FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
Part 2
by Lenore13
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB and Christopher Pike. No infringement intended.
Summary: After Destiny. Max and Tess have worked through their problems and are together. Even though Liz doesn’t want to admit it, and neither does Max, they still love each other. Tess continues to fight for Max’s love, and someone else fights for Liz’s..
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Michael couldn’t believe everything that he had just heard. He and Isabel had decided that they didn’t trust Liz to come back and tell them everything, but now he would understand if she didn’t. While he knew he shouldn’t interfere, he did know that Max would kill him if he didn’t watch over Liz, even if she was with her daughter, supposed lover and brother who he knew were also watching over her carefully. He wasn’t sure if he believed everything, but then again he did know that stranger things have happened.

"You shouldn’t meddle in business that has nothing to do with you." A voice growled from behind Michael. He turned and saw Liz’s supposed brother.

"Wait one minute, if this has anything to do with Liz, then whatever this business is, it has to do with me and a few others." Michael began to focus on gathering some of his energy just in case. He wasn’t sure he could battle a vampire, but he could at least try.

"How do I know you aren’t here to hurt her?"

"How do I know that you aren’t here to hurt her also?" Michael asked in response.

"I am her brother, I would never hurt her. Unlike Max." Yaksha’s voice cut through Michael, and he could tell he had reached a sensitive spot.

"You know nothing about Max and Liz. Sometimes things have to happen, and what happened between them had to happen, she and Max were not meant."

"While that may be true, Max hurt my sister. I am grateful that he saved her, I am extremely enraged that he has broken her heart, though Ray is here to mend that. If you are as smart as I think you are you will not tell your friends what you have seen tonight. Liz and Ray will leave soon, so do not try to complicate things. Let them leave in peace." With that Yaksha disappeared into thin air. Michael couldn’t believe what had just happened. He peered back into the window and saw that Liz was still sleeping, but now Kalika was cuddling close to her. He couldn’t believe the likeness of the two. If she wasn’t her mother, then Liz must have had a twin. After a few hours of watching Michael decides that it is safe for him to leave. Kalika, Ray and Yaksha have left and Liz looks as though she is going to wake soon.

Max and Isabel are waiting impatiently for Michael, Maria, Alex and Tess to arrive. Last night they had decided that they had to find out what was going on with Liz and this guy Ray. He obviously had done something to her. She would never throw herself at a guy like she had with Ray.

"Max….Isabel!" Michael’s voice rang throughout the Evans’ house. Max and Isabel ran downstairs. Once they were down stairs they looked to see if everyone was there and everyone was.

"So tell us, what did you find?" Max’s voice was urgent. He needed to know whom this guy was that was intruding into his love life with Liz. He could see that Michael wasn’t sure what to say, but he knew that Michael had found something out, he had been gone for hours.

"I don’t know really. They took her to a hotel and I just made sure she was safe until she woke up."

"Who is they?" Max’s voice wavered as he thought that maybe someone was going to hurt Liz.

"Some other guy, Ray and a little girl."

"Michael, what did they little girl look like?" Maria’s voice was desperate. She had remembered how Liz had said she had had a vision of a little girl that looked exactly like herself and that she thought it was her daughter.

"I didn’t get that good of a look."

"Michael, I know you’re lying, so just tell us."

"I swear Maria." Michael wished he didn’t have to lie to Maria, but if anything happened to her he would die. "Isabel… did you try dream walking?"

"Yeah, but all I could get was a black wall. Whoever we are dealing with is more powerful then we thought." Michael shuddered at Isabel’s last words. If only he could tell them the truth without endangering them.

Everyone has left the Evans’ house except for Michael and Max who have decided to stay and talk.

"Michael… I know you didn’t tell us the truth back there. What really happened last night?"

"Max, I can’t say. I really can’t."

"No, Michael, I have to know that Liz is ok."

"Max, I’m fine." Max and Michael’s head twisted around in a jerk at the sound of Liz’s voice. She was standing just inside their house, a little girl attached to her hand. Max looked at the little girl and an onslaught of emotions hit him. She looked exactly like Liz.

"Max… Michael… I’d like you to meet Kalika…" She wasn’t sure if she should tell them that she was her daughter yet, but she knew she had to tell them everything, at least Max deserved to know the truth.

"Hello Kalika…" Max leaned down and shook the little girl’s hand. As he touched her he was flooded with a sudden flash.


A small girl with brown hair that looked almost identical to Liz.


The same girl except a little more grown up.


a young woman with blonde hair, looking almost identical to Liz, coming over to the young girl and picking her up.


Ray coming over too and hugging the two and then kissing the woman.

-end flash-

Liz watched Max’s face change and she knew that he had seen the same visions that she had seen.

"Max, can we talk? I know that Michael already knows this, but you deserve to know the truth."

"Yeah… why don’t we go upstairs…" He couldn’t take his eyes off of Kalika, she looked so much like Liz that it was scary, and that woman was almost identical to Liz.

"Ok… Kalika, stay here with Michael, and be nice." She leaned down and kissed the girl’s head softly and released her hand. Kalika walked over to Michael and took a hold of his hand and led him outside. Liz smiled at the site. She then took Max’s hand and led him up to his room. At first touch she felt a small electrical charge, nothing compared to Ray made her feel, but something was still there…

Once inside Max’s room she made sure to close and lock the door. Max looked at her questioningly, but soon understood when he saw she seemed faintly worried.

"Um… so what do you want to know first?"

"I think you know. What happened to us?" Max couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that she hadn’t even thought about addressing that.

"We both have different destinies… you belong with Tess… and I… I belong…" before she could finish Max had taken her into his arms and kissed her. His lips pressing hard against hers, but she didn’t even react.

"Max, don’t do this. I love you, I really do… but I’m not in love with you. I’m in love with Ray. Please…" Liz’s voice was coming out in sobs by now.

"What happened to you? To us? I love you more then life itself, and I don’t love Tess. I never have, and I never will. I only went out with Tess to make sure that my love for you was only for you!" Max was almost hysterical at the thought that Liz didn’t feel the same way about him anymore.

"I can’t. Please, you have to understand…I have a daughter, and I’m different… really completely different." Liz couldn’t even bring herself to look into Max’s eyes, and he knew then that he had lost Liz forever. His heart shattered and he collapsed on the floor. Liz rushed towards him, but she knew she couldn’t do anything except wait for Max to recuperate, then they could talk.

"Max, when you are ready to talk you can call me. I have to go now…My daugh…Kalika is tired." Liz couldn’t believe she had almost slipped there.

"Did you just say daughter?" His voice was just above a whisper.

"Yes… Kalika is my daughter."

"But… how?"

"Are you sure you are ready?"

"No, but I need to know… do you want me to connect with you to be able to see?"

"No, I can connect with you now."

Liz places her hands over Max’s heart and tells him to clear his mind. As he does he feels the visions rushing towards him.


Max hears the conversation from last night that Liz, ray, Kalika and Yaksha had. He then sees Liz and Ray this morning playing with Kalika in the park. Next he sees Ray and Liz just holding each other, and then Ray is kissing her neck and he watches, as Liz becomes pale. He can feel his heart breaking for the second time as he looks at Liz’s lifeless body, but suddenly she is awake as Ray makes Liz drink his blood. Next he watches as Kalika and Liz catch up on times and Kalika tells her about her past and how there is someone else waiting to see her again. Another image of someone new comes into the vision, another man who looks to be about sixteen or seventeen. His name is Seymour.

-end flash-

As soon as it began the vision has stopped.

"Max… are you ok?"

"No, but what can I say?"

"What do you want to say?" Liz senses the anger and pain in Max, but there is nothing she can do.

"Your daughter is beautiful, she looks exactly like you."

"I’ll always be here for you… and thank you." Liz smiled at Max as she lovingly cupped his cheek like a mother would. And then she was gone.

Max, Isabel, Michael, Tess, Maria and Alex didn’t see Liz for awhile. Max had had to tell everyone and they were all shocked, but after they thought about it they knew that there was always something that seemed wrong with Liz. She after all had gotten visions when neither Maria nor Alex got them. Though the connection formed when Max saved her life could have caused that. But then there was the way that she always seemed to be expecting something, she didn’t ever know what, but she was always expecting something. Maybe she had known all along.

Michael and Maria had finally worked out their problems and were happily dating. Isabel and Alex were dating also, though Isabel still made sure to take things slowly. And then there was Max and Tess. Tess had finally given up on Max after the day Liz had shown him the truth. She knew she would never own Max’s heart, though she didn’t understand why Max wouldn’t give her another chance. Max stayed off by himself, his heart still shattered because he couldn’t be with Liz. He thought about her often, but he knew that she was happy and that she was were she was supposed to be. Sometimes at night he could swear that he saw her in his dreams. They were never naughty dreams, rather dreams of her playing with Kalika, or her coming back to Roswell and just spending time with him. He knew she loved Ray, and he also knew that Ray loved her.

After Liz had left, Ray had found Max and he thanked him. When he shook Max’s hand they both received visions. Ray’s were filled with how jealous Max was, but also of how happy he was that Liz was happy. Max’s were filled with how Liz had changed Ray over and how she had denied him for almost five years. He knew now that she knew how he felt about relationships and how far they could go with a different type of person. The two men looked at each other in awe and both knew that Liz was the object of both of their affection.

After a few months Liz returned with Ray and Kalika. They had gone back to California to visit one of her old friends. He was dying from AIDS and she knew that she had to save him… again. As soon as she returned though she had found that she had to change her name because of some evil forces still out to get their kind. Ray and Kalika had to change their name too.

"Max!" Liz ran up the steps of Roswell High and practically ran Max down.

"Oh my…" Max felt the blow of her against him as she hugged him tightly. His eyes roamed over her body. Her hair was blonde now and she seemed to be a little taller. "Liz… I need to breath…"

"Sorry! Oh and my name isn’t Liz anymore." Liz smiled from ear to ear. She had just gotten back and she wanted nothing more then to see her friends, she had missed them dearly while she was gone. Max looked at her quizzically. She looked absolutely breath taking, but he did like her brown hair better, but blonde suited her too. Why would she change her name? And why would she do this to herself.

"I had to…." Liz smiled and she then turned her head as she saw Michael and Isabel approaching, their mouths open in shock. They finally thought that Max had let another girl into his life, but once they heard her voice they knew it was Liz, but she didn’t look the same. Liz let go of Max and ran over to them and hugged the two quickly before they could say anything.

"Wow, it’s good to see you Liz." Isabel was glad to see Liz, but she couldn’t understand why Liz had stopped smiling when she said her name, or why she had bleached her hair.

"Ok, you guys have to stop calling me that… call me Alisa… Alisa Perne. "

"Why did you have to change your name?" Michael asked suspiciously.

"Oh, evil people all around. Plus, I guess the old me…I mean Sita used to go by that, so now I get to also…Hey can I talk to you guys sometime soon? I have some information for you!!!" Michael and Isabel looked at her with a surprised look, what kind of information could Liz…err Alisa have for them? Max just grinned, he already knew. When she had hugged him he had gotten a flash and immediately knew why she was back.

"Sure… should Maria and Alex be there?"

"Yeah, that would be great. How about we meet at Michael’s later tonight?"

"Sounds good to me" Isabel chirped in. "How about you guys?"

"Yeah, great with me…and we know Michael will be there." Max added.

"Ok, well you guys better get to class…wouldn’t want to be late!" Liz was completely ecstatic to be back in Roswell, even though she knew that this was no pleasure trip, this trip may just be the end for them if things didn’t work out right. She suddenly felt a pair of strong arms come around her waist and she instantly knew that it was Ray.

"Hey sexy… you ready to go?" Ray asked

"I think so… I thought I would just take a walk around before I left. I never really got to say goodbye."

"Well, ok…do you want me to come with you?"

"No… I’d like to be alone for a minute…is that ok?"

"Of course… just don’t leave me for too long… I wouldn’t want you in the arms of some other guy!" Ray kissed Liz’s lips softly and then released her.

Liz walked down the halls of Roswell high quietly. She knew that if she got caught she would instantly be recognized and she did not need… could not afford for that to happen. Since she had left so abruptly everyone had just figured that she had been kidnapped. Although Max and the group knew the truth they too felt as if Liz had been taken from them, but they knew that she had to leave. Liz wandered down the halls until she reached her old locker. She couldn’t believe what they had done. It was filled with messages of love and hope that she would be ok. She could smell the scent of flowers and she knew that her friends really did love her. After she had read all of the messages Liz walked back outside to Ray and together with Kalika they walked back to their house.

Ray, Liz and Kalika stood waiting at Michael’s door. They were nervous about how everything would go tonight. While they were in California they had found out that someone was going to come to Roswell soon and try to destroy her four friends… well maybe three, but Liz knew that Tess only meant well. Ray squeezed Liz’s hand in hopes of giving her some encouragement, but he knew this was hard for her.

"Hey…Alisa…Um…come on in…." Michael had still not adjusted to Liz’s change in appearance, or her new look. Liz hugged him as she walked in and whispered a thank you into his ear. He did have to admit that she looked good as a blonde, and she had grown a little. What could he say, she looked hot, but he quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind when Maria came into site.

"Michael…. Who the hell is that?" Maria watched as the girl detached herself from Michael and turned around.

"DeLuca… did you think anyone could take Michael away from you?" Liz teased.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" Maria ran up to Liz and hugged her closely. "Honey, what have you done to yourself… I mean you look good, but I loved your hair before!"

"We’ll talk about that later, why don’t you come inside…everyone is waiting." Liz ushered everyone inside; she was a complete wreck. As she once again felt Ray take her hand she felt a calm peace come over her.

"So you all are probably wondering what we are doing here. Well first off… it is so good to see you guys! I’ve missed you so much, but I did have to go back to California to help someone before it was to late. While we were there though we found out something…"

"Um…Liz…before you start I want to know what you’ve done to yourself…." Maria couldn’t wait to hear Liz’s explanation, and neither could anyone else. Ray looked at everyone’s faces. He knew they were upset, but he also knew that Liz wouldn’t be able to explain this.

"I’ll take this task on honey… When I changed Ali…I mean Liz into a vampire I also changed her past into her future. At first the changes were subtle. I didn’t think that by changing her I would also change her looks, but I guess that it did. I didn’t want it to though; so don’t go thinking it was my will. I loved her brown hair just as much as you did" Ray pointedly looks at Max. "But soon her hair had started to lighten and she began to grow. I don’t know why, and Yaksha and Kalika can’t explain it either. We think it may have to do with the fact that Sita is taking over Liz’s body. That is also why she changed her name to Alisa, that is the name Sita used to go by. If she went by Liz then all those who were here to help us wouldn’t know and all those here to destroy would."

"What do you mean?" Max was still curious and worried about anyone hurting Liz.

"Well, it all goes back to the shooting back in September last year. That wasn’t an accident, it was planned. Somehow one of Landulf’s men found out where Liz was and who she was. They were supposed to kill her so that she could never return to earth again. Thanks to Max, she lived, and I am forever indebted. Now do you all understand?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. They were all stunned that Liz hadn’t changed on purpose, but rather that the spirit of Sita was taking over Liz’s body and changing it.

"So, ok… now can I continue with what we found out?" Liz was getting annoyed that all they wanted to know about what her physical changes and name change. Everyone nodded again.

"Ok… while we were in California I found out that someone had received a warning that they were supposed to be looking for you guys here. Your enemy is starting to assemble, they know where you are and what you look like…. So I suggest that you guys get your act together and work on something to do. Ray, Yaksha, Kalika, Seymour and I will help you, but Maria and Alex, you have to stay out of this. You will get killed if you try to help them. When I found out that they had received their warning I quickly became friends with them and learned some of their secrets, so I can help you guys, but you will still have to work together on this." Liz couldn’t help but look at Max and then Tess. She knew they weren’t going out, but Max was avoiding Tess at all cost.

"What sort of secrets?" Michael questioned as he too looked at Max and then Tess.

"Well, I know some of their weaknesses and I also know that you have stronger powers then they do. I got to watch them practice a few times and I know that they are pretty weak in most areas. The only advantages they have are that they have more people then you do, and they have a few weapons. Luckily I was able to get a few for you, and I was also able to get a few away from Landulf… and these weapons are way past any alien weapons. So now all I need to know is when the best time to practice would be."

"How about after school… I can get out of work and I’m sure Michael can too… if we have to we can quit." Max said.

"That would be great… as long as you don’t mind." Liz still couldn’t bring herself to fully looking into Max’s eyes. She still felt bad for breaking his heart the way she had.

"No, I think Max is right, we need to work hard on this. I will quit work, and I think you should to Max… we have to devote our time to this if we plan to win this battle." Michael added.

"Ok, so I’ll see you after school then? Let’s plan to meet by the pod chamber, I think that is far enough out that no one would be able to see us."

"Yeah, that sounds good. See you then." Isabel, Michael, Max and Tess said together.

As Ray and Liz walked back home Ray could tell that there was still something bugging Liz.

"What’s wrong?"


"Don’t lie to me."

"I just miss my friends. I wish I could go to school, I really would have liked to finish…."

"It’s not safe though… if someone recognizes you what would we do?"

"I know… I just wish that there was some way that I could finish." Ray could see how badly she wanted to do this. He thought long and hard as they continued their walk. They always took long walks at night, often near bars so as to find someone to gain blood from. As they walked past the only bar in Roswell Ray could feel his stomach tighten and he knew that he had better get something to drink for Liz or else she would become sick.

"You haven’t been drinking your blood honey."

"I can’t do it… I can’t hurt someone just so I can get food…"

"But you need it… come on… please… for me."

"Ok…" Ray and Liz walk into the bar. A half an hour later Liz is walking out with another man and she leads him over to an alley. She does her deed and then leaves him. She feels completely disgusted at having hurt another who didn’t truly deserve to be hurt.

Ray sat inside their house waiting for Liz. He knew she needed time to think, but he was growing anxious. He needed to tell her something. When he heard her coming he ran to the door and tossed it open.

"Alisa… we need to talk."

"What’s wrong?"

"I was thinking about what you said earlier… about wanting to finish school… well I think you should. You will register under the name Alisa Perne and you will just keep a low profile. Ok?" He knew this would make her happy and he could see the smile spreading on her face.

"Oh thank you so much Ray! I love you…. I really do… you know that right?" She always questioned his knowing that she loved him, but she knew that he did.

"Of course, now lets go check on our Kalika and Seymour… I think they are still up."

Part 1 | Index | Part 3
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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