FanFic - Max/Liz
"Abduction, Guilt, and Forgiveness"
Part 9
by Kelly
Disclaimer: I've read a bunch of disclaimers, so whatever they say is good enough for me... Basically I don't own them. Boo Hoo Hoo!!!
Summary: Around a month after Balance, Max and Liz get back together. However like the in the history of their relationship though, someone or something interferes. To make it worse, something happens to a majority of the gang. From then on, even though they don't think it can get worse, it does.
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: PG
Authors Note: I know nobody wants to take the time to write feedback, but if you write something and no one responds, its really discouraging. Please tell me how it is, cause I want to make this story really long, but if no one tells you how it is (I want the truth) then its really easy to just give up, so please tell me what you think.
Alex stepped toward Liz at the same time as Michael and Isabel. Liz’s sobs only increased as Maria tried to comfort her and they approached her. In all the years he had known her, her had never seen her so upset. Even as Maria and Isabel hugged her, Michael held her hand, and Alex stroked her hair, she continued to ignore them. Maria got up, grabbed some Kleenex, and walked back over to Liz.

"Come on Lizzy hun," she said and as she handed her a tissue. "It’s ok, it’s ok, just tell us wha…"

Liz looked up at them, her eyes were puffy and red from crying, but there was a terror, anger, and an insane look in her eyes Alex had never seen. Alex realized at that moment what a mess she was. He became scared, she looked ready to kill, but at the same time too weak to move. Alex could only think of one person that could have made her this way. But no, it couldn’t be. That never could happen. Then, for the first time since she fled from her room, she spoke to them.

"No it’s not ok, it’s not ok," she sobbed. "And it’s all my fault. He’s not even there anymore. It’s not ok, it’s not ok, it’s not ok." They all stared at her. What was she talking about?

"Liz what’s going on?" asked Isabel. Even though she spoke in a firm and almost harsh voice, Alex could see her hands shaking. He put a hand on her shoulder while still stroking Liz’s hair with the other hand.

Liz was still sobbing, becoming more and more hysterical by the second. "It wasn’t him. He didn’t do it. I ignored him. It’s all my fault. What am I going to do? We have to help him. It wasn’t his fault he was trying to help and I just ignored him. He’s not even answering now. He’s not there. He should be there, but he’s not. It’s all my fault, all my fault, all my fault…" she just kept repeating herself.

Alex could tell by the looks on everyone’s faces that they were slowly beginning to understand what she was trying to tell them. "They don’t have Max do they Liz?" Isabel said in barely a whisper.

Liz nodded while tears continued to fall down her cheeks. "It wasn’t him." She handed Maria the thoroughly soaked paper. Maria squinted as she tried to make sense of the words that had been blurred by tears. As her eyes slowly went back and forth over the paper, Alex could see her eyes become glassy; she was almost ready to cry. Michael held his hand out and she handed him the letter.

"Dear Liz, I don’t know what happened earlier today, but I do have a few ideas. I listened to your message on Maria’s answering machine. I don’t know what the email said, but I really do love you, you have to believe that. I did hear someone in a bush behind me earlier today in the park, I can only think it might have been Kyle. I never would ask you to go back to him. Please just know that I love you. I’m going to try and get you all out, I don’t know how. If you get this I guess you’re ok, but I’m probably not with you and that is why I’m not explaining what happened to you directly. Please don’t come after me. Stay away, stay strong, and stay safe. I don’t want any of you coming after me. I’ll find some way to get out. I’ve been experimenting with some new things I’ve found I can do. Isabel and Michael don’t know about them yet cause I’ve only succeeded in using them once or twice. I wanted to make sure they weren’t just a mistake. Any ways, tell Isabel and Michael I love them and thank Maria and Alex for everything they’ve done for me. Hopefully I’ll be seeing you soon. Remember, I’ll always love you, nothing can ever change that. Max"

Alex could see why Maria was almost crying. Even though parts of it made no sense to him, he was amazed at how much Max really cared for Liz. Even though they all had been cruel to him, and Liz had told him to leave her alone, he still came for her, for them, and it probably has cost him his life. He looked around at the others. They all looked just as shocked and as if they were feeling terrible at themselves for how they had treated him. Even though they hadn’t known before, they were all blaming themselves somehow for what happened.

Isabel was the first to break the silence. "I can’t believe he would do this, always Saint Max. I guess we have no choice but to go and get him out." She tried to keep a straight face as she said this, but soon she broke down. "What am I going to do without him? He’s my brother. What am I going to tell my parents? Why did it happen to him? He didn’t deserve this! And what if we can’t help him?"

Michael interrupted. "Of course we will get him out Izzy. I don’t know why they haven’t come back for us yet, but if it’s the last thing I do I’ll get him out. We just have to get to the old factory without anyone seeing or following us. Maria, tell your mom you’re staying at Liz’s house for the night. Alex you tell you’re parents you’re gonna be with me. Isabel, you’re parents are gone for the weekend right? Liz you tell your parents that you’re staying at Maria’s." Liz didn’t acknowledge him, she just stayed curled up shaking on her bed. "Actually, maybe you should call them Maria," he added a second later. Maria nodded.

"I want to try and connect with him." Isabel said firmly. She closed her eyes. But after a few minutes reopened them. "She’s right. He isn’t there. It’s like he just doesn’t exist. Even if he had fallen asleep I should be able to get to him. But I just can’t." Here she started sobbing again. Alex put his arms around her and his chin on her shoulder. Still crying she leaned her head so that it was resting on his.

Maria knew they had to start acting so she stood up and lead the way downstairs. She looked back to see Liz lying on the bed still. Alex shook her head no and she left her there. Maybe she needed times alone now.

As they all filed down stairs, they were unaware of the man who stood below the window smiling listening to every word they said. As they left he room, he walked down the street to a car, got in and headed down the road away from Roswell.

Part 8 | Index | Part 10