"The Liz Capades"
"Dog Day Afternoon" |
Part 3 by Miranda |
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Disclaimer: I do not own. Summary: A look at the dating prowess of Liz Parker, post-Balance. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 |
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Liz bounded into the Crashdown Café clutching two
plastic bottles. She waved cheerfully to Maria as she
filled them at the water dispenser. “You’re looking awfully chipper for someone who has to work the night shift on a Saturday,” Maria commented. “Why not? It’s a beautiful day, plenty of sunshine, I have a date with Levi Oakes….” Liz smiled nonchalantly over her shoulder. “Whoa! Levi Oakes? When did this happen?” “When he stopped in for a coke after school yesterday.” “Wait. I worked with you yesterday and I don’t remember seeing him.” “He only came in long enough to get it to go. He was on his way to the vet and had his dog in the car.” “But he was here long enough to ask you out. And you held out on me; I don’t believe you,” she complained, swinging a dishtowel at Liz’s hip. “But, ooh Levi, he’s at least a 6.0 on the Richter of hot.” “Mmmhmm,” Liz smiled. “What are you doing?” “Frisbee in the park,” Liz replied, tightening the caps on the water bottles. “See you later,” she called over her shoulder as she trotted to the door. “I want details, girl,” Maria called after her. -- Liz wearily pushed open the door to the café four hours later. She shuffled across the floor and collapsed on a stool, dropping her head to the counter. Liz didn’t even raise her head to see if Maria had noticed her, she just started talking… “Levi has dogs – as in multiple. No, that’s not entirely true. Levi has a petting zoo.” Maria stared at Liz’s still form. “Come again?” Liz raised her head, holding her arms out as if on display. Maria sucked in her breath. Liz was a mess. Her sweatshirt was snagged and there were streaks of mud running across the front. Bright red scratches covered her hands and wrists and her eyes were red and swollen as though she had been crying. Liz pulled a napkin from a dispenser and blew her nose. “So this is hell,” she mumbled as she wiped the napkin across her nose. Maria quickly set two glasses of Coke in front of her and came around the counter to sit next to her. “My god… what happened?” -- Liz walked on the gravel path leading into the park, trying to keep one eye on the patches of mud from last night’s rain and the other eye on all the picnic benches. She and Levi hadn’t designated a meeting place and she now realized what a mistake that had been. The nice weather had brought people to the park in droves. “Liz.” She turned and waved happily to Levi as she veered off
the path toward him. Maria was right. Levi was hot
with his dark, dark hair and eyes. Her eyes traveled down Levi’s body as she got closer
to him. The tight T-shirt he wore exposed every
rippling muscle in his arms and chest and the cutoffs…
well, she would definitely know if he were interested
in her. The thing was, Levi was not only incredibly
good-looking, he was also one of the nicest guys Liz
had ever met. She had never heard him say a bad word
about anyone. It seemed every girl in school wanted
him, even some of the seniors watched him walk down
the hall with undisguised lust and he was only a
junior. He had dated Annette Collier since the
seventh grade, but she had moved away over the
previous summer and he hadn’t dated anyone since. Liz
still could not believe she was lucky enough to be his
first venture back into the world of dating. She was close enough now to see the twinkle in his
eyes as he smiled at her. Liz smiled back. Moving
on, she thought to herself. And then she was attacked by a wandering black bear. Liz screamed as huge pointed teeth loomed just inches
from her face. She felt hot breath pouring on her
throat and knew she was just moments from death.
Something hard bumped against her hip as she stumbled
back. She swiveled her head, heart thumping. “Liz! Liz, are you okay? Chi-Chi, Cha-Cha, get
down.” Liz looked up at Levi in alarm, then back to the
slobbering dogs. “Are these… do they belong to you?” “Yeah, these are my frisbee-playing buddies. Aren’t
you guys?” He wrapped an arm around each dog’s neck,
pulling them close. “They’re really… big.” Liz eyed them nervously.
Their heads were as wide as her hips and came up to
her chest. Saliva ran from their mouths nonstop. Levi nodded proudly. “Mastiffs.” Liz subtly tried to nudge one of the sniffing dogs
away from her crotch. -- They had been playing frisbee with the dogs for more
than half an hour. Liz had to admit that it had been
kind of fun for a while. Not exactly what she’d had
in mind for a first date, but she and Levi were able
to stand close to each other and talk while the dogs
ran. But now… she closed her eyes and winced as she
picked up the frisbee the dog had dropped at her feet.
It was slimy with drool. She threw the frisbee as hard as she could, watching
the slick surface sparkle in the sun as it spun away
from her, Chi-Chi Liz quickly turned away before they could see her.
She made a show of looking up at the sky and then at
Levi. “It looks like rain. Maybe we should get
going?” Levi glanced upward and then at her, frowning. “The
sun is still out. I don’t think it’s going to rain
for a while yet. Besides, Chi and Cha are having such
a good time. They usually have to take turns playing
with me.” Liz smiled and took a deep breath. “Look, Max. Isn’t that Liz Parker?” Liz froze at the sound of Diane Evans’ voice. She
slowly turned toward the courts as Isabel called her
name, keeping her eyes cast down. She slowly raised
them, flicking from Isabel to her mother and finally
to Max. That’s when the ground suddenly rose up and slammed
into her back. Liz tried to draw a breath, but there
was a tremendous weight pressing down on her,
preventing her lungs from expanding. Her eyes flew
open and waves of panic rolled over her as she
realized she couldn’t see. Trees, sky – all were
gone, replaced with swirling darkness. Hairy,
drooling darkness… “Dammit dog. Get off me!” Liz muttered, arms
straining against the dog’s shoulders. Liz could see
it bending its head toward hers, tongue reaching
towards her face, saliva dripping on her shirt,
getting perilously close to her chin. Liz squinted against the unexpected sun as the dog was
suddenly yanked off her body. She tried to focus on
Levi’s face, then gulped as she looked into Max’s
eyes. “Are you okay?” Liz raised herself up on her elbows as Max gently held
one hand against her back, supporting her. Liz
swallowed hard and arched herself away from his hand.
She was having a hard enough time catching her breath
without having to fight the heat of his touch. Max
yanked his hand back as though he had been burned. “I’m fine, Max.” She grit her teeth as she raised one
foot and shoved Chi-Chi’s nose out from between her
legs. “Thanks for asking.” Levi appeared at her other side. “Liz, I’m so sorry.
Did Chi hurt you? He just got a little over-excited.” Liz forced herself to smile up at him. “I’m fine,
Levi. It’s okay.” Levi gripped her arm and swung his other arm around
her waist as he helped her to her feet. He glanced at
Max. “Thanks, man. I had my hands full keeping
Cha-Cha from jumping on her, too.” “Sure.” Max nodded and took a step back. Liz turned her back to Max as she felt hot flames of
embarrassment sweep over her face. She could hear him
walk back to the tennis courts as Levi attempted to
wipe some of the mud from her shirt. She heard the
deep rumble of his voice, followed by Isabel saying,
“Hey, it’s not my fault dogs find Liz so attractive.”
-- “Anyway, that’s how I got this.” Liz pointed to the
large paw print in the middle of her sweatshirt. “So, Max had to rescue you from becoming squashed
doggie kibble. Not a shining moment, but at least you
got the bad part of the date over with right away.
Things could only get better from there, right?”
Maria watched as Liz lowered her head back to the
counter. “Right?” “Apparently the warm weather made the dogs think it
was spring,” Liz spoke into the countertop. “Cha-Cha
made a beeline for every other dog in the park.
Chi-Chi, on the other hand… well, Chi-Chi continued to
show an untoward fondness for me. I swear I will hear
Isabel’s snarky laugh in my sleep tonight. After all
that, we decided they’d had enough frisbee for one day
and Levi and I just sat and talked. It started to get
overcast, people were leaving the park, but he kept
saying ‘Oh, just a few more minutes. They’re having
so much fun.’ Next thing you know we were caught in a
downpour. It took about ten minutes to get the dogs
rounded up. Levi had to wrestle Chi-Chi into the
car.” “He wrestled with a wet dog? Lovely.” “The smell, Maria. My god… the smell was…” “It’s okay, Liz. I want details on Levi, not his
hairy little friends. So, what happened? The rain
shower was a couple of hours ago. Did you two do
anything else or did you just curl up in a corner and
rock back and forth while singing “How Much is that
Doggie in the Window”?” Liz sighed and rolled her head to the side, resting it
in the crook of her arm. “He asked me over to his
place to watch TV. I don’t know why I went. I guess
I wanted to believe the day was still salvageable.” “Masochist!” “Yeah. The dogs were just the tip of the iceberg.
Levi is also the proud owner of five cats and two
macaws.” “Macaws. Aren’t they the blue and red parrots? Those
suckers are huge.” “And loud. They screamed and talked throughout the
entire movie.” “They talk? Well, that’s cool. What can they say?” Liz blushed. “Things I don’t care to repeat.” Maria grinned. “Now you have to tell me.” “Fine,” Liz straightened and stared at the counter as
she recited in a monotone. “Oh Levi, you’re so big.
Do me! Do me! That feels so good. I smell tuna
fish.” Coke spewed from Maria’s mouth. “Tuna fish?!” She
shook her head. “So, what you’re telling me is that
both his dogs and his birds are perverts? How about
the cats? Their little tongues turn up anywhere
interesting? Wait a minute, Liz, you’re allergic to
cats.” “I realize that, Maria.” Liz replied, indicating her
puffy eyes. “Four out of the five cats are kittens
and, while they aren’t perverts – at least not yet,
they do seem to be possessed by demons. The little
rats crawled all over me, hanging off my shirt. One
decided it liked the taste of human flesh,” she held
up her scratched and bitten hands, “and one did this
when it lost its balance and fell off my shoulder.”
Liz pulled her hair back. Little clots of dried blood
still clung to the angry scratch that started under
her right ear and extended to her upper back. Maria looked at her friend with concern as Liz dully
propped her chin on her fist and stared at the pie
case. She started to rub one hand up and down Liz’s
back, but jerked her hand away when Liz winced. “Bruise?” Liz nodded. “From what?” “God only knows,” Liz muttered, grabbing another
napkin and dabbing at her eyes. “You know, Liz. None of this is really Levi’s fault.
So, he has a lot of pets. A guy who likes animals…
well, that’s a good thing. It shows he has feelings…
that he cares for others. Unlike some aliens I could
mention,” she finished under her breath as Michael’s
face invaded her mind. She forced him away and
focused her attention on Liz. “I’m sure other dates
with Levi will go better. I think you should give him
another chance.” Liz burst into laughter. “Give him a chance? Oh,
Maria….” Liz dropped her head onto her crossed arms,
her shoulders shaking. “What? I don’t think the idea is that funny. If you
don’t give him a chance to make it up to you… well, it
would just be unfair.” Liz sat up and spun her stool to face Maria. She
clasped her shoulders. “Levi said he doesn’t think we
should see each other anymore since I am allergic to
his cats and so obviously dislike his dogs. He
doesn’t want them to feel like they are in an unstable
environment or that I’m taking him away from them. In
other words, I’ve been dumped for a dog.” Maria stared at her open-mouthed for a moment, then
she stood. “Do you want hot fudge or just plain
vanilla?” |
Part 2 | Index | Part 4 |