"Our Real Families" |
Part 6 by Charmed Kitten |
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Disclaimer: I don't own them...just borrowing, but don't worry, I'll
bring 'em back the way that I found them, all broken and depressed. Summary: This is my thoughts on the aftereffects of Meet the Dupes with a bit of Max in the City or Journey to New York thrown in. I wrote the dupes without their accents, simply because it was easier to write. Hope you don't mind. Starts where Meet the Dupes ends....no spoilers just my own random thoughts. It does get a little dark later in the story, but not too bad. =) Category: Other Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: This is my first Roswell fic so don't be too cruel to me, please? Hope you like it! |
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The sky was green. The clouds were a lighter shade. The air felt
cold yet the cold was a comfortable feeling. Everything felt familiar
to her. She knew it was a dream, but she didn't know whose. It wasn't
her's, she felt too detached from it, but she hadn't made a concious
effort to connect with anyone. Maybe it was Max's, that would explain
it. Just then she saw movement in the distance. Isabel moved towards
the movement and suddenly she knew that she wasn't in Max's dream. In front of her she saw four beings. They looked like humans in their bodies, but their faces were different. Their eyes were much larger, like circles, but there were no white to them. Their eyes were completely black and they seemed endless, empty, yet not. She could feel the love coming from them. As she looked closer, she saw that they were a family. There were two adults and two children, at about ten years old. The adults were obviously husband and wife and deeply in love. The husband had spiky dark blond hair and was tall and muscular. He had an air of authority and power around him. His wife had long golden blond hair that was artfully pinned up around her head, she was small and petie. The young boy had his father's hair and built, he was almost the exact image of his father, except for his mouth, it was his mother's, full and wide. The young girl had shoulder length hair, but the color was quite unusal. It was a white blond, it looked almost pure white, she was petie like her mother with her father's strong nose, but her skin color was also unusal. It was a soft pink, like that of the inside of a rose petal. They were all sitting in a room with expensive furnishings and a warm fire burning. "Mom, Dad, how come we can't go to the party tonight?" the boy asked. "Because, Rath, you two aren't old enough yet," their father answered. Isabel was shocked. It was Michael in their past life. She realized that she was in Michael's dream or subconcious, but she didn't know how she had gotten there. She realized that the other child must be Tess, or Ava, as she was called in their other life. "When will we be old enough? I want to dance and have fun like everyone does at parties!" the girl yelled. "I want to dress up like Mommy and have all the handsome men think that I'm beautiful." The parents laughed at their daughter's statement. "Ah, Sirvat, I think that our daughter has been spending too much time with her cousin, Ava. All she thinks about now is dressing up, parties and having fun." He knelt down to his daughter's height and said, "Kalika, my little rosebud, your time will come, too fast for me, but it will come. Until then you must be patient and strong. And keep up with your studies. I don't think that you will be able to see Ava for a couple of weeks now. Your tutors have told me that you have not been doing your usual work lately. Now I know that Ava is fun and you love her very much, you should, she is your family, your blood, but you must do your work. Never waste your brain, my child. It is a beautiful gift and you are so smart." "But, Daddy..." "Kalika. Do not argue with your father on this. Uncle Kiril has said the same thing. Ava does not have the same love for science and such as you do, her talents lie else where. Both of you are so different, my darling. Don't try to be each other's twin." Sirvat laughed at that statement. Isabel was confused. Who is Kalika? They had all believed that Michael and Tess were brother and sister. "I'm Kalika's twin, not Ava," the boy said. He turned to his sister with a hurt expression on his face. "Lika, are you saying that you don't want to be my twin anymore? You don't love me?" "Rath! I love you, I still want to be your twin. I'll always be your twin. But Ava's a girl. You're a boy, you don't like to talk about the stuff that Ava and I do." "Oh, okay. That's okay, cause Thanos and I do stuff that you and Ava don't like to do, so it's okay for you to love her too." Suddenly the scene changed. Isabel saw the two children about two years later, sitting in a window seat with their heads together. There was a sense of urgency between them. "Okay. So you rigged the buckets over Thanos' and Ava's sitting room door right?" the girl, Kalika, asked Rath. "Yup, sure did. They'll never know until it's too late." Both of the children laughed at the thought of what they had planned. "This will show both of them. We can plot and scheme with the best of them. But their idea for putting bugs in our bed was a good one." "Yeah, but it was all Thanos' idea. Ava wouldn't touch bugs if her life depended on it," Kalika giggled. "I can just see her face. The rules were that both had to be involved in the planning and execution of the pranks." Rath nodded at his sister's logic. Footsteps were heard down the hall as well as giggling. They knew that their cousins were coming. The twins hurried and hid in the long folds of the curtains and waiting for their cousins to fall into their prank. But their breath caught when they realized that their cousin's weren't alone, with them was one of their parents' guest, Lady Raine. They looked at each other with fear and dread in their eyes. They couldn't warn Lady Raine because the rules were that no one besides the cousins could know of the prank war, but they didn't want Lady Raine to get caught in the crossfire, so to speak, because they liked her and were a little afraid that she would tell all their parents. Lady Raine was only five years older than them, but she carried herself with a grace far older than her years. People said that it was due to the fact that she was an only child and without a mother. Her mother had died in childbirth and she had been raised by her father, who was an ambassador for the High King. Kalika loved Lady Raine's hair. It looked like fire, brown, blond and red strands were all entwined together, and when light shined on them, her hair looked as if it was burning. But the most unusual thing about Lady Raine were her eyes. Everyone else's eyes were large and black, like endless dark pools, but Lady Raine's eyes were large and green, they sparkled, especially when she laughed or found something amusing. They said that her eyes marked her as a seer, like her mother. There were rumors that she was to become the one that the legends spoke of. The seer who would guide the Once and Future King and his court. Kalika whispered to Rath, "We have to stop them, we can't let Lady Raine get covered in pond slime! Not only will we lose by involving someone else, but she'll get all icky." "We can't do anything other than wait. Maybe she won't go in with them. Her room is just down the hall from their room." "Rath!" Just then they heard a scream. They stopped arguing between themselves and looked out from behind the curtain. Kalika's heart stopped and her breath caught. Her fears had come true. Lady Raine had been the first through the door and was covered in pond scum. Kalika and Rath stepped out from their hiding place, holding hands. No matter what, their parents had taught them to admit defeat and take the consequences of their actions, but they always stood beside each other when taking it, which made it a little easier knowing they weren't alone. And they knew that the punishment would be severe. They had just coated the ambassador's cherished daughter with pond scum and while they were guests in their parent's home. Just then Kalika caught Ava's eyes. She saw that they had planned for Lady Raine to get slimed. They knew. Kalika felt anger run through her system, she knew that her twin had felt it through their connection and she felt the answering emotion running through him when he realized that Ava had known. She had cheated, she had looked into their minds to figure out the plot and set it up so that they would take the fall. Ava always looked for the easy way out. Lady Raine turned to look at them. The twins were fearful yet brave facing her. They had heard tales of her anger as well as her compassion. But she did something that they never expected including their cousin's Thanos and Ava. She laughed. She laughed long and hard, until tears ran down her face. Finally she stopped and turned to Kalika and Rath. "You two....that was a fabulous prank. Classic yet still original. Personally, I would have used the slop that is fed to the pigs, but pond scum is just as productive." She ran her hand over her and cleaned herself up. All the children were shocked at her reaction. "Did you expect me to yell and tell on you?" The children nodded. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. Just clean up the mess and hurry up and change. You are going to have dinner with your parents, my father and me tonight." The children were shocked. "I requested it and your parents agreed as long as you behaved yourselves. They know that I'm a little bored, especially since no one my age is here. After dinner we can go for a walk, and get away from the adults and their boring conversations. It will all be political and such." The children scrambled to clean up the mess and ran to their rooms to change for dinner. Lady Raine remained in the hallway and suddenly turned in Isabel's direction. "It is good that you are here, Vilandra. You will remember this when you wake and tell them. It is time. I should have come to you sooner, but I was too caught up in fighting Kivar for you all. I had hoped that things would go the way they should without my interference, but I didn't know that Kiril's trusted servant had been sent to protect you. You will wake soon. It's time for you to go to get up and get ready for school. Although I doubt that you will end up going today." She smiled. "I know you have questions, but they will be answered. Just make sure that they connect with each other. Then their memories will start to return. All of your memories will return when I come to you. But I have much to do before I can come to you. Do not fear, Vilandra. Never trust your enemies. They don't always tell you the truth." Lady Raine smiled at Isabel and wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. "But who is Kalika?" Isabel asked. "You'll know when you wake up. You'll see and realize from the memories. All of you have many of the same qualities that you had in your previous life." She smiled and her green eyes sparkled with joy and love. "Wake, my princess. I miss you very much. You don't remember me, at least not yet, but I loved you very much. I loved all of you very much." She started to fade and suddenly Isabel sat up in bed. For a moment, she didn't remember where she was then she relaxed when she realized that she had spent the night at Liz's house. She smiled as she remembered the beautiful girl in her dream. She felt a connection with all of the people in it, but especially to her. She still didn't know who Kalika was. She turned and looked down next to her. Michael and Liz were still sleeping, they were cuddled together. A part of her was a little worried at how easy they were with each other. They never had been close before, and now Liz only turned to Ava or Michael for comfort. Just then it hit Isabel. |
Part 5 | Index | Part 7 |