"The Real World …. Roswell Style" |
Part 4 by RBS722 |
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Disclaimer: This is a purely fun parody of the show the Real world. I do not refer to any real world cast members in anyway, and I do not mean to offend any real world fans. Also, I love all the Roswell characters. The dialogue I made is for entertainment and for laughs only. I am not in anyway bashing any character. There are also many sexual innuendos and undertones, so if you do not want to read any of that nature, I suggest you leave the thread.
Due to the popularity of the story I felt everyone should have a chance to read it. I in no way wrote this story I just compiled this all together straight from the Roswell 1 FanForem board and ran a quick spell check, I gave credit to everyone who participated and I'm submitting this with permission from the original author teddybehr. Hope you like.
Faith Evans angel_b242@yahoo.com Category: Other Rating: R |
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Cut to confessional...Tess... Tess: Ok, as my last confessional, and my goodbye, I would just like to justify why I made them see the vision. You know...it's just...Ok, really I have no justification. I just like making trouble. But hey, the Real World wouldn't be entertaining if I wasn't around. I think everyone hear is way too uptight. Why don't we just have a giant orgy...uh...did I just say that out loud? (looks around room, and sits there silent for a minute, then hits herself in the head) Oh, right...confessional...private...I forgot. cut to scene where Isabel and Liz are trying to make dinner. Liz: You have to pass me the garlic. Isabel: Me, walk all the way over there, to get the garlic? Excuse me? Liz: It's not that far, really. cut to confessional...Isabel... Isabel: I have come to the revelation that the garlic is my philosophy for life. I mean, you have to have your own unique taste, but you also have to scare people off if you offer too much of yourself. Although, Tabasco as a philosophy is also very interesting. cut back to Liz and Isabel. Liz: So...what's this I hear with you and Max in the hot tub? Isabel: Um.... Liz: Someone said someone urinated in there. That's all I’m asking. If you have a bladder problem, don't hide from it. Isabel: I don't have a problem. It's a medical condition. Liz: Oh... Cut to confessional...Isabel... Isabel: So, I sorta feel type of guilty. I dreamwalked into Liz's mind last night, and I saw something very interesting...it was her making love to Max but they used her journal as a kinky toy. I mean I knew the girl liked to write, but that was a little....um....weird. Plus, seeing Max like that was a little...dramatic. Isabel: So, where's your journal? Liz: Actually I can't find it. Isabel: Missing again? Or maybe someone was cleaning it. Liz: Why would someone clean it? Isabel: You know, all types of things can spill on it, like honey for instance. Liz: OMG! you walked into my dream! me and Max were using honey also! how could you? Max walks in. Max: What's going on? Liz: I'm too embarrassed...(she leaves.) he looks at Isabel. Isabel: I dreamwalked into her mind last night. Max: Why? Isabel: Well my reason is irrelevant. She had a wild sex dream about you. Max: She's thinking about sex 24-7, that's not a big surprise. Isabel: It was the other things in the dream... Max: Oh, she's told me about the baby oil and the beef jerky... Isabel: Ever heard of honey and her journal? Max: No, that is definitely new information. But it seems kewl, might be a good substitute for krispy kremes. Isabel: So, you're gonna stay. Max: I am gonna stay and moderate the KK. Isabel: Ok, as long as you hold up to your end of the bargain. |
Part 3 | Index | Part 5 |