"For Then, For Now, Forever" |
Part 1 by Selena Santiago |
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Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or any of it's characters, however I love borrowing them whenever I come up with some insane ideas to write about! OH, and any songs are copyright of the respective owner.
Summary: While rummaging through one of Grandma Claudia's old boxes Liz finds a beautiful necklace. She finds herself being haunted with memories that are not her own. Could this necklace be the key to Max's past? Or is it the key to his future? Takes place mainly in the happenings of this season, but goes back and forth between events. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 Author's Note: I'd love feedback. Positive or otherwise... and let me know what I can do to improve or if you just liked it! Thanks! |
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"Your Highness?" The soft and soothing voice followed the princess into the courtyard. She sat, picked wild flowers and got her long white dress a little dirty. "Miss... please. You were due for dinner about an hour ago." The small child with the big brown eyes and dark brown hair looked back at the old woman taking care of her. "Yes Momma Claudia." She stood up with all the grace and charm of a queen and slowly placed the flowers in the pockets of her gown. They walked into the castle and the young child ran upstairs to bathe. Claudia went into the kitchen to look over the preparations. "Does she know?" "I don't believe so, no." Another woman stood with long curly red hair and beautiful green eyes. She had a long dress on as well, and she wore her crown. Claudia was excited. She knew everyone only got this worked up for big events. And finally this was truly a big event. "Everything needs to be perfect! I want these dishes completed in an hour. Our guests should be here at 7 p.m. prompt. It isn't easy to please Antarians. Their taste of food is rather eccentric. However, it can be done!" She walked out of the kitchen looking frustrated and looking around the castle making sure everything was prepared. "Do you need anything else dear?" "No Mother, thank you. You've been a great help. I just hope this works out for the best. I've always hated the idea of these royal functions, however, I feel this may be the only way." The old woman with graying hair and beautiful brown eyes hugged her daughter. "Don't worry. I get the feeling that this is right. They have some sort of connection, those two. Just... just let destiny take its course." They both smiled and Claudia made her way upstairs to get the small child. She found her in her room in front of the mirror, a black dress on and brand new sparkling shoes. Her hair was loose but well combed and she looked absolutely beautiful. "Eliza?" She turned around slightly startled at the sound of her grandmother's voice. She turned and slowly curtsied as Claudia looked on in pleasant amusement. "You look beautiful sweetheart." The girl walked towards the door and grabbed her grandmother's hand as they walked downstairs together. They took their time, both trying not to trip on their new clothing. Eliza looked up at Claudia and smiled. At that point, Claudia knew that Eliza had figured something out about the ceremonies of that evening. They stared into each other's eyes for a while, and finally Claudia laughed. "What?" "Why are we so dressed up Momma Claudia?" "There will be guests tonight. That's all I will say." She sent the child off to play in the game room. Just as Eliza went to leave, her father, the king, came in. She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Good afternoon Eliza." "Hi Daddy." "You look very beautiful." He kissed her cheek and sent her off. The queen came in from the kitchen and saw her husband and Claudia. "Great. I'm glad to see you two. There's something I wanted to ask." The king looked at his wife and sighed. "Oh Kathleen. I don't like this. I really don't." He rubbed his head in frustration. "Arthur, it will be ok. It's the only way. Antar and Earth have been having very serious problems and if we don't do something about it soon.... we may never be on good terms. We don't want some all out war to brew. That would be horrible." "I know, I know. But our daughter. Will she hate us? Arranged marriages haven't worked in ages. What if... what if she falls in love elsewhere?" Kathleen went to her husband and hugged him. "Let us hope and pray that won't be the case. I have to finish with dinner." They walked away and Claudia prayed silently. "Let this work. For the sake of our planets. For Eliza's sake." The evening went on and finally the guest began to arrive. Royal families from the connecting system, known as Golden Planets were arriving in bunches. Finally, the honored guests. The long dinner table was full of laughing faces and lively chattering. Kathleen stood up to speak with her guests. "Thank you all for coming this evening. I hope you will enjoy the meal." As she sat down Arthur stood up and held her hand to remain standing with him. "The reason we are gathered here today... is because we hope we have found a solution to our problems. The constant bickering between planets is ridiculous this day and age. We have many people forming rebel groups and alliances against particular planets to overthrow them. But we believe that uniting ourselves... in long term union, could help keep the peace between us as well as encourage a lasting friendship between the two planets." He picked up his glass of wine and held it out. "So without further ado, we propose the union of Zan and Eliza." The group cheered and the two youngsters sitting next to each other laughed. A young blonde girl came in from the bathroom and noticed everyone cheering. "Wow... is that for me?" "No. That was for me." "But I'm the oldest." "Oh sit Lonnie." "Listen Zan, I'm tired of you telling me what to do ok?" The gorgeous blonde sat and put her head up in pride. She had just told him off. A messy looking boy came up to them and sat next to the blonde girl. He began to eat his food and looked over at Lonnie. "What is it?" "Nothing. Just thought I saw food stuck in your teeth." "Rath you are just sooooo...." She stopped at the nudge from her brother. He was standing up with a glass of juice in his hand and she gathered herself and stood up also. "With the union of our planets, Antar and Earth, between Eliza and Zan, and the union of Antar and Creselle, between Vilandra and Rath, we hope to form a new league of strong kingdoms, expanding the galaxy." The children all smiled and toasted as a woman with golden blonde hair sat in the corner seat, her young daughter confused, and she vowed to seek revenge. |
Index | Part 2 |