"All I Want Is You" |
Part 1 by Anne |
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Disclaimer: I don't own roswell, or any of the characters. I don't have
any affiliation with the WB television network or the author Melinda
Metz. Category: Other Rating: PG-13 |
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Future twenty years. Liz and Max Evans have been married for eighteen years and
have a seventeen year old daughter named Olivia. She looks a great deal like
Liz, but has Max's powers. She has grown up watching her parents'
intense emotional connection and fears there will never be anyone for
her, because, after all, aliens were in short supply here on Earth.
However, if what she witnessed between her parents on a regular basis was
to be believed, an alien wasn't entirely necessary. Her Aunt Isabel was
disgustingly happy with her human husband. Uncle Alex was a little
weird, but cool in his own way. If she really wanted to examine the
situation, she need look no further than her Godparents, Michael and
Maria. It really was too much to have to be surrounded by all this
marital bliss, when she couldn't even manage a decent date. Her best
friend could completely sympathize, since her parents were Michael and
Maria, and she and Olivia had the exact same problem. Michelle was truly
a mix of her parents. She had her Mom's incredible hair and eyes, but
she also looked like her Dad and had his powers. She and Michelle were
due at work at her Granddad's right now, and as usual, she was running
late. Michelle: "Where have you been?" "You know it isn't good to excite your Granddad like this!" "He's ready to hire the next person that walks through the door to replace you." Olivia: "Don't worry." "He's just venting a little." "He knows I'm always late." Michelle: "Still, you could do us all a favor and spare us the tirade, that you always miss since you aren't here, and get a watch." "You know, those antique little gadgets that tell you what time it is." "I personally do not understand your aversion to an organizer." Olivia: "You know I can't stand those things." "Besides, you love me just the way I am, remember?" "If you're not careful, I'm going to slip into one of those self-improvement episodes that you hate so much." Michelle: "Say no more." "I don't think I could survive another one of those." Olivia: "Changing the subject, have you noticed that new guy at school?" "What's his name?" "Joel, something . . ." Michelle: "Reese." "His name is Joel Reese, and you know darn good and well that I've noticed him." "He's only the first truly, interesting thing to happen around here in the entire four years we've been in high school." Olivia: "Do I detect a note of despair in your voice?" "Come on, we're not that desperate . . . Michelle: "Yet." "But, it's certainly approaching that point." Olivia: "Hang in there." "Just look to our ancestors for hope." "It'll work out." "It's in the genes." Michelle: "Yeah, sure." "Keep telling yourself that, and sooner or later you might believe it." Olivia: "Well, what else can I do?" "Give up?" "There is someone out there for us, Michelle." "I just know it." YOU SAY YOU WANT DIAMONDS SCHOOL - NEXT DAY Olivia is studying for her bio-midterm and eating her lunch outside at a picnic table. She's so intent on her notes that she doesn't see Joel approaching. Joel: (walks up and just sits right down across from her) "Hi! Olivia, right?" Olivia: (swallowing quickly) "Yeah." (looks at him questioningly) Joel: "I know you don't really know me, but I was wondering if you could help me with this bio-midterm. Olivia: (surprised but recovering) "I . . . suppose . . ." Joel: (rushing to explain) "I have to get a good grade or I'm going to end up re-taking this class. A distinctly unpleasant prospect." (smiles a little) Olivia: (smiles, too.) "Yeah . . . I was gonna say . . . bio doesn't seem to be your thing." Joel: (surprised she noticed and a little embarassed) "It shows, huh?" Olivia: (chuckling) "Well . . . a little." Joel: "It's o.k. You don't have to try to make me feel better." "I hate it!" (pauses to look at her) "So, when can we get together . . . and study, I mean?" Olivia: (thinking to herself that this was too good to be true) "It would have to be after I get off work tonight." Joel: "Oh . . . yeah, that's right . . . you waitress at that cafe don't you?" Olivia: (surprised) "Yeah . . . how did you . . . I mean, I haven't seen you there before." Joel: (blushing just a bit) "I know . . . I . . . asked about you." (grinning at her) Olivia: (giving him a small smile and thinking he looked like a god when he smiled like that) "Really . . . well, ummm . . ." Joel: "So, is tonight o.k.?" Olivia: "Sure." Joel: "Where do you want to meet?" Olivia: "Why don't you just come by the Crashdown at 6 and then we can go to my house from there. It's not far." Joel: "O.k. Well . . . I guess I'll see you tonight." (wishing he had an excuse to stay but unable to come up with anything) Olivia: (watching him get up to leave) "O.k." (thinking well, well, well . . . Michelle is going to be so extremely pissed . . .) CRASHDOWN - AFTER SCHOOL The girls are fairly busy, but not so much so that they can't chat . . . Michelle: (acting incensed but secretly happy for her best friend) "Are you trying to tell me that you have managed to lure the only presentable date prospect at Roswell High into a study session with you?" "That's just wonderful!" "And, don't think that just because of this little bombshell, that I've forgotten that you were late again today." Olivia: "C'mon, Michelle, I'm trying to get here on time . . . I just got distracted . . ." Michelle: (rolling her eyes) "I can just imagine!" "I guess I'd be distracted too if I had been asked to study with Joel." "Just exactly how do you plan to get any studying done?" "I mean, how can you even concentrate?" "He is sooooo gorgeous!" "And, does he know about this penchant you have for being late?" Olivia: "Well, I don't know what I'm going to do about the concentration problem, but I've got the late thing covered." Michelle: "And, just exactly how did you do that?" "Don't tell me! You finally got an organizer!" Olivia: "Not exactly . . ." Michelle: "A watch. You got a watch." Olivia: (smiling) "No . . . no . . . not a watch, either." Michelle: "What then?" (totally bewildered) Olivia pulls Michelle into the back for a quick minute, and pulls open her uniform to reveal cutoffs and baby tee-shirt underneath. Michelle doesn't know whether to crackup or be horrified. Michelle: (laughing) "Well, I suppose that does cover the late problem." "On the down side, I think you just shot the concentration problem straight to hell." (completely cracks up) Olivia: (looking down at her outfit concerned) "What d'ya mean?" Michelle: "Oh, nevermind." "If I have to tell you, you're just hopeless." "C'mon. Let's get back to work before your Grandad fires us both." CRASHDOWN - 6 P.M. OLIVIA HAS FINISHED WORK AND QUICKLY GONE IN THE BACK TO CHANGE HER SHOES AND GET HER BACKPACK. SHE WHISKS OFF THE UNIFORM AND STUFFS IT IN THE BAG ALONG WITH HER TENNIS SHOES. SHE REPLACES THE TENNIS SHOES WITH AN OLD PAIR OF COWBOY BOOTS. SHE IS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF HOW SEXY HER OUTFIT IS. SHE WALKS OUT FRONT JUST AS JOEL PULLS UP ON A MOTORCYCLE. Olivia: "Hi!" (surprised at the motorcyle, she cocks one eyebrow at him in question . . . ) Joel: (Hasn't even made it to her face yet. He couldn't believe how beautiful and sexy she looked. How in the world was he going to get any studying done tonight?!?!) (He finally looks up at her face with a strange expression on his and notices the questioning look) "Oh, yeah, I have a bike. Do you mind riding on one?" Olivia: "Oh, no, not at all." He hands her a helmet, which she puts on, and then he hold out his hand so she can climb on the back. She places her tiny hand in his, and stops right there. This is the first time she has ever touched Joel, and she's completely unprepared for the rush of sensations that just this small contact brought. He looks at her, wondering why she stopped. She regains her composure and gives him a bright smile to cover up the confusion she's feeling. Olivia: "It could be a little tricky getting on this thing." Joel: "Oh, yeah, I see." (not really seeing at all and having no idea what's going on) Olivia finally manages to get herself on the back of the bike without further incident, until she realizes that she has to put her arms around his waist to hold on. Joel: (looking back at her) "Are you o.k.?" Olivia just nods, unable to speak. How in the world was she going to make it two miles to her house . . . touching him the whole way . . . (groan). Joel: "You'll have to hang on . . . I hope you don't mind . . ." (sounding concerned) Olivia finally realizes that she's about to hurt his feelings and forces herself to relax. She gives him another smile (this one more genuine) and puts her arms around him. EVANS HOME -- EVENING MAX IS OUTSIDE PAINTING THE FRONT PORCH. IT WAS UNSEASONABLY WARM IN ROSWELL RIGHT NOW, AND HIS SHIRT HAD COME OFF LONG AGO. LIZ HAS BEEN WATCHING HIM THROUGH THE KITCHEN WINDOW FOR THE PAST HALF AN HOUR OFF AND ON, BUT EVER SINCE HE TOOK THE SHIRT OFF, SHE HAS BEEN UNABLE TO MOVE AWAY FROM THE WINDOW. IT WAS RIDICULOUS TO STILL BE SO IN LOVE WITH HIM AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, BUT WHAT COULD SHE DO? SHE LOVED TO JUST LOOK AT HIM. HE WAS SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL AND AGE HADN'T DONE ANYTHING BUT CAUSE HIM TO BE MORE ATTRACTIVE. (IF THAT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE) LIZ WAS WATCHING THE WAY THE MUSCLES IN HIS BACK AND SHOULDERS MOVED WHILE HE WORKED, AND DECIDED IT WAS DEFINITELY TIME FOR HIM TO TAKE A BREAK. SHE WASN'T GETTING ANYTHING ACCOMPLISHED IN THE KITCHEN ANYWAY. SHE QUICKLY POURED HIIM A GLASS OF LEMONADE AND MADE HER WAY OUT ONTO THE PORCH. HE SEES HER IMMEDIATELY WHEN SHE COMES THROUGH THE DOOR AND SMILES DOWN AT HER AS SHE HANDS HIM THE LEMONADE. Max: "Thanks. It's hot out here." Liz: (smiling) "Yeah . . . I can see that." (openly appreciating the sight of her husband) Max: "Don't start that, right now, or I'll never get this porch finished!" (laughing) Liz: "You are a fine one to talk. I haven't been able to do anything constructive since . . . (embarassed now that she started) Max: "Since, what?" (honestly curious) Liz: (blushing) "Since you took your shirt off." "I got a little distracted watching you." Max: "And, this is a problem?" (smiling at her again) Liz: "Well, if you don't want any dinner, I guess not." (teasing him) Max: "O.k. I get the point. Let's change the subject. Where are the kids tonight?" Liz: (taking a deep breath) "Let's see. Olivia should be home any minute, and she's bringing someone with her to study. I didn't recognize the name. I think he must be new at school." Max: (instantly alarmed) "He?" Liz: (smiling at him with a knowing expression on her face) "You're so goofy about this whole dating thing. Max: "I am not goofy." "I am cautious." (serious) Liz: "Uh huh. If you say so. " (smiling at Max's grim expression) "Would you also like to know where your son is?" Max: "Huh?" (distracted) "Oh, yes, of course." (realizing that Liz knew him too well) Liz: "Issac is at the library studying . . . as usual." "I'm a little concerned about him, Max." "He doesn't ever date." Max: "Don't worry about him, Liz." "He knows what he wants and he's just waiting for the right girl." Liz: "Are you saying that there is someone he's interested in?" (brightening) Max: "I'm not saying anything on the grounds that he'll kill me if I do." (hoping she won't push, because he can't resist her) Liz: "I see." (looking hurt) Max groans and gets ready to talk, but then Liz looks up and grins at him. Max: "You are in soooo much trouble." (relieved) Liz: "I can't help it. " "You are so much fun to tease." Max leans down to kiss her briefly, and just about decides that the porch can wait, when he hears the motorcycle pull into his driveway. --------------------------------------------- Joel turns off the bike and takes off his helmet. He turns around to see what Olivia is doing, since she hasn't moved a muscle during the entire ride. She still had her arms around him and was just sitting there looking for all the world like she was . . . meditating? Meanwhile, Olivia is chanting to herself over and over again, "I can do this." She doesn't even realize they've stopped. Finally, Joel pulls her hands from around his waist and gently takes her helmet off. Her vision clears and she smiles at him knowing that he's wondering what in the world is wrong with her. Unbeknownst to both of them, Max and Liz have observed this entire affair from the front porch with varying degrees of foreboding. Max, because of Joel, and Liz, because of Max. He really was an idiot where his daughter was concerned. Olivia: " Well, gosh, I'm really sorry. I guess I was daydreaming. " (shrugs) Joel: (looks somewhat unconvinced but grateful for any sort of explanation) "It's no problem." (gets off the motorcyle and waits for Olivia to follow . . . he offers her his hand again, and she takes it slowly, but not before he notices the hesitation. He was starting to feel like he had read her all wrong. She obviously had an aversion to touching him. He couldn't believe this, however, since touching her was doing such incredible things to him. Olivia was more prepared this time for the cascade of sparks that flew through her fingers when she put her hand in his, and she was able to smile at him and even get off the darn bike without falling in a heap at his feet. Olivia: "Ready to do some studying?" Joel: "Yeah . . . sure." (Yeah right! He thought to himself as he took another look at Olivia in her present attire.) ____________________________________ Olivia's outfit has made an impression on more than one male in the immediate vicinity. Her Dad, for example. Max looks like he's getting ready to go into orbit. If the outfit wasn't bad enough, what was the deal with Olivia just sitting there like that with her arms around this guy? Fortunately for Olivia, her Mom knows her Dad very well. Liz clears her throat to get Max's attention, and he tears his gaze away from his daughter and looks at her. Liz: "Max, I think you should come in and take a shower before dinner." Max: (preoccupied) "O.k. I guess . . . " (hesitates, but then follows Liz in the house) ____________________________________ Olivia and Joel are studying in the living room. Liz comes out of their bedroom heading for the kitchen to fix dinner, after safely installing Max in the shower. Olivia: "Oh, Mom, I'd like you to meet, Joel." "Joel, this is my Mom." Joel: (stands up) "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Evans." Liz: "Nice to meet you, Joel." "Can you stay for dinner?" Joel: (looking toward Olivia unsure) "I . . . uh . . ." Olivia: "Of course he can." (smiling at Joel) Joel: "Well . . . yes, thank you, I can." (encouraged that Olivia wanted him to stay) Olivia: "Mom, we have a long way to go on these notes tonight. I'm sorry I can't help with dinner." Liz: "Oh, yeah, . . . that's no problem, sweetie." "I know how hard you've been working on that mid-term." "I'll call you when dinner's ready." (heads for the kitchen) ---------------------------------------- Joel: "Your Mom seems very nice. You look like her . . . a lot." Olivia: "Yeah, that's what people say." Joel: "It's incredible actually. I don't know if I've seen anyone look more like their parents." (puzzled) Olivia: "You should see my brother, Isaac." "He's the mirror image of my Dad." Joel: "You have a brother?" Olivia: "Actually, I have a twin." Joel: "Really? Wow . . . I didn't realize." Olivia: (teasing) "Your sources must have fallen down on the job . . ." Joel blushed and reached over and tugged a strand of her incredibly long hair, but not very hard. Joel: "You are not going to let that go anytime soon, are you?" Olivia: (laughing now) "Highly unlikely." _____________________________________________ Max has just stepped out of the shower and is greeted by his beautiful wife. Liz: (sweetly) "Hi. I brought you a towel." "Are you about ready for dinner?" Max: "Yeah . . . (obviously preoccupied)" Liz: "Good, because we are having a guest." Max: (looking very unhappy at this information) "Really? Who?" (hoping it was anyone other than that Joel person) Liz: "You know very good and well who." "His name is Joel and he's very nice and polite." Max: "Doesn't it bother you?" Liz: "What?" Max: "You saw them together . . . they looked like . . ." Liz: "Like . . . us?" (gently) Max: (perplexed) "No! No. not . . . well, maybe . . . a little . . ." Liz smiles at his obvious discomfort. He is the most incredible husband and father. Liz: "I don't know what I did to deserve you . . . (steps up to him and wraps her arms around his neck pulling his head down so she can kiss him) Max: "Liz." (strained) "What about dinner?" Liz: "Don't worry . . . we have a few minutes . . . " (she whispers into his mouth just before the kiss explodes and they are both carried away) Max sweeps her up off of her feet and carries her into their bedroom and comes down on the bed with her. He was always so amazed at the way they loved each other so well. It was hard to believe they had been married eighteen years. It still felt so new to him. Liz was still so beautiful it made him ache just to look at her. Max: (stopping their lovemaking for a minute) "I love you, Liz." (he looks at her with all the passion that she had come to expect from him.) Liz: (touching his face tenderly) "I love you, too." ________________________________________ DINNER - Max and Liz emerge from the bedroom half an hour later and head for the kitchen together to get dinner ready. They are almost contstantly touching one another. Olivia is so used to the sight of her parents' obvious fixation with each other that she fails to notice the stunned look on Joel's face. Joel: "Are they always so . . ." (at a loss to describe what he was seeing) Olivia: "Yeah . . . Don't worry, you'll get used to it ." (in time . . . she thinks to herself) Joel: "Man, that's . . . kinda odd, isn't it?" (too amazed to think carefully about what he was saying) Olivia: (taking no offense) "On the whole, I'd say yes, but around my family, it's pretty much the way of the world." Joel: "Wow." (shakes his head) Olivia just laughs at him and takes a moment to really look at him. He was so beautiful, but also . . . intriguing. He suddenly realizes that he may have hurt her feelings with his remarks about her parents and he rushes to apologize. Joel: (serious) "I'm really sorry about what I said. I didn't mean . . ." Olivia: "Don't be ridiculous. It is strange to most people. I'm used to the reactions of my friends to my parents. Well, except for Michelle, of course, since her parents are exactly the same way." Joel: (really curious now) "They are?" Olivia: (trying to back out of the topic as quickly as possible) "Yeah. You know what? I bet it's time for dinner. Let's go see if it's ready." Joel notices Olivia's reluctance to talk anymore on the subject, and gets up to follow her to the kitchen. |
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