up out of bed, pulls her uniform out of the closet, and goes into the bathroom.)

Anna: Where are the clean towels, Jordan?

Jordan: Can I open the door?

Anna: Come in. I still have my pajamas on.

Jordan: Your clean towels, miss. Anything else I can do for you?

Anna: Thank you kind sir. That will be all.

Jordan: Hey, where’s my tip?

Anna: Good day.

(She closes the door.)


Section 3

Sept 17, 2000

Liz’s room

*Beep. Beep Beep. Beep.*

(Liz rolls over in bed and looks on the floor for her alarm clock. Max hands it up to her, rolls over and goes back to sleep. Liz turn off the alarm and steps over Max in his sleeping bag. He has gotten accustomed to sleeping on Liz’s floor on weekends.)

Liz: I thought you would have left by now.

Max: Mmm?

Liz: How late did we stay up?

Max: Til two. Can I have my shirt?

Liz: You left it on the roof.

Max: Can you get it for me?

Liz: Max, I’m in my pajamas. I don’t think all of Roswell needs to see them. I’m going for a shower. I’ve got inventory this morning.

Max: Okay.

Liz: While you’re getting your shirt, could you get my journal?

Max: Sure. I’ll meet you in the café.

Liz: Thanks, Max.


Section 4

Sept.17, 2000

Maria’s room

Michael: What are you doing?

Maria: Yoga. Now shh, and don’t even think about stealing my car again.

Michael: Why not?

(She jingles the keys.)

Maria: That’s why not.

Michael: I could start it without the keys. Maria: You wouldn’t though.

Michael: Why is that?

Maria: I’ll tell Liz what the real sleeping arrangements were and Liz will tell Max and Max will get on your case and you really don’t want that.

Michael: You make a good point, but it will be just as detrimental to you as it will be to me.

Maria: Liz won’t yell at me.

(She stands up.) Maria: Okay, all done. Let’s go.

Michael: Finally.


Section 5

Sept. 17, 2000

The apartment.

Jacob: Annabelle, hurry up!

Anna: Just a minute. I’m drying my hair. Jacob: Don’t take all day. I have to go to work too.

Anna: You have a job?

Jacob: Yes, I have a job. I work at the photo development place.

Anna: Get your photo taken with a real live alien! Of course, it costs $5.99 plus tax. Jacob: Ha, ha, ha.

Anna: I’m out. It’s all yours. (Anna puts on her uniform and goes downstairs. Maria has already started to clean the counters.)

Maria: Your books are under the counter. I’m so sorry I didn’t get them to you last night. It’s a really long story and I’ll explain later.

Anna: Chill, Maria. It’s okay. I can do my work this afternoon. How’s Michael?

Maria: He’s fine.

(Isabel charges into the café.)

Isabel: Where’s Max? He didn’t come home last night.

Anna: Last I remember, he was going to Liz’s after work.

(Anna and Maria look at each other. It seems clear what they’re thinking.)

Maria: I think he went over to Michael’s afterwards though.

Isabel: I am going to kill them.

Maria: Iz, you don’t know all the facts yet. We don’t even know all the facts yet.

(Liz walks into the café from upstairs.)

Liz: Good morning. Isabel, where did you come from?

Isabel: Where’s Max?

Liz: He went over to Michael’s after he left my house.

Isabel: When was that?

Liz: Last night.

(Anna and Maria exchange a look.)

Anna: I think I’d better go.

Maria: Yeah. We’ve got to fill those ketchup bottles. Right, Anna?

Anna: Right. Let’s go do that.

Isabel: Freeze!

(They turn around and smile.)

Isabel: You both know something I don’t. Now spill.

Liz: Wow. Those ketchup bottles do look empty. I think I’m gonna fill them.

(Maria grabs Liz by the arm and pulls her back to them.)

Anna: Liz, I don’t think you can get out of this. I know what’s going on, but it’s not my place to tell so you two better tell her.


Section 6

Sept.17, 2000

Outside the café

Max: This doesn’t look good.

Michael: Going on one of your paranoia trips, Maxwell?

Max: Isabel’s inside.

Michael: So what’s the problem?

Max: I didn’t exactly go home last night.

Michael: You either went home or you didn’t. Max: I didn’t. And Isabel looks pissed.

Michael: Where did you stay?

Max: I should ask you the same question.

Michael: I stayed on her couch. Now, answer my question.

Max: I stayed on Liz’s floor.

Michael: You didn’t. . .

Max: Do you think I’m stupid?

Michael: Well, you let Isabel catch you so it’s a definite possibility.

Max: I know better though. You on the other hand, with your urges. . .

Michael: I stayed on her couch and she slept in her room.

Max: Should we tell her I stayed at your house?

Michael: She’d never buy it and I think she already knows what happened.

Max: We’d better go face the music.

Michael: I don’t think we’ll be hearing music from Isabel.

Max: Me neither.


Section 7

Sept. 17, 2000

The apartment

Caley: Oh my God! I am so late! Where’s all the food? Who’s turn is it to shop?

Jordan: It’s Jacob’s turn to shop and he’s already left for work.

Caley: Great. I’m late, I’m hungry, and Jacob decided to work! I must have slipped into some alternate universe.

Jordan: Here’s a granola bar, a juice box, and your keys. Get a move on.

Caley: Thanks Jordan. You’re the best.

Jordan: Remember that, okay?

Caley: Bye.

(Caley runs out the door.)

Jordan: I’m going downstairs for breakfast.

(Jordan gets dressed and walks in the front entrance of the café.)

Anna: I would recommend the back of the café.

Jordan: What happened?

Anna: All hell just broke loose.

Jordan: Are you talking about the Michael and Maria situation.

Anna: Plus Liz, Max and Isabel.

Jordan: They’re all screwed. You do know that, don’t you

Anna: I’ve got to prevent a quadruple murder. I’ll be right back with your apple juice.

(She walks back into the kitchen.)

Anna: How is everyone? Good? Maria, you’ve got some customers. Give Jordan his apple juice, and Liz, your father wants to know why you haven’t started inventory yet.

(Liz and Maria mouth thank you’s to Anna as they leave the kitchen.)

Anna: Max, your mother just called. She needs you to go grocery shopping. Here’s the list. Michael, there’s nothing I can do to save you.

Michael: I have to get home and get ready for work.

(Michael and Max leave. Anna sits down next to Isabel.)

Anna: Penny for your thoughts. Isabel: That’s a total mom-thing to say.

Anna: Do you want to talk about it?

Isabel: How can they be so stupid? They’re always telling me not to do things like that and then they go and do it.

Anna: I’m sure nothing happened.

Isabel: How do you know?

Anna: I read minds. It comes in handy sometimes.

Isabel: I wish I could do that.

Anna: It’s genetic. I inherited it from my mom just like Caley inherited her ability to have visions from her dad.

Isabel: So I might be able to read minds?

Anna: It’s possible. If you can, I’ll teach you how to later, but I have to get back to my customers. Go home and cool off.

Isabel: Good idea.


Section 8

Sept. 18, 2000

After hours at the café

(Liz, Maria, and Anna are cleaning up.)

Liz: Thank you for bailing me out, Anna. Isabel was about to tear my head off an feed it to me.

Maria: I thought my life was flashing before my eyes.

Anna: I got her to calm down some. I told her I read some minds to make sure that no n\one had sex last night. I really didn’t, but I’m sure you guys won’t tell her that. And I really don’t need to know what happened so you guys don’t have to tell me.

Maria: You’re a life saver Anna.

Liz: Ditto.


Section 9

Sept. 17, 2000

The apartment

(Anna is in the kitchen and Jacob walks in the door.)

Jacob: Hello everyone. I’m home.

Anna: Hi, Jacob. Did you go grocery shopping?

Jacob: Yep.

Anna: Did you get everything on the list?

Jacob: Yes.

Anna: Good.

Jacob: So what’s the news today?

Anna: Caley’s still at work. Jordan is out with Michael doing guy stuff. I just left Liz’s place. Maria was there too and Max and Isabel are at home. I think I covered everything.

Jacob: Cool. I’ll make dinner.

Anna: Tuna melts?

Jacob: Sounds good.

Anna: We used to do this all the time.

Jacob: What?

Anna: Sit and talk for hours about everything that was going on in our lives.

Jacob: That’s part of the reason I came back.

Anna: How many different places have you been?

Jacob: When I first left I traveled up the coast until I got to New York. I stayed there for almost 4 months. From there, I took a train to Oklahoma. I stayed there for almost a month. God only knows why. Then I went to Louisiana and California. I lived in California the longest. I had actually planned on seeing all the states before I settled down. I’ll do it one day.

Anna: Oh really?

Jacob: I’m going to Colorado this winter. It’s the best skiing in America.

Anna: Be home for Christmas, okay.

Jacob: I wouldn’t miss the free presents.


Section 10

Sept. 17, 2000

Liz’s room

Liz: So where did you really sleep, Maria?

Maria: I told you already. I slept in my bed.

Liz: You are the worst liar.

Maria: Okay. I fell asleep with him on the couch, but nothing happened.

Liz: I knew it!

Maria: Listen. Shut up about it. It doesn’t leave this room. Anyway, it’s not like we had sex. We fell asleep. What about you and Max?

Liz: I was telling the truth about that.

Maria: You were?

Liz: You thought I was lying? Maria: The thought did cross my mind.

Liz: I didn’t have to have a cover story. We’ve never slept on the same piece of furniture together before.

Maria: Hold the phone. He’s stayed at your house more than once?

Liz: Yeah.

Maria: Then Isabel has probably known about it for a while.

Liz: You’re right. She was probably waiting for the perfect time to bust him.

Maria: Well, she ended up busting me and Michael too.

Liz: I don’t think that was her intention.

Maria: All this because my car broke down.

Liz: Not all of it.

Maria: Right.

Liz: You don’t think she’s still mad at us? Maria: I’m sure she’s cooled off by now.

Liz: We’ll find out tomorrow, now won’t we?

Maria: If I’m not there, get my homework for me.


That’s all for now.

Next is part IX

Monday Don’t Suck That Bad Interesting huh? By: Christina Conrader

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Part 9