"Now My Life Is In Your Hands" |
Part 1 by Misako |
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Disclaimer: A Roswell Fanfiction. I in no way own
Max, Liz, Maria, Michael, Isabel, Sheriff Valenti,
Kyle Valenti, and Alex. Summary: What happens when the truth about Max, Isabel, and Michael is about to be revealed? Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: This is set after the episode “leaving normal. |
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Intro- I’m Liz Parker, and 4 weeks ago I found out there are actually 3 aliens living among us in Roswell…and that I’m in love with one… Prologue- Saving the Day Liz’s POV: Liz Parker walked along the hallways of Roswell High with her best friend Maria De Luca. They were deep in a conversation about, who else? Max Evans. “Liz, I really don’t think…” Maria began. “Maria, you don’t think what?” Liz sighed irritably. It was the twelfth time she had said to Maria that nothing was happening between Max and her. “If you’d let me finish, you’d know what I don’t think. What’s happened to you Liz? You get “shot and healed” and now you don’t listen to me anymore? I swear, you’re being possessed by an alien.” Maria said loudly. “Shhhh!” Liz shushed Maria. “What did I tell you?” Maria looked around the crowded hallway. “No one heard! What are you stressing about anyway?” Liz sighed. “Sorry. I’m just…uptight about that subject.” She apologized. “Like I can’t tell!” Maria said. “Look Liz, I have to get to my class now, but, just watch out for yourself.” “Ok.” Liz replied, already off into her own little dreamworld. “Bye.” Maria stared at Liz for a moment, then shook her head and dashed into class. Liz continued down the hallway by herself, then abruptly stopped. Walking towards her, was Max Evans. He hadn’t spotted her yet, and Liz took this time to stare at him. She loved how his dark brown hair curled in little half-moons on his brow, and his mesmerizing eyes enchanted her whenever they locked eyes…which was often. Still, she couldn’t afford to get close to him as he said, and she was dating Kyle after all. Suddenly Max looked and saw her. “Hey Liz.” He said softly. “Hey Max.” Liz said, suddenly feeling shy. “Um, Liz…” Max began, but drifted off. “What?” Liz asked curiously. “Um, well, thanks for covering for us at the crash festival.” Max said quickly, almost betraying his true message to Liz. “Max, you’ve said that 3 million times already, and god, is something wrong or something? Because everytime I talk to you, you completely close up on me.” Liz asked quietly. Max sighed audibly. Liz, you don’t know how much this is killing me… he thought. Would she ever know how much he cared for her, how much he loved her? Suddenly the bell rang. They were both late. “Ooops.” Liz grinned sheepishly. “We’re late.” Max’s POV: Suddenly Max found himself kissing her. What the hell was wrong with him? It was too dangerous…Goddammit, who cares if it’s too dangerous? His conscience mocked him. Not you too! He screamed silently to it. He tore himself away from Liz, who was extremely surprised, and muttered a sorry, then rushed off to class. Liz stood, dumbfounded. “Um, Ok, maybe Maria was right.” She murmured as a smile touched her lips. Max Evans slid into his seat in his English class. “Well, Mr. Evans, glad you could join us.” The teacher said, not looking up from correcting a paper. Max winced. “Great, now you made yourself tardy.” He chided himself. Isabel looked up from her seat next to him. “Max, um, is that, lipstick on your mouth?” She asked, puzzled. Max panicked. “No! It isn’t!” As he hurriedly wiped his mouth. Isabel looked at him strangely. “Ok, Max, spill. We’re you kissing someone? And who?” Max tried to stall. “Isabel, it was just the red lollipop I had earlier.” Isabel wasn’t convinced. “Look, I’m a girl. I know what lipstick looks like, and as far as I remember, I remember seeing Liz Parker wearing that colour lipstick today.” Max sighed. “Dammit, Isabel, always nosing around.” Isabel quietly gasped. “You kissed her? After all you said about it being too dangerous? Max, you’re gonna end up exposing us all!” “No, I’m not!” Max insisted. “Then keep yourself away from her, if you know what’s good for you…and us.” Isabel said pointedly. Max glared at his sister. Now his wished he had just ditched class instead of being tardy. Suddenly he saw Kyle Valenti get up from his desk. Kyle’s hands were clenched into fists, and Max could see that Kyle was heading for him. Shit! He thought just as Kyle’s fist slammed into his face… Max sat bolt upright in his bed, shaking his head. It was only a dream. He comforted himself. But he shook his head, speaking aloud, he mused, “That’s what’s gonna happen if I don’t keep myself away from Liz, for her sake and mine.” He had a hard time falling back asleep that night. Chapter 1- Oh no, trouble’s on the horizon The Next Day: Max Evans strolled down the hall, sandwiched between Michael and Isabel. He thought that maybe having more than one person with him would prevent the dream from actually coming true. Ha ha. I wish. He thought sarcastically. Liz suddenly appeared in the hall ahead of him, talking animatedly to Maria, who was laughing. Max lowered his head and stared at his feet. Liz raised her head and saw him, but with one look, a longing expression appeared in her eyes. “Hey Max.” Liz said softly. “Hey.” Max said as he shuffled slowly by. Isabel and Michael glanced at each other, confused by the lack of conversation between Liz and Max. As they continued down the hall, Isabel turned to face Max. “Ok, what’s up with you and Liz? I mean, you didn’t even try to talk to her like you usually do.” Isabel gave Max the third degree. Trying to avoid the subject, Max said, “Hey Isabel, look! There you’re friends!” Isabel frowned at her brother. “Max, you know you can’t keep anything from me.” Max glanced around and grabbed Isabel by the hand and pulled her into an empty hallway. “Isabel…god, I don’t even know how to say this but- it’s just this gut feeling I have- I have to stay away from Liz or something terrible will happen to her- or us.” Isabel watched her brother’s eyes as he spoke. She could see the love and frustration in his eyes. She knew he liked Liz very much, but he was always looking out for them. “Max, its obvious to everyone that you like her…but maybe keeping in hiding will make them more curious about us.” Max frowned. “Isabel, it has to be NORMAL again…” Isabel grabbed his hand a squeezed. “Max, don’t you understand? After what you did, it can’t be normal anymore. We just have to deal with it as humanly possible as we can.” Max absorbed the information, then nodded. “Isabel, you do realize that Kyle believes it was me that caused him and Liz to break up, and that he’ll never rest until he makes sure that I’m out of the picture. He’ll probably send his father after us.” Isabel shook her head worriedly. “Max, just be careful. Try not to provoke Kyle any further-or his friends.” The bell rang, and silently saying goodbye, the two headed for their classes. Lunchtime- Isabel met up with Max at the front of the school. The three of them were going to Area 51 bistro for lunch. Michael joined them a moment later. “Michael, promise me you won’t use your powers on Kyle or his friends…or his dad for that matter.” Max urgently asked Michael. Michael sighed as he said, “Yeah, Max, I promise.” But, behind his back, he was crossing his fingers. Isabel honked the horn, already in the driver’s seat. “Come on! We’re gonna have no time left!” Max and Michael jumped into the car and Isabel left the school parking lot in a cloud of dust. End Part 1 |
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Part 2 |