FanFic - Max/Liz
Part 14
by Anne
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or any of the characters. I have no affiliation with the WB television network or the author, Melinda Metz.
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: R
Authors Note: Lyrics from Edwin McCain.
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful,
stop me and steal my breath.
Emeralds from mountains
thrust towards the sky,
never revealing their depth.

Kyle closed his eyes again, so he could hear a little better. It only took a moment to discern the direction that he needed to go. Wait. Why was he doing this? If somebody wanted to sit out here and cry, what business was it of his? In the end, reason lost the war with curiosity and something else . . . something even stronger . . .

As he drew closer, he could see that it was a girl crying, but he hadn't really needed to see her to know that it was. She was sitting in a patch of moonlight, all by herself. Her hair was blonde. No, not blonde. Almost white it was so pale, and . . . very, very long. In spite of himself, Kyle felt his heart squeeze just a little for someone he didn't even know. Weird. Why should he care? She just looked so intensely alone. Great! Now he was waxing poetic. He wanted to walk away right now before he got any closer and the die was cast. Oops. Too late. She looked up.

Kyle stood perfectly still and waited. One . . . two . . . three . . . And, he waited some more. He was waiting to remember how to breathe. Damn. He better hurry, or he might need a paramedic. He wasn't absolutely sure that he wasn't hallucinating, but her eyes were an incredible shade of green . . . and they were screaming in pain. Definitely a wrong turn. Why hadn't he gone home when he had the chance?

Taking a deep breath, he inched a little closer to her, and sat down beside her, not looking at her, but at the road.

Kyle: "I know weddings can be depressing, especially when you don't have a date, but surely it's not that bad."

Wendy abruptly stops crying and stares at him like she's never seen a guy before. He can see her in his periphery, and smiles at the expression on her face. What the hell. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Kyle: "What's your name?"

Wendy: (still sniffling) "My name?"

Kyle: (chuckling) "Yeah . . . yours . . . what is it?"

Wendy: "Oh . . . uh . . . "

Kyle: (looking at her directly now) "Oh c'mon . . . "

Wendy: (looking down) "It's Wendy."

Kyle: "Well, Wendy, what in the world are you doing out here by yourself?"

Wendy: "I'm . . . wait . . . . . .who are you?"

Kyle: (smiling) "I'm Kyle, Kyle Valenti."

Wendy: (taking a deep breath and relaxing a little) "I'm Wendy Daniels."

Kyle: "So, Wendy Daniels . . . what are you doing out here?"

Wendy: "You mean besides crying?"

Kyle: "Yeah."

Wendy: (looking him squarely in the eyes) "Waiting for you."

Kyle: (stunned) "For me? . . . What?"

Wendy: (embarassed) "Nothing . . . I don't know why I said that. Forget it."

Kyle: (completely confused) "Yeah . . . sure . . . forget it. Okay. (pause) (turning to face her again) Look, that would be like forgetting to breathe . . . no, wait, I did that already." (shaking his head and wondering how someone he'd just met could make him feel so . . . hell, he didn't even know how he felt)

Wendy: "You forgot to breathe?"

Kyle: "Yeah . . . nevermind. I couldn't even begin to explain . . . "

Wendy: "I'm in trouble, Kyle."

Kyle: (eyes getting bigger) "Oh . . . (suffocating disappointment setting in) I see. Well, can I give you a ride somewhere, or . . . "

Wendy: "No. Not that kind of trouble. I'm not pregnant. I just don't have anywhere to go."

Kyle: (thinking this over) "That's hard to believe . . . Where are your parents?"

Wendy: "They died . . . a long time ago."

Kyle: "Who do you live with?"

Wendy: (eyes darkening and her face clouding over and becoming unreadable) "No one."

Kyle: "Not possible . . . there has to be someone . . . "

Wendy: (emphatic) "No! (quietly) There's no one."

Kyle: "Well, you can't stay out here all night."

Wendy: (looking a little afraid) "No, I'd rather not."

Kyle: (coming to a decision) "O.k., I'm going to go back inside for a minute and check on a possible place for you to stay. Do you want to come?"

Wendy: "No, please. I'll just wait for you here."

Kyle: (looking around the parking lot) "No you won't. Here's my keys. C'mon. You can wait for me in the car." (He helps her up and they walk across the lot.)

Wendy (smiling a little and having no idea the affect it had on Kyle): "Do you always give your car keys to strange girls you've just met?"

Kyle (trying to concentrate on the question, but not quite . . . ): "What?" (God, she was beautiful.)

Wendy: "Nothing. Where's your car?"

Kyle (shaking his head to clear it): "Here you go." "I'll only be a minute."

Wendy: "Thank you."

Kyle: "No problem. Lock the doors until I get back."

Walking back inside, Kyle wondered what in the hell he was doing. Not that it really mattered. He didn't seem to have any control over himself at the moment. He walked up to Michael and Maria, who were apparently getting ready to call it a night.

Kyle: "Michael, can I ask you something?"

Michael (raising one eyebrow): "Sure."

Kyle: "Is there anyway I could talk you into letting me use your apartment for a few days, maybe even a week?" "I'll pay you."

Michael: (relieved at the simple request) "No problem. Don't worry about the money. It's paid til the end of the month anyway." "Can I ask why?"

Kyle: "I'd rather you didn't, but if you insist . . . "

Michael: "No, no. No problem. What I don't know won't hurt me . . . right?"

Kyle: "Right. It's nothing bad."

Michael: "O.k. The key is under the mat. Help yourself."

Kyle: "Thanks, man. Oh, and, congratulations."

Michael: "Thanks." "See you."

Kyle: "Yeah . . . later."

A Few Minutes Later --

Max and Liz and Isabel and Alex have joined Michael and Maria, who are getting ready to leave. All in all, it had been a wonderful evening. Even Isabel had perked up considerably since her conversation with Alex. All she needed now was a place.

Isabel: (to Michael) "I know this isn't a great time to ask, but could I hang out at your apartment, while you and Maria are away?"

Michael (shaking his head): "The place sure has gotten popular all of a sudden. Sorry, Is, but Kyle Valenti just asked if he could use it and I said yes. Why in the world would you want it anyway?"

Isabel (hiding her disappointment well): "Oh, no reason exactly, just thought I'd spend some time by myself for a couple of days. No big deal. Maybe some other time."

Michael: "Sure. No problem."

Max: (to Michael) "Have you got everything?"

Michael (putting his arm around Maria): "Everything important."

Max: (smiling at them) "I meant things like cash, car keys, etc."

Michael: "I thought that was your job." (looking a little concerned)

Max: (grinning at Michael's expression) "Relax." (hands him an envelope with everything for the weekend inside)

Liz: "Maria, I . . . (fighting tears)

Maria: "Oh no. Liz, don't start. (fighting tears herself)

Liz hugs her best friend and kisses her on the cheek. She whispers, "I love you." Maria looks at Liz as she pulls away and with just a look she says how grateful and happy she is. Isabel kisses them both and Alex shakes hands with Michael. Then Alex, looks at Maria, and kisses her on the cheek and says, "Be happy." Maria squeezes his hand, but she can't say anything or she'll just completely lose it. He seems to understand and puts his other hand over hers. Max shakes hands with Michael, and they share a silent communication. Finally, it's time. They make their way outside walking close together, a small group inside a larger one, while the rest of the guests surround them and call out their congratulatoins and farewells. Michael and Maria pull out of the parking lot, and Max and Liz, and Alex and Isabel, stand there for just a few minutes watching til their taillights are out of sight.

Max looks down at his beautiful wife and can't wait to get home. He can tell she's still struggling a little to get her emotions under control. He suddenly felt so protective of her, even more so than usual, and that was saying a lot. She turned and looked at him then, and he pulled her close for a quick hug and whispered to her, "I love you, Mrs. Evans."

She pulled back a little and smiled and said, "Take me home and prove it." He smiled at her, and she thought to herself that he had the most amazing smile. A pirate's smile if there ever was one. It made her knees feel weak and her breath short. She ran one finger across his bottom lip tracing it lightly. Max looked into her eyes then, and Liz could see the struggle in him. They needed to get home . . . now! Max chuckled a little, as he led her over to the jeep. As she sat down inside, she asked him what was so funny. He said, "So you think I look like a pirate, huh?" Liz blushed, and said, "Oh, uh, yeah . . . that actually was a personal thought, you weren't really supposed to . . . "

Max just smiled and said, "I don't think we have any personal thoughts anymore." Liz glanced over at him and laughed, "No, I guess we don't."


Kyle finds the key under the mat, just where Michael said it would be and unlocks the door. Wendy follows him inside and looks around with open curiosity, but no criticism.

Kyle: "Whew! Looks like Maria's worked a little magic in here." "Last time I was here, it wasn't this nice."

Wendy: (frowning) "Maria?"

Kyle: (turning to look at her) "Maria De . . . uh, Guerin. The bride. This apartment belongs to her new husband, Michael.

Wendy (smiling again): "Oh, I see."

Kyle: "Well, you can stay here for a couple of days . . . maybe even a week. Will that help?

Wendy: "Yes. Thank you." "I think I'd like to take a shower . . . (looking uncertain)"

Kyle: "Oh, yeah . . . o.k. I'll just leave and let you . . . "

Wendy: (frowning again) "Leave?"

Kyle: "Yeah. Don't you want me to go so you can take a shower?"

Wendy: (looking confused) "I can take a shower whether you're here or not."

Kyle (eyes widening): "Well, um . . ."

Wendy: (looking sad again) "I understand if you have to go."

Kyle: "I don't. Have to go, that is. I was just trying to be considerate. I'll just go find something to watch on t.v."

Wendy: "So, you'll stay?"

Kyle: "Yeah sure. Go take your shower."

Wendy disappears into the bathroom, and Kyle sits down and flips on the television. He only did it because he said he would, though. He couldn't even begin to watch the stupid thing. His mind was completely occupied with trying to figure out the apparition in the bathroom. She had come into his life like a comet. The only difference was that those were usually announced. They hadn't said a word on the drive over. She was an enigma. Except for not wanting to be alone, she didn't seem to be the least bit upset about being in an apartment in a strange place with a guy she hardly knew. And what about this not wanting to be alone stuff? What did she mean by that? He supposed he could call his Dad and say he was spending the night at a friends, but . . . wasn't that a little too fast? His stomach growled just then, and let him know that he hadn't had anything to eat in quite a while. He wondered when she had eaten last. Maybe he should make a run for some food. He'd probably be back before she got out of the shower. He grabbed the key and let himself out and locked the door.

Max and Liz are about half way home. Liz glances up at the sky to see a million stars shining over her head. She hums quietly the song that she and Max had danced to tonight, and thinks that she wishes they were home right now. She wanted him. She'd been wanting him all day long. In fact, if he'd just pull over she could slip across his lap, and . . .

Max: "Liz, what in the world are you thinking about?"

Liz smiles over at him, and holds out her hand to him. He takes it, and she closes her eyes and goes back to her fantasy. In a flash, Max sees Liz astride his lap in the front seat of the jeep. He was buried inside her and kissing her neck. Her head fell back as she moved up and down, and her eyes drifted shut. Max swore under his breath, and pulled his mind away from the fantasy and back on to the road. He didn't even look at Liz. He was too busy looking for the first place he could find to pull over. Liz grinned and slowly pulled her long skirt up. She reached underneath it and pulled her underwear down and off. In spite of trying not to look at her, there was no way Max could keep from noticing Liz undressing in the seat right beside him. He pulled off the highway and drove a little way off the road. He turned off the engine and turned to face her. She was stunning tonight. Liz turned in her seat toward him and without taking her eyes from his, she unfastened his pants and unzipped them. He was painfully aroused thanks to Liz's fantasy flashing through his mind. Her eyes dropped slowly to his lap and she ran one finger up the length of his erection. She put her hands on his shoulders and waited for him to lift her up. As he did, she reached down with one hand and swept her skirt up and let it settle back down around them. He pulled her hips closer until she was just above him. Liz placed her hands flat against his chest and sank down slowly, while Max watched her expressive face. The feeling of having him inside her body was still a wonder to Liz and it showed in her eyes. She pushed up, a bit tentatively at first, and then sank back down again. Max groaned and reached for some semblance of control. With a little more confidence now, Liz started a rhythm that was slow and seductive . . . and driving Max absolutely crazy. He needed more. . . . and so did she. She whispered, "Max . . . please . . . "

Max waited a moment before doing anything. Finally, he said, "Tell me what you want." Liz opened her eyes wide and looked at him stilling her movements. After a moment, she said, "I want you to touch me." She pulled one of his hands away from her hip and drew it down between them. Max answered her request by rubbing his fingers against her lightly, forcing her to move closer to his hand. Liz sighed in pleasure. Max drew her into a faster rhythm than before by keeping his fingers just ahead of her body. Liz whimpered a little. Max whispered to her, "Tell me what you want, sweetheart." Liz gripped his shoulders harder, and desperation overcame inhibition, "I want you faster. I want you harder. I want you deeper." Max closed his eyes and fought to control the reaction that her words had caused in his body. He put both of his hands back on her hips and pushed up into her, while dragging her down, over and over again. Liz's body tightened in warning, and that was all that Max had been waiting for. He and Liz climaxed together, and Max saw an explosion of light and color inside his head. Liz was still shuddering in release and wrapped tightly around him. She found his lips with her own and rubbed her mouth across his. She traced his bottom lip with her tongue, but pulled back before deepening the kiss. "Max, . . . (Oh God, just thinking about it made her body clench in response). Max smoothed her hair back away from her face and let his hand rest on her cheek. Staring into her eyes, he said, "I know . . ." She brushed her lips against his again, and lightly kissed him. She started to reach for the buttons on his shirt, but Max stopped her.

Max: "As much as I'd love to continue this, I think we better wait until we get home."

Liz: (teasing) "Why?"

Max: (choking) "Why?!?!"

Liz: "Do you mean to say that you're not enjoying the great outdoors?"

Max: "You know very good and well that I'm enjoying it just fine, but I've had just about enough of this jeep. Not that I'm complaining . . . I'd just like a little more range of motion."

Liz: "Oh . . . like say, on the kitchen table?" (eyes sparkling with mischief)

Max: (sputtering) "The what? Whatever happened to the bed?"

Liz: (laughing out loud) "Just kidding . . . although, . . . "

Max: "Don't say it. Just don't. I still have to drive the rest of the way home."

Liz: (teasing) "But, I thought you wanted me to tell you what I wanted . . ."

Max: (threatening) "Liz!"

Liz: (still laughing) "O.k. I'll stop. For now."

Max sets Liz back in her seat and they straighten their clothing. As Max pulls back out onto the highway, he glances over at Liz and says, "I'm never going to be able to look at that kitchen table the same way again."

Liz smiles at him and lets her mind wander to the many varied and wonderful ways that their kitchen table could be employed. Max glances over at her again and groans, "Not again!" He puts his attention studiously back on the road and concentrates on getting them home in one piece.


Kyle unlocks the apartment door, and grumbles to himself about the ridiculous amount of time it had taken him to find something for them to eat. He had finally gone to a grocery store since nothing else was open.

He walks inside and stops stock still just inside the door. The bag starts to slip out of his hands, as his mind processes what his eyes have already seen. He barely saves the bundle from splattering all over the floor, but it was very close. Wendy was sitting on the couch writing in a book. No big deal. But, what the hell did she have on? Very little, apparently. In fact, he was never going to be able to concentrate on food with her sitting around in that . . . outfit? In reality, all she was wearing was a tank top and a pair of underwear. She wasn't even mildly surprised at having him see her in said outfit. She didn't squeal, or make a mad dash for the other room. She just sat there perfectly content to write in that book.

Kyle makes his way, albeit clumsily, to the kitchen bar, where he can finally get rid of the offending sack of groceries. Wendy has stopped writing and is watching him now with an expression of deep interest.

Wendy: "I thought you had gone . . . "

Kyle: (staring and unable to help himself) "I was hungry . . . (deep breath), and I thought maybe you were, too. Sorry it took so long. Everything was closed . . . (why the hell was he explaining?!?!)"

Wendy smiled at him and all of a sudden he knew exactly why he had felt compelled to explain. He couldn't stand to see her look so sad. That smile was priceless.

Wendy: "I am hungry, thank you." (She gets up to go inspect the contents of the grocery bag.)

Kyle struggles to get his mind on food and off her gorgeous body. Searching for something . . . anything, to distract his unruly imagination, he walks over and picks up the book she had been writing in.

Kyle: (holding the book and getting ready to open it) "What's this?"

Wendy: (eyes coming to rest on the object in his hand and then widening in horror) "Don't open that!! . . . (quieter) Please. . . . It's my journal."

Kyle's mind adheres to just one word . . . "journal" . . . and everything else falls away. For the first time since meeting Wendy, he thought about Liz Evans and her journal writing. It wasn't a painful thought, the way it usually was when he thought about Liz. Just a passing, "isn't that a coincidence?," sort of thought. Hmmph.

Wendy: (misinterpreting Kyle's silence): "I'm sorry . . ."

Kyle: (pulling himself out of his reverie) "Why should you be sorry?"

Wendy: (quietly) "I overreacted."

Kyle: (smiling to reassure her) "No . . . no you didn't. Journals are private. I should've known better."

Wendy: (relieved that he wasn't angry) "Well, maybe someday I'll let you read it."

Kyle (trying hard not to read too much into that comment): "Deal. Let's eat."

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