FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
"Insatiable Hunger"
Part 4
by Christina
Disclaimer: don't own them, but I have fun playing with them!
Summary: THIS IS A CHALLENGE BY SARA!!! 1. Must be M/L
2. Has to be NC-17 in every part that you write
3. Max and Liz have to have sex in the following: Max's bedroom, Liz's bedroom, Crashdown Cafe, Desert, and the Eraser room. ( Be VERY DESCRIPTIVE !!!!)
4. Max and Liz have a water fight and pillow fight
5. Max and Liz get detention and make out on a desk
6. Max picks out Liz's night wear and Liz does the same for Max, both of their outfits have to be sexy
7. Both of their parents catch them having sex ( Must use one of the places listed on # 3 )
8. Max and Liz have a talk about them being caught in bed with their parents

Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Twenty minutes later, Max and Liz pulled up in the parking lot of Michael's apartment complex.

Still holding hands, they walked up to the main hallway and entered. They walked until they were right outside Michael's door. Liz raised her hand to knock but Max stopped her by clutching her arm and whirling her around to face him, taking her completely by surprise. He pressed his opened mouth up to hers in a strong, dynamic embrace of lips, tangling his hot tongue with hers.

His kiss made her nerve-endings sizzle and her knees go weak. Max had to support her. After several mind- bending orgasms in one day, she would have sworn that her body would have been completely spent, but as soon as his lips and body pressed up against her, she was a goner. She felt her insides heat up again and an all to familiar warmth spread in between her legs. She couldn't believe how her own body continued to respond so fervently, over and over again.

When Max pulled back, he said, "I had to do that one more time before we said goodnight."

"I'm glad you did!" She smiled. And then she narrowed her eyes at him and pouted. She said, "But you got me all turned on again." She looked down and saw that he was aroused as well, and she said, "We're going to be the death of each other, you know?"

He nodded his head and chuckled. "That's exactly what I was just thinking."

Liz raised her hand and knocked on Michael's door. When no one answered, Liz and Max looked at each other and Liz grinned, her eyes shiny with amusement, and said, "You don't think that they..."

He smirked and shrugged and then held his hand over the lock. Liz heard a click and then Max opened the door partially, not looking in yet. "Michael! Maria! We're here! If you're naked, please get dressed! We don't really want to see you two in the nude!"

Liz broke out into hilarious laughter. Eventually, when they got no answer, they walked in and saw that a sleeping Michael and Maria were laying in each other's arms on the couch. Fully dressed.

"I heard that Maxamillion," Michael muttered, his eyes still closed, and pulled Maria in even closer. A half- asleep Maria half-sighed, half-moaned happily into his neck.

Softly, Liz spoke. "Maria, I'm really sorry to disturb you but if we don't get home soon, our moms are going to ground us for the rest of our life."

Liz saw her shoulders sag, and a sad sigh come from her lips and then she pulled away from Michael and sat up. She began to lace her navy-blue Vans. Michael sat up as well, and ran his hands through his messy hair. He cast an annoyed glance at Max and Liz and then he leaned in and whispered into Maria's ear.

Liz couldn't tell what he said but she saw Maria's eyes light up and she heard Maria softly say, "Of course. I could never forget that." They smiled at each other warmly for a moment and then Maria sat up and said, "Okay chica, lets go."

Liz leaned in and gave Max a deep kiss on the lips, and then Maria pulled her away by the arm. "Mothers? Grounded? Remember?"

Liz rolled her eyes and nodded. How could she forget? Both of the girls looked at their respected love- interests and said bye, closing the door shut behind them.


"Okay, Maria what happened?" Liz asked, gleefully. She was dying to know.

"Nothing Max, we just talked." Michael answered, annoyed.

Max gave Michael a disbelieving look. "Talked? Yeah right Michael, whatever I saw on that couch, it wasn't preceded by talk."

"What are you insinuating, Liz?" Maria asked, glancing quickly at her in the passenger seat.

"That after today's conversation, girl, there was no way that just talking was going to go on." Liz said, her face smug.

Michael sighed. "I never said that we were going to do anything, Max. I was just curious about what it was like for you?"

"Uh-huh, I believe you," Max said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"You better believe me Liz, because nothing happened." Maria bit her lip and smiled. "We just cuddled."

Max laughed again. "Just cuddled? Why does that seem so unlikely considering you've already gone to second base on past occasions? Or was that third?"

"Look, Liz! We talked about sex, and we decided that we wanted to do this right first. We didn't even kiss tonight. We decided that we would start this out right. Tomorrow night we have a date."

"A date? So, is that what she 'could never forget?'" Max asked in a dreamy voice, imitating Maria.

"Funny, Liz. You should be a comedian. But, yes. What can I say? I'm excited. Now, off of me and on to you..."

Michael raised his eyebrows " was your night?"


"Mrs. Parker and Mr. Evans, welcome. Go ahead and take a seat." Mr. Wykowski pointed towards the vast expanse of empty seats and both Liz and Max sat down near the front. The teacher grabbed his briefcase off his table and said, "I have a faculty meeting to go to right now, so I ask that you both write an essay on why it is important to follow the rules, until I return at 3:15. Then you can leave."

He walked over to the door and then turned around and said, "I know that you're both good kids so I hope I don't have to tell you that there is no loitering in the hallways after school. I trust that you'll stay in this room and behave yourselves." Max and Liz both nodded eagerly and then Mr. Wykowski stepped out.

As soon as he was gone, Max stood up and walked over to Liz's desk. He pulled her up from her seat and wrapped her in his arms, kissing her softly. He whispered into her ear, "I thought he'd never leave."

She nodded in agreement and then sighed, completely happy in Max's arms. It had been an extremely long day apart from him. Granted she saw him at lunch and during second hour biology and fourth hour English, but she hadn't been able to touch him and it had driven her crazy.

"I missed you, today" he said, looking into her eyes lovingly.

"Me too." She then shook her head realizing how dumb that sounded. "I mean, I missed you."

He smiled and nodded. "I know what you meant." He sighed and said, "Well, we better write our papers before we talk anymore."

"Do we have to?" she asked, pouting.

He sighed, a smile still on his lips. "I think so. But let's write fast so I can hold you again, okay?"

She nodded. "I'll race you, then."

He laughed and then they both sat down and began to scribble their pieces of paper. Liz wrote fast, bullshitting the entire thing. She wrote what she knew the stuffy student council counselor would want to hear. Introduction paragraph, why it's important to follow the rules. Supporting paragraph one, rules help maintain order, blah blah. Supporting paragraph two, rules are there for peoples safety, blah blah blah. Supporting paragraph three, the world would be in chaos without rules, blah blah blah blah blah. Conclusion, rules are good. Done!

Her and Max both put their pens down at the same time and then got up and ran towards each other and kissed. He picked her up with his strong arms and she wrapped her arms around his waist, their lips never leaving each other. He walked towards the door blindly and closed it and then led her to the teachers desk. With one swipe of his arm, he cleared it of the office supplies and then sat her down on the corner.

His lips left her and went to her neck. She leaned back on her palms and sighed in pleasure. His mouth pulled away and his hands went to the waist of her shirt. He pulled it up to right under her bra, exposing her bare tummy, and began to place hot and wet, desire filled kisses on her skin. She arched towards him and moaned. His mouth felt so delicious on her skin.

He pulled back and stole her swollen mouth again, leading her down so that she was laying on the table. He crawled on top of her and began to rub his hands all over her. They were both so starved for each other. Through their clothes, they grinded their throbbing centers into each other, and moaned.

They only stopped when they heard a smug voice coming from the doorway. "If I knew that detention was like this, I'd probably try getting into trouble more often."

Both of their head shot up and they saw Michael leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest and a self-satisfied smile tugging at his lips.

Slowly Max pulled back and through gritted teeth, said "Hey there Michael. So glad you could drop in." He sounded anything but glad.

Michael snorted in laughter and said, "I bet you are, Max."

Liz sat up and straightened her rumpled clothes. She nodded coolly at him. "Michael."

Loving the fact that they were disturbed by his entrance, he cheerfully said, "Hey there Liz! How's it going on this fine day?"

Unimpressed, she raised her eyebrows and looked down at him over her nose. "It was going just fine until we were interrupted."

When Max pulled away completely from Liz's body, he noticed that the bulge in his pants was extremely obvious. He untucked his shirt and faced Michael. Michael noticed this and laughed again. "What can we do for you Michael?" he asked sighing.

"Nothing really. I just noticed that the teachers were all in a meeting and I figured that I'd go see my good friends and say hi. So hi!" He flashed his teeth at them, completely loving their annoyance with him.

"Is that it?" Max asked giving off a strong hint that he wanted him to leave.

Michael shook his head and walked into the room. "Actually Max. Maria and I were talking and we thought that since both you and Liz have work off tonight, that maybe you'd like to go out with us? Like a double date?"

Max looked at Liz to see what she thought and she shrugged and nodded. "Sure, why not? I'll have to think up a lie for my parents," she added grimly, "but I'm sure that I could make it happen."

"Great," Michael said and then he smiled turned to leave. He called behind him as he left. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing."

Liz smiled up at Max, and said, "Now, I thought that HE would never leave."

Max smiled and then let out a surprised gasp as Liz roughly pulled him down to her again.

"Now, where were we?" she murmured, her lips fluttering against his.


When Max got home from detention, he walked to the kitchen and opened up the fridge, in search of something to drink. He was thirsty and he pulled out a can of cherry cola. He walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a glass.

He poured the cola in and then pulled his bottle of Tabasco sauce from his back pocket and added a generous amount to the glass. He took a giant drink and sighed.

"Oh, Max honey. I didn't realize you were home already," he heard his 'mom', Diane, say.

He turned around to face her. "Well, I didn't have to work today so here I am," he said, his voice a little cool. He was still upset about the restriction his parents had put on him seeing Liz, and he wanted to let her know it.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you anyways, dear. The Parkers came over to see us today and we had a long talk." She said as she moved a little closer to him.


She nodded. "Yes. We decided that we may have been a little harsh when we said you and Liz couldn't see each other. Don't get me wrong, we aren't happy about the way that you two have been acting so irresponsible, but we decided that saying that you should stay away from each other isn't going to solve anything. So, you guys are allowed to see each other again." Max's heart soared in excitement, but then deflated a little when he realized that she wasn't finished. "On one condition. Sometime this week, I would like to speak to Liz and her mother would like to speak to you. We just want you two to understand our concerns."

Max grimaced slightly. "I have to talk to Liz's mom about our relationship?"

Diane nodded and said, "I know that you may not be happy about that, but we both want to bring you down to our level. Understand?"

Max sighed and nodded, and then picked up his drink. "Sure mom. As long as I get to see Liz, I'll do anything."

"Good." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and her nostrils flared. She looked at the counter and picked up the bottle of Tabasco. "You put this in your coke, didn't you?" He nodded and she shuddered and stuck out her tongue as though she were gagging. "I will never understand how you and Isabel can smother this stuff over everything you eat or drink. It's disgusting. Gives me the wiggins."

He raised an eyebrow at his mom and said "The wiggins?"

"Oh, excuse me. I forgot that parents using modern slang was uncool," she said, rolling her eyes in amusement and making her way out of the kitchen.

Max then thought of his and Liz's date later that night. "So, Mom. Does this mean I can go out with Liz tonight?"


"So, where are we going?" Liz asked as the four left the Crashdown at six-thirty that night. She still couldn't believe that their parents had changed their minds so quickly, even though she wasn't too thrilled about the one-on-one with Diane Evans.

"How about a movie?" Maria suggested.

"Nah," Michael said, "There's nothing good out right now."

"We could go get something to eat," Max said. But that got boos all around.

"Besides Max," Liz said, "If we really wanted to eat, we could have stayed at the Crashdown."

All of the sudden, Maria's eyes lit up and she cried, "I've got it! Bowling!"

"Bowling?" Michael grimaced.

She tugged on his arm, "Yeah, come on, it'll be a blast."

He looked at Max and Liz and said, "What do you guys think?"

The couple looked at each other and then shrugged. "Sure," Liz said.

Michael sighed and plastered a half-fake grin on his face. "Well, it looks like we're going bowling then. Yay!"


"We'll probably all get foot diseases from these things," Michael grumbled, eyeing the alley shoes in distaste.

Maria slapped him lightly on the arm. "Oh, stop being such a whiny baby, Michael. You're going to have good time whether you like it or not."

After they picked out their bowling balls and got the score card set, they began to play. "Liz is up first," Max said.

She smiled at him and then went over and picked up her ball. She then approached the lane and maneuvered so that she was balancing the ball in between her two hands. Max really enjoyed watching her shake her ass as she got the ball ready. She then brought the ball back and let roll forward. It went only ten feet before it slid right into the gutter.

She turned around and stamped her feet like a baby, a pout on her lips. Max jumped up and said, "Here, I'll help you with that." The ball appeared out of the chute and he picked it up for her. He lined her up with the floorboards and then put the ball in her hand. Then he closed in on her back side, his chest touching her back, and he put his hand over hers on the ball and gave her some instructions.

Right before she moved to roll the ball, she said, "I think I'm enjoying this game already," and she rubbed her ass over his front, giggling. All ten pins went down and she jumped up and hugged him, giving him a sweet kiss.

"Okay, okay, you guys. Break it up. This is a public place. No groping allowed" Michael said and laughed at the looks they shot him when they went to sit down. When he sobered, he smiled at Maria and said, "Your turn."

Maria walked up, grabbed her ball and shot a perfect strike. She threw her arms up and said "Oh yeah, baby! I rule!"

"Great," Michael groaned. "I'm going to get showed up by my girl."

Maria smiled at this and walked up to him. "Your girl?" she asked, shyly.

He looked into her eyes and grabbed her hand. "Yeah," he said softly.

Max and Liz looked at each other and grinned. Max got up and rolled his ball. Eight went down. On his second ball, none. He looked at Michael and said, "Looks like you're not the only one."


Two hours and three games later, they finally left the bowling alley.

"So, where to now?" Max asked.

"We could go back to the Crashdown for some dessert," Liz suggested. She looked pointedly at Max and said, "I'm kinda craving an Alien Blast."

The other couple rolled their eyes and Maria leaned in and whispered into Michael's ear, "Something tells me she doesn't mean ice-cream."


After stuffing themselves with desserts until they were groaning, Michael and Maria excused themselves to go back to his place. For some 'cuddling', Liz supposed.

"What time is it?" Max asked her after they left.

She looked at her watch and said, "9:30."

"Still early," he said looking her in the eyes.

It took her a minute to catch on, then she smiled. "You know, my parents are at my aunts house until after eleven."

He grinned and said, "I'll race you to the balcony. One-two-three-go!"

Liz jumped up and ran past the employee doors and made a mad dash up to the stairs and to her room. When she crawled out the window, she saw that Max was lying in the lounge chair and polishing his nails with his breath. He looked at her and said, "Jeez, what took you so long."

She pouted and stuck her tongue out at him. "Ha, ha. Very funny."

"Oh, poor baby. Someone is a poor loser." He teased as he stood up and wrapped her in his arms.

"Mmmm," she sighed, relaxing in his embrace. She pulled back and then tugged on his arm. "Come on."

They crawled into her room and began to kiss each other. He pulled back and grinned at her wickedly. "You know, Liz," he said walking over to her dresser. "I never did get to see in your underwear drawer when Kyle looked around."

She blushed and he said, "Do you mind?"

Hesitantly, she shook her head. He opened it up and began to go through her delicates. Most of her drawer was filled with an array of colored bras and panties. But, under the pile he saw something very black and lacy. He pulled it out and held it up.

It was a very sexy, very slinky teddy. "WOW!" he said and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Oh, God," she said burying her head in her hands. "I'm going to kill Maria," she said.


She looked up at him and explained. "She bought it for me as a gag-gift last year for my birthday. We were looking through a Victoria's Secret catalogue a few weeks before and I said I couldn't believe that anyone would every wear something like that so naturally, she ordered it for me and had it delivered to my house. My mother saw it and about choked."

"Well, I wouldn't mind seeing you in that," he said.

She shook her head ferociously and said, "No way. I am not putting that thing on."

"Awww, why not?" he pouted.

She shook her head and said "Cause I don't want to. Maybe another time."

"Fine," he sighed and put it back into her drawer. She walked over to her bathroom to brush her hair.

"I have a request," he said as he joined her in the bathroom.

"What's that?"

"Can I do that? I've always wanted to," He said, a little unsure, nodding to her brush.

"Brush my hair?"

He nodded and she handed him the brush. He ran it slowly through her silky hair for a while, amazed at how wonderful and beautiful it was, how soft. She found his grooming of her to be surprisingly erotic and she closed her eyes.

"Done," he said, as he placed the brush down on the sink. She looked up at the mirror and their eyes locked. Slowly, his hands snaked around her waist, and he hugged her from behind. "I think we look pretty good together," he whispered.

She nodded in agreement and then shuddered as he slowly pulled her cascade of brown hair away from her neck and planted a soft kiss. Her eyes closed again and she sighed. When he stopped, she turned around and looked at him.

She undid the top three buttons on his shirt and leaned in and slowly kissed the exposed flesh. He let his head fall back slowly, relishing the feeling of her satiny lips on him.

"Come on," she whispered, leading him back to the bedroom. They laid down on the bed and Liz slowly undid the rest of his buttons, completely exposing his chest. She trailed soft kisses all the way down to his waistline and then very slowly undid his pants and pulled them down. He sat up and very gently removed her own clothing running kisses down her shoulder and over her arm until her reached her hand. He took each of her fingers and sucked on them, one by one.

Finally, they laid back in each others arms, completely nude, and slowly tangled tongues. Gently, she rubbed up against him and he dropped a hand down to cup her. She arched against him slightly, and moaned.

When she was ready, she looked him in the eye and nodded. She pulled him on top of her and opened her legs, welcoming him. He gripped himself, and slowly, tenderly, inched into her wet center. Their eyes were locked the entire time. He slowly moved in and out of her, and watched as her mouth opened in pleasure, but remained soundless.

The mood was much more different this time then it had been before. It was more impassioned. Less hungry. This time it really felt like making love.

When he was brought to the brink, he saw in her eyes that she was there as well and she arched into him, her eyes closing and her head falling back. They tightened their arms around each other as they rode out the storm.

When they were done, they laid side by side, and he wrapped her in his arms from behind.

He heard her whisper something and asked her to repeat herself. She gripped his arms around her tighter. "I said, that was beautiful."

He nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "I couldn't agree, more."

Part 3 | Index
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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