"No Matter What" |
Part 1 by Kim |
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Disclaimer: As much as I would LOVE to own anything related to Roswell, other than my keychain, hat and t-shirt, sadly I do not. It is all owned by Jason Katims and all of the wonderful people at the WB who are gracious enough to share them with us week after wonderful week. For that I will be forever grateful. But please don’t sue me because all you would get is my car and some debts and I really need the car to get to work
everyday to pay off those debts. Summary: It’s 8 years Max saved Liz’s life that day in the Crashdown and Liz has some news for Max. (Max’s POV) Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: Okay this started as one simple story I thought of at work one day and has turned into a series. I just couldn’t write about one couple and neglect the rest. Hope you enjoy reading them!! |
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“Max, I’m pregnant,” you tell me with tears of joy in your eyes. You have the sweetest smile on your face and I can’t help but share your joy, it’s almost contagious. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy, but I’m also terrified. I’ve told you no matter what I wanted to be with you and I am. We all turned on our destinies and created our own and you, Liz are mine. And now so is this baby. We thought right from the start that there would never be any children, our biological systems were just too different. You, or should I say we proved that theory wrong. We excitedly call my parents, your parents, Alex and Isabel, Maria and Michael. Michael is the first to voice the fears that I feel. What if the baby isn’t ‘normal’? What if something happens to you during the pregnancy? What if because of this baby “they” find us? I want to be angry with him, but I feel the same way. I tell him that everything will be okay and no matter what you need all of us right now. I wish I could believe my own words. ~~~~~ We’ve been married for almost two years now, right out of University. Your dream of becoming a Molecular Biologist and mine of becoming a Veterinarian had come true and our final dream was to spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife. The memory of our wedding day is still vivid in my mind, as if it were yesterday. You were so beautiful, as you walked down the aisle, your father on one arm and your mother on the other. I promised them both I would take care of and I took your hand into mine. We pledged to love, honor and cherish each other no matter what obstacles were thrown our way, a pledge we added to our vows and no one but the six of us completely understood the real meaning behind the words. But we knew that up until then we already had our fair share obstacles and we had overcome them all so far. We sealed our promises with a kiss. Maria sang ‘Ava Maria’ as we walked back down the aisle, husband and wife, our lives now one. Our last dream realized, or so we thought. Until the day you told me you were pregnant I didn’t realize how much we both wanted children, or how scary the concept was. ~~~~~ It’s been three months since your announcement and I’m still scared. You’re asleep beside me and even in your sleep you glow. I lay my hand on your swollen belly and feel the baby kick. Everything seems to be going fine, although the doctors say you’re a little large for only being five months along. Each time we see the doctor I cringe, fearing what she might discover and as your pregnancy progresses, a knot continues to grow in my stomach. I only wish I knew what to expect. I fear for you, I fear for our unborn child but most of all I fear for what the future might bring. I never share my fears with you because I know somehow that you have the same fears so I promise you that no matter what I’m here for you and reassure you that everything will be okay, once again wishing I could believe my promises. ~~~~~ We’re at home today, a rare day of rest in our busy schedules, but I insist on it. We only have a week until your due date and we need the rest now while we can get it. The doctor’s assurances that everything is progressing normally have done nothing to appease my fears. I glance at you as you stand up, stretch and complain that your back is aching, I offer to massage it, you smile and remind me that’s what got you into this condition in the first place. You kiss me on the cheek and tell you you’re going to lie down. “Will you wake me up in an hour please,” you call back as you head upstairs to our bedroom. I don’t need to answer, you know I will. I head outside for a walk, feeling the need for fresh air to clear my head. I walk the streets of Roswell with no particular destination in mind. I find myself in front of the Crashdown. I step inside the door and the memories come flooding back. The day you were shot, the day my life began. I remember all the times we spent in here alone and with our friends. I remember the balcony on the roof above the restaurant, where we shared our first kiss, the first place we made love and pledged to spend our lives together knowing then and there they we were each other’s destiny and no matter what we would always be together. I remember the look in your eyes when I asked you to marry me. The tears we both shed when you said yes, although I knew all along that you would. I slipped the silver, diamond encrusted ring on your slim finger and kissed away your tears. We fell asleep in each other’s arms under the starry sky, comfortable with the fact that everything was as it should be. As the memories flood my mind a wave of relief washes over me and it’s now that I am able to believe my words and I know that what I have been telling everyone is true, everything will be okay. I wave at your parents behind the counter, walk out of the Crashdown and head back towards home, to you, my life, my love. I walk back into our house and instantly sense that something isn’t right. I still have fifteen minutes before I need to wake you but I check on you anyway. What I see makes me freeze in the doorway to our room. You are soaked in perspiration and only half awake. I panic not knowing what to do. I call Isabel and Michael, who offers to call Maria. They assure me they are on their way and not to worry. I call an ambulance but they say it could be awhile, there’s been an accident but they’ll send one as soon as they can. Can I not drive you, the dispatcher asks, I tell him I’ll try. “Is this your first,” he asks and I tell him yes. He assures me we still have plenty of time and tells me not to worry. I head back to our room and you are now fully awake and screaming in pain. There are tears streaming down your face and you cry out for me as I come through the door. Your hair is in your face and wet with perspiration. I pull it away from your face and tell you there’s an ambulance on the way but you say you don’t think you can wait. I run for towels and water and head back to our room again. You are sitting on the bed with your knees pulled to your chest. I spread some of the towels out and sit down in front of you, my hand on your knee covering your small one. I encourage you to talk deep breaths and try to relax. “That’s easy for you to say,” you scream at me through clenched teeth, as you grab hold of my hand and crush it, then you smile and lay back as another wave of pain passes. I smile back at you just as you wrench yourself forward again; the pain is coming on so fast. The contractions are too close together I can’t get you to the hospital and the ambulance isn’t here yet, neither are Isabel or Maria, so I have to do this alone, with your help of course. I hold your hand as it seems every other minute you scream out in pain, finally I see something. I reach down and gently help you bring our daughter into the world. I mentally take note of the time and then I look down at the perfect bundle in my arms and my tears start to flow. I cut the cord and remembering something I read I gently lay her stomach down along the length of my arm and pat her on the back until I hear the strong cry escape from her lips. It’s the most beautiful sound. I clean her off and place her in the waiting cradle near our bed, then I notice you. In between breaths you ask me what’s wrong, why hasn’t the pain stopped. I don’t have an answer for you. “Where is everybody,” I hear Maria yell from downstairs. “Up here, hurry, I think I your help,” I yell down to her, panic in my voice. She is at the door in seconds, she must have run the stairs two at a time. I can tell by the look on her face that the scene before her is not what she expected. She notices the baby, smiles at me then looks at you, her best friend, still in pain and a look of fear passes through her eyes. “What can I do?” she asks. I have no idea what to tell her. She comes into the room and crawls in behind you. She runs her hand over your head and gently pulls your hair off your forehead; she kisses your cheek and whispers in your ear not to worry, we’re here for you. You are almost passed out from the pain. Why do you still want to push and then a thought occurs to me, could it be twins. I feel around your abdomen and my thoughts are confirmed, there is another baby. I tell Maria and ask her to help you push, you’re exhausted and don’t even comprehend what I say about the other baby. She helps you push, actually she pushes you forward several times because you are barely conscious. I’m not surprised when I see the dark top of a head appear. I reach down and this time I pull our second daughter into the world. I lay her across my arm as I did with her sister and marvel at how we got so lucky as to have two beautiful, perfect little girls, then I hear her cry. I’m smiling through my tears and when I glance over at Maria so is she. You are unconscious now so I note the time again and take in every detail so I can tell you about it later. I clean our daughter off and place her in the crib with her sister. “Hello,” we hear Michael call from downstairs. “I’ll go,” Maria says and goes down to fill him in. The paramedics finally arrive along with Isabel and Alex. Maria comes back upstairs to let me know that everyone is here. She tells me Isabel is sorry she was late, Alex’s car wouldn’t start, but she assured her that everything went smoothly. I hug Maria and thank her. She places a kiss on my cheek and tells me she’s glad she was there. The paramedics examine you and our daughters, counting each perfect finger and toe, and congratulate me for doing such a good job. They place you on a stretcher and prepare to take you downstairs. “I love you for always and forever,” I whisper in your ear and place a kiss on your lips. I kiss our girls and they take you down to the waiting ambulance with Maria trailing behind carrying our daughter’s. I stay behind needing a minute to catch my breath and take in all that’s happened. I collapse on the floor, drop my head in my hands and cry I am so overcome with emotions, joy, relief and love. Michael finds me on the floor, helps me to my feet and pulls me into a big bear hug. It’s rare for Michael to express his emotions like this and I appreciate the gesture. “You did it Maxwell, I knew you could,” he tells me and we head downstairs. Isabel comes to me and I hug her close, crying on her shoulder. She returns my embrace and reassures me that everything is fine. Alex pats me on the back. “Congratulations dad,” he says and to me at that moment it’s the most amazing word in the world. “We need to get to the hospital Max,” Michael says and he, Maria and I climb into his car and head for the hospital, Isabel and Alex follow in his car and I realize that this is the most relaxed I’ve felt since we found out you were pregnant. ~~~~~ Morgan Nancy and Ashley Diane are ten months old today and they’re little terrors, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. The older of the two by eleven minutes, Morgan, is almost walking. Not wanting to be outdone by her sister though, Ashley pulled herself up on the table today and waddled to the couch where she promptly fell on her butt and smiled up at us, her two tiny bottom teeth shining in sharp contrast to her dark coloring. They are the perfect combination of the two of us, neither one has my ears, thank god, but they both have your perfect little nose. Other then their personalities and a small birthmark, that I swear looks like a star, behind Morgan’s right ear, they are identical. Morgan is shy and loves to be cuddled; Ashley is the complete opposite, although she still enjoys her fair share of cuddling, her independence is showing even at this early age, she reminds me of Michael. We’re not sure if they’ll develop powers but I swear at times that I see tiny silver handprints around the house. Isabel and Alex are expecting their first child in two months and my only fear for her is the fact that she isn’t completely human. Everything has progressed normally so far and we can only hope that’s a good sign. Having acquired your Midwife certificate, after a little coaxing, you will help Isabel give birth at home and reduce the risk of the doctors discovering and differences. Having some ‘experience’, I offered to be your assistant, although only to an extent because there are certain things about my sister that I don’t need to see. Michael and Maria are at an ‘on again’ point in their relationship. Michael is still unwilling to let his guard done though and I think Maria’s patience is beginning to wear thin. I don’t know what will become of them, I can only hope for the best. I look over at you and smile as Morgan and Ashley toddle around the living room. You are my life, my love and our family has made me feel complete. I know now that I would do anything to protect all of you, no matter what. |
Index |