"Hidden Paths" |
Part 7 by Mslayer713 |
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Disclaimer: I don't own the character's, just the plot. Summary: Alternative reality fic. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 |
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Liz and Maria laughed the whole way to the Crashdown café as they tried to ring out their clothes. They finally found a comb and ran it through their hair, but it didn't do much help. "At least you've got short hair," Liz said. "That brush did nothing for my hair." Maria laughed and got out of her car. "But maybe ice cream is good for hair," she tried. Liz glared at her as they walked into the back door of the café they worked at. "Maybe your mom will tell us what gets this stuff off-" "Mom!" Liz cried out as she ran to the nearest clock. "Oh!! She told me to be home by 4:00!" Maria came up to her and looked at the clock. It was 4:58. "Um…we could tell her it broke yesterday at this exact time," she said. Liz groaned and was about to reply when they heard Ms. Parker. "Girls?" she called from out front. "Is that you?" "Yes, mom," Liz said at the same time Maria replied, "yes, Ms. Parker." "Come here please." Liz sighed and shouted back, "Can it wait a few mom? We could use a minute to clean up!" "Now," Ms. Parker replied, her voice on edge. "Ok…maybe we can sneak back out," Maria said suddenly. Liz glared at her and mumbled. "I wish," before she started toward the door that lead to the front of the café. Maria grabbed her arm. "We can't go out there looking like this!" she hissed. Maria tugged at her pink shirt that now had mint Oreo chocolate chip ice cream all over it. Liz's yellow shirt was also covered; not to mention their pants and hair. "She knows we're back here. We gotta." Maria gasped. "But people will see us!" "So what? We'll deal," Liz replied with conviction. Maria scoffed. "Easy for you to say. You've gotta man-two actually! But I'm single!" Liz sighed. "First off: what does having a boyfriend have to do with this? And second: I only have one!" "Hello? Have you ever heard of Max Evans?!" Maria asked. Liz froze. Max Evans? The name was familiar-and not for the obvious reason. "Liz? Maria? Now please," Ms. Parker called, pulling Liz back to reality. "We'll deal," she said before grabbing Maria's hand and pulling her out into the café. Ms. Parker turned toward the girls and gasped. "What happened to you two?!" Maria sighed and looked around the café, which wasn't full. But she did notice a table of football players in the corner, but they seemed too interested in themselves to notice them. "We had a little mishap at a friends house," Liz said, answering her mother's question. Maria nodded. "Yeah…never have a food fight with food that's not the same color as your shirt," she added. Ms. Parker shook her head then focused on her daughter. "Liz…did I or didn't I ask you to be back before four?" Liz nodded. "Yeah…I'm sorry. We got carried away." "I can see," her mother replied. "I was getting worried." "I know. I should've called. But we went to the mall with Isabel-" "Isabel?" Ms. Parker asked. "Who's Isabel?" "A new friend. She's way cool Ms. Parker," Maria said. "And can she pick out clothes." Liz nodded. "I'm sorry. Did you find someone to take over for tonight?" Her mother nodded. "Yeah…but stick around for a little bit, just in case, ok?" Liz and Maria both nodded, and sighed when Ms. Parker finally went into the back. "Great," Maria mumbled. "Now we gotta work tonight." "No we don't." Liz replied. "We just have to keep an eye out. Which we can do from a seat." Maria sighed and went into the nearest booth. "Please! We'll both be working by 7:00!" Liz sat down across from her. "No we won't. We'll head out after making sure everything's ok." Just then, Maria saw Kyle break away from the football group. "Stalker calling," she said out loud. Liz froze and mouthed the name 'Kyle?' Maria nodded and motioned for her to duck, but it was too late. He was headed their way. "Kyle?! It's nice to see you," she called out happily. Kyle smiled then turned to Liz. "Hey-what happened to you?" he asked as he ran his hand through her hair. "Is this ice cream?" Liz nodded. "Yeah. It's mint Oreo chocolate chip," she explained. "Jeez. What's wrong with plain chocolate anymore?" Kyle asked. Liz and Maria exchanged a look. "Yeah, you're right. And we prob look gross, so we're gonna go clean up," Maria said while sliding out of the booth. Liz nodded and got up too. "Yeah, I'll be back," she said following after Maria. As soon as they were safely inside of the girls' room, Maria started to laugh. "It's not funny!" Liz protested, but she was having trouble not laughing herself. Maria sighed and looked at Liz. "He just proclaimed himself the king of boredom out there!" Liz ran her hand under the faucet and then through her hair. "Kyle isn't boring…he's just one minded," she said finally. Maria shook her head and said, "Just admit you want something new, and Max Evans is as new as it gets." Liz shook her head. "Maria, Max Evans probably doesn't even remember that he met me," she said with a sad voice. Liz pulled down a few paper towels and soaked them. She handed a few to Maria before trying in vain to clean off her shirt. "Remember?" Maria asked. "Girl, he has you name and address-not to mention your measurements-etched in his brain!" Liz blushed and threw the paper towel into the sink. "Maria! He does not." Maria shook her towel in Liz's face. "I know people Liz! And Max is head over heels for you!" she pulled back then added, "I was right about Kyle being a chocolate person." Liz sighed then rested her hands on the sink. She glanced up at her reflection. "Then answer this. What can of person is Max?" Liz glanced at her friend with interest. Maria smiled. "Easy. Mint Oreo chocolate chip." |
Part 6 | Index | Part 8 |