"I Was Meant For You" |
Part 7 by Britt |
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Roswell characters.
Summary: Liz's life 3 years after the aliens left to go to Antar. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 |
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Liz walked down stairs, and then out the back door and into the restaurant.
She walked over to were her parents and Jeremy were talking and laughing. "Well, it looks like my uniform still fits." said Liz, catching the attention of her parents and Jeremy. "I'll say." said Jeremy, looking Liz up and down but stopped suddenly when he felt the death stare that he was receiving from Jeff. Liz let out a little chuckle, when she heard Jeremy's comment, and then the stare her father gave to him afterwards. "Ohhhh, Lizzy that brings back so many memories!" exclaimed Nancy, as she too looked at Liz. "I know, it does a lot for me too." replied Liz, as she looked at the spot so many years ago where Max had healed her. "So, Dad I still can't believe you still have the waitresses wearing this kind of uniform, know wonder they are dropping like flies." Liz teased. "Very funny, very funny. I don't remember you complaining when you were working here." "It was all on the inside...so what do you want me to do?" said Liz, looking around at all of the people with only one waitress to serve them. Jeff showed Liz around, and introduced her to the waitress who's name was Bridge (short for Bridgett), and then he introduced her to the new chef who's name was Steve. Liz got to work, and soon got into the rhythm of things, and was working like she had never left. It felt really good to Liz, she didn't realize how much she missed waitressing at the Crashdown until now. While she was writing down people's orders she couldn't help but look over at the UFO Museum out of an old habit, hoping to see that certain brown haired boy come out of it after a long days work, but she never did. When the restaurant calmed down, she looked around and noticed that her parents and Jeremy were nowhere in sight. They probably must have gone upstairs, without telling me, thought Liz to herself. Liz looked around and made sure that nobody needed anything at that moment, and then she told Bridge that she was taking a break. She walked towards the back door and was almost through when the front door chimed. Liz turned around to see who it was. What she got was a very loud shrieking scream. "AHHHHHHH..." screamed Maria. "Liz, OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE HERE...and you're working." finished Maria, surprisingly. "Hey, Maria, and yea my dad needed my help. How is it going?" "How is it going??? You better get your pale butty over here and give your very best friend in the whole universe a hug, RIGHT NOW, because she has MISSED YOU!" exclaimed Maria, with her hands on her hips, and tapping the floor lightly with her right foot. "Maria, of course, of course." said Liz, as she gave Maria a too long waited hug. "I have missed you so much, I don't know what I have done without you?!?" "Chicha, me either." exclaimed Maria. "What have you been doing all of this time you have been away from your favorite alien infested town, and from ME!" "Well I moved to Berkeley, California, gotengaged, and got a tiny apartment." "What did you just say?" said the still strawberry blonde girl, who was practically bouncing off the walls at what Liz had said. "I got a tiny apart..." "No, before that!" exclaimed Maria. "I moved to Berkeley." "NO, in between those two details."said Maria, getting frustrated. "Oh, that." said Liz, smiling obviously enjoying torchering Maria. "Yea, that! You better start spilling, chicha!" "Okay come on." said Liz, finally aware of the people that were in the Cafe, who were still looking at them, because of Maria's sudden outburst. Liz moved into the back room and sat on the couch with Maria sitting right beside her. She told Maria everything about herself that had just recently happened, and then Maria told Liz everything that had happened with herself. Liz learned that Maria was going to the local community college, studying to be a second grade teacher, she also works at the local elementary school, and has an apartment close to the outskirts of Roswell. Maria learned that Liz was going to UCBerkely, because Harvard was just to big for her. She learned a lot about Jeremy and how they had meet, and she learned all of the details of how they had gotten engaged. "Maria, I got to get back to work, but you have to meet Jeremy, maybe you can have dinner with us..." thought Liz getting up, before Maria interrupted her. "Liz there is something I really need to tell you. You might want to sit down for this news." said Maria, slowly. "What is it?" Liz asked, as she sat back down on the couch. "Ma..." "There you are." said Jeremy, looking down at the two girls from the top of the stairs, that went upstairs to the apartment. |
Part 6 | Index | Part 8 |