"Gods, Mortals and Roswell, Oh My!" |
Part 6 by Erin |
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Disclaimer: If I owned 'Roswell,' would I be writing fan fiction? (Hey - I don't own the song 'Angel of Mine' either Summary: This a *very* (I repeat, very) AU fic. Basically, the aliens are gods of the Land of Roswell and the humans all find a way to become intertwined in their lives, in some way or another. Category: Other Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: When Melissa posted this challenge, I couldn't turn it down... Melissa's Godly Challenge 1) Must be a silly fic! 2) One of the Roswellians must be a God (like, a REAL God - as in powers, lives on a cloud, etc. That type of stuff. Whatever you think represents a God.) 3) One of the OTHER Roswellians must be their unwilling love interest (ie, Apollo and Daphne, though it DOESN'T have to be that intense.) 4) Someone must wear a toga and a circlet of laurel leaves, ala the ancient Olympics. 5) Naked Marathon is optional. So, with this in mind, read on and enjoy! Dedication: Well... this goes to Linque, who beta-ed for me and to the comedic people in my life, who crack me up, from the lunch table to school plays... you know who you are. Muchas gracias! |
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When Michael and Maria reached the Palace of the Gods, it was already
bustling with many gods and goddesses from far away lands and the Gods of
Roswell were also running around, panicking in their attempts to try to get
ready for the wedding. "So this is it," the blonde stated bluntly, staring at her surroundings in awe. The whole palace was coated in a layer of gold and practically everything else was marble or some *very* expensive stone that she didn't know the name of. The God of Chaos only grunted in reply, but he did look into her eyes. He was entranced by them and soon, he leaning closer and closer to the blonde pixie standing in front of him. His lips met hers and they exchanged another earth-shattering kiss. She moaned in pleasure as his tongue slipped into her mouth. But she was the first to pull away, looking at him with question in her eyes. "When does this wedding start, anyways?" she asked, staring up at her spiky haired friend. He moved his sleeve out of the way and looked at his watch. His eyes bulged. "Noon," he whispered. "And the time is..." she motioned for him to continue. "Ten after..." "Where's the cathedral?" "Do I *look* like I know where the cathedral is?" "You live here..." "Well..." he paused, "Let's just pick a direction." "Where did everyone disappear to? I mean, the cathedral can't be so hard to find, can it?" After five minutes of wandering around aimlessly, they finally reached the cathedral. The rose window was complete with reds, blues, gold, and every other color of the rainbow. The door was solid gold and they walked through it slowly, hoping not to make a scene. "Michael! Where the *hell* have you been?" the angry bride snapped from her spot in the back of the church. "We had a little trouble finding the cathedral?" Maria hoped that she sounded convincing. Isabel groaned and pointed to two seats near the front of the cathedral. "Those are your seats. Lots of guests were late, maybe not for the same reason as you all, but we held the wedding up anyway, knowing that Maria wouldn't miss her best friend's wedding for the world," she scolded as she glared at them. "Look," Maria tugged on Michael's sleeve, "we're going to be sitting next to Lizzie!" Michael groaned inwardly and Isabel shot him a look. "Have fun," she whispered in his ear Maria started off toward their seats, dragging him behind her. * * * * * "Lizzie!" Maria exclaimed as she plopped down in her seat near the front of the cathedral. Liz was sitting two seats down from her and they were separated by a young man with dark hair and dark eyes. "Maria!" her best friend exclaimed as she tugged on the man's shirt who was sitting next to her. "Max..." she started. The brown haired man looked up and looked into her eyes longingly. "What is it, Liz?" "Max, I want you to meet my best friend in the whole world, Maria DeLuca! Maria, I want you to meet my fiancee, the God of Healing, Max Evans," Liz's eyes were shining with happiness. "Nice to meet you," Max said to Maria and she repeated the same thing back to him. "So, how'd you get up here, Maria?" Liz asked curiously. Maria jerked her head to the side and pointed to the spiky haired god sitting next to her, whose eyes were focused on the alter. Liz gasped. "Michael brought you?" Maria nodded slowly and both Liz and Max's eyes bulged. "Hey, Michael," Max started, reaching his hand out to shake his best friend's hand. "Maxwell," Michael replied coldly, eyeing the happy couple in front of him. Why was he jealous, though? He didn't even want to get married and here he was, angrily eyeing his best friend and the one woman in the whole world who he loved with all of his heart. "Sorry about our last... meeting," Liz stated seriously, staring deeply into Michael's dark brown eyes. "It's all right," Michael smirked. "You two are good for each other. I don't see why they even *thought* that we would get through a day without wringing each other's necks." Liz giggled and Max laughed out loud. Once her giggled had subsided, Liz began, "You'll find her one day, Michael. I'm sure that you will." And she winked at him. * * * * * "Oh look, the wedding march is about to begin!" Maria exclaimed as they stood up to welcome the bride to the cathedral. Alex was standing patiently at the alter and Michael couldn't help imagine Maria walking down the aisle towards him. He quickly shook the idea from his head, but it was enough to make him grin for the rest of the ceremony. * * * * * Right after the wedding, all of the guests were rushed to the Banquet Hall for the wedding reception. Michael, Maria, Max, and Liz were all sitting at the same table, chatting about random things. Maria was filling Liz in on all of the news in the Land of Roswell, while Max and Michael talked about their powers and other guy things that neither of the girls understood. Throughout dinner, Michael kept stealing glances at Maria, who sat next to him and was still talking to Liz about a lot of things that they hadn't had a chance to talk about in a long time. Max grinned at the scene that was unfolding in front of him. His best friend, who swore that he would never get married, was falling for a mortal. And Michael had been set up by his sister, of all people... goddesses... whatever. "Maria, I need to go to the bathroom, would you like to come with me?" Liz asked, a mischievous spark shining in her eyes. "Sure, let's go," Maria agreed as they stood up and she took Liz's arm in hers. "See you later, boys," the giggled as they walked out of the room. "So..." Max began after the girls were gone. "So..." "What's with you and Maria? You've been staring at her all night, Michael," Max implied, hoping to get an answer from his friend. "I don't know. She's just... she's a vibrator. She sends me these vibes... and she's just..." "Beautiful?" "Yeah. She's beautiful and sweet and probably the nicest mortal that I've ever met. But I'm the God of Chaos and there's no way that I'm going to be allowed to slow down or marry or whatever." "You're thinking of marrying her?" Max asked incredulously. He couldn't believe that his best friend was falling in love with a girl that he barely knew. Michael shot him a look and he shut up. "I know what you're thinking, Maxwell, and I hope that you know that I've known her for a while... I met her in my temple a while back." "A while back as in... yesterday?" "Shut up." And Max laughed in spite of himself. He had been correct. His best friend was falling in love with a mortal girl that he had known for a little over a day. But he had to admit, Michael had good taste. After all, Maria *was* Liz's best friend. And Michael was his best friend. It would work out wonderfully, if Michael got up the guts to ask her and to arrange it... |
Part 5 | Index | Part 7 |