"Thank God I found you" |
Part 1 by Sara |
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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, and will return them as soon aspossible. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 |
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(Scene takes place at the Crashdown) As Liz and Maria were getting ready for work, Liz's dad came in and told them that they both had the day off because of their good behavior. Both Liz and Maria let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god we have the day off because I really need to study for my bio test," said Liz. "Tell me about it. I mean,in college everything was so easy,well kinda. Anyhow, I'm gonna go, and don't forget about our little talk," said Maria. With that Maria was gone, and Liz was dragging herself up the stairs to her her room. God she felt horrible. Today at school she had to work on two biology assignments because her partner was not there, and her brother Nick came by and told her that he can't make it to mom and dad's party. Liz took off her uniform and went to go take a shower, a hot one if possible. After the shower, she put her hair up in a high pony tail. For her bedwear,she put on a white tank top and black shorts.She then took out her journal and began to write. Its January 30, I'm Liz Parker and things will never go back as the way they were.About 10 years ago, back when I was in high school, I met the most loving, caring person in the whole world. Max Evans, now that's a name I will never forget. It all happened so suddenly. One day at the Crashdown Cafe, two men got in a fight and right away I was shot. The next thing I remember Max was right by my side healing me. While he was healing me I saw flashes of my life right before me.Over the months Max and I have come closer by the minute. So close that he got scared and broke up with me.Did I ever mention that we dated? Anyhow, the last time I ever saw Max was Senior Prom. I can still remember that day clearly. I was wearing a long white dress, with flowers through out my hair. Max was wearing a black tux, and god did he ever look so sexy that night.After prom he told me that he will be leaving tomorrow and will write to me every chance he gets. Ever since he left, I have not gotten any letters, which makes me worry about him even more. I wonder what he's doing at this very moment....... ______________________________ "God I feel awful. I miss her so much that it hurts to even speak her name. I can't eat, sleep, or even worse speak. I would write to her or even better call her, but I never have the time. I'm a lawyer and I'm always busy. I just won a case today, and went out to celebrate with my friends. Later on, I got a call from my boss telling me that I have 3 weeks off since I've been working so hard. I was so grateful. Now that I have time off I can do something that I have wanted to do in so long. And that is to go see Liz Parker," said Max. Later on,he took a shower and then went to bed.Which was good because he could then dream about Liz. His soulmate, first love, first kiss, first girlfriend. God I've got to see her, even if it kills me. He then fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about Liz. (Max's Dream ) ___________________________ "Do you, Elizabeth Parker, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." "And do you, Maxwell Evans, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do....now and forever" "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." ( Liz's Dream ) "We don't belong together." "Don't say that." __________________________ Both Max and Liz woke up with heat through out their own bodies. One was happy, and the other was sad.Both wanting to be together again. Wanting to share their lives with eachother forever. But what was stopping them? (Liz's house, the next morning) "I can't keep doing this to myself. I just can't," said Liz to herself. When Liz got into the shower, she right away heard the phone ring. So she got out and picked up the phone, "Hello?" "Turn around," said Max smiling. Liz did as she was told, and when she did she froze dead in her tracks. Oh my god!!!! Is it really him??? Liz control yourself, of course its not him, your just imagining things. God he looked so good,that sexy hair that drove her crazy, his very huge, but also sexy body. Before she knew it she was crying. Crying for herself and Max. Max went up to her in a hug that said that it was okay, and that he was here for her, and will always be. Liz pushed away and just gave him a look telling him that it was not okay, for her at least. "How could you do this to me Max? I mean, you said that you would call,but you never did. You said that you would write, but you never did. Why is it so hard for you to keep a promise? Do you know how much it hurts to never hear from the one person you love? No, and you know why Max? Because your to caught up in your-self. Your always worrying about me and that's its not too safe. Don't you get it Max? I don't care, I love you so much that I don't care anymore. And best thing of it all, is that I still love you,"said Liz. When she finished the last sentence she was crying liked she never cried before. "Liz, how could you even think that? You know that I would have written you, but I have been busy with my job, let along my life. I'm still trying to put my life back together. I loved you so much Liz, that I gave up my identity for you," said Max. Max tried to finished up, but was cut off by Liz instantly. "Stop throwing that in my face," said Liz harshly. "I'm sorry for putting you throught all this Liz, I really am. I came back to Roswell to see you. Over the years, I have had a lot of time to think about my life. And I realized that my life can't be complete until I have you to share it with. Liz, you were always there for me. Pushing me to find my true self, and I wanted to say thank you," Said Max. Then, Max was about to do something that he had always wanted to do. Something that would make him complete. A thing that would make him happy and know that he would not have to go through the world all by himself. Max slowly got down on one knee and took Liz's hand in his. Her skin was still soft and silky. "Elizabeth James Parker, would you do me this honor and marry me?" said Max. To Be Continued ........... I WOULD GIVE UP EVERYTHING, BEFORE I SEPARATE MYSELF FROM YOU.AFTER SO MUCH SUFFERING, I FINALLY FOUND UNVARNISHED TRUTH.I WAS ALL BY MYSELF FOR THE LONGEST TIME, SO COLD INSIDE.AND THE HURT FROM THE HEARTACHE WOULD NOT SUBSIDE, I FELT LIKE DYING.UNTIL YOU SAVED MY LIFE. THANK GO I FOUND YOU I WAS, LOST WITHOUT YOU. MY EVERY WISH AND EVERY DREAM, SOME HOW BECAME REALITY WHEN YOU. BROUGHT THE SUN LIGHT. COMPLETED MY WHOLE LIFE. I'M OVERWHELMED WITH GRATITUDE, MY BABY I'M SO THANKFUL I FOUND YOU. I'M OVERWHELMED WITH GRATITUDE MY BABY I'M SO THANKFUL I FOUND......YOU. MARIAH CAREY'STHANK GOD I FOUND YOUFEATURING JOE AND 98 DEGREES |
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