Abducted |
Part 7 by Denise |
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Disclaimer: All Roswell Characters and situations are all owned by the WB.
Except I wish I owned Jason Behr. Summary: Liz gets Abducted Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG |
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(Isabel, Maria, and Alex trying to find a car)
Maria: "Well, I don't know where we are going to find one. Michael has mine." Isabel: "What about you Alex. You have a car?" Alex: "Sorry Isabel I don't but I have a bike." Maria: "Yeah Alex were all going to fit on your bike". Isabel: "Look I hate doing this because I hate lying to my mother but I'll ask her for her car. I'll make up some lie am use to it by now. Besides it's the only way. I need to see my brother and help him anyway I can. You guys wait here I'll go ask her. Alex: "Are you sure Isabel? One of us will go with you if you want?" Isabel: "Thanks but it will look way too suspicious if two people are there. I'll be back." (Isabel goes over to her Mother's office and takes a deep breath before Knocking) Isabel: "Mom can I come in?" Mrs. Evan's: "Sure you can honey". (Isabel comes in. Her mom is sitting at her desk.) Isabel: "Mom I need your car its really important. I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't?" Mrs. Evan's: "Can't you wait for your brother to come home?" Isabel: "Yeah but Max is the emergency". Mrs. Evan's: "What happen is he okay?" (Rushes to her daughter. Isabel wants so bad to tell her the truth but can't.) Isabel: "Mom am sorry it's not that drastic. The car broke down again......and the tow truck guy..........took Max to the repair shop and he wants someone to pick him up." Mrs. Evan's: "Isabel don't scare me like that. I thought something horrible had happen to your brother." Isabel: "Am sorry that I scared you. I know you were scared last time when he got into that car accident." Mrs. Evan's: "I just love you both so much. Your dad and I do. If anything were to happen to either one of you"............ Isabel: "Don't talk like that mom were fine". (She hugs her mother.) Mrs. Evan's: "I know. Why don't I pick up Max? I have to get some food anyway." Isabel: "No Mom I can do it besides........ I have to drop off Maria and Alex." Mrs. Evan's: "What happen to Maria's car?" Isabel: "Ooh.......... Michael borrowed it. He was going to return it to her tonight. Mom I can drop everyone off and pick up Max. I'll be home as soon as I can." Mrs. Evan's: "I am sorry Honey I just have been so scared lately with Kidnapping every since Liz Parker got kidnap. I don't want the same thing to happen to you." Isabel: "I'll be careful and I promise not to talk to strangers". Mrs. Evan's: "Okay by the way how's Max doing about Liz? I know he has been upset about it and I am worried because I can tell he cares about her very deeply." Isabel: "Yeah he does a lot. Well, he is trying to be strong and hope that the cops can find her. As I hope so too." Mrs. Evan's: "Me too. She seems like a nice girl." Isabel: "I better go Mom". (She hugs her mom) Mrs. Evan's: "Be careful Honey". Isabel: "I will. I love you mom." Mrs. Evan's: "I love you too". (Isabel leaves and closes the door behind her. To herself she says) Isabel: "I wish I didn't have to lie to you mom". ( She goes back to Maria and Alex) "I have the keys we better hurry." Alex: "Are you all right?" Isabel: "Yeah lets just go and save Max. So I can bring him back to my family and me." (They all go out the front door.) (Michael and Liz in the cave that Michael was saved in. They put Max down on the floor.) Michael: "I'll go find River Dog". (Liz is besides Max on the floor holding his hand.) Liz: "Okay you better hurry. We don't know how much time Max has. You better talk to Eddy he seems to be the only one that ever knows where River Dog is. Hopefully we can find him before Max".......... (Liz is about to start crying again. Michael kneeled down next to Liz.) Michael: "Liz he will be okay. I won't let him die. I'll do whatever it takes to find River Dog just like Maxwell did for me." Liz: "I know". (Michael puts his hand on Liz's shoulder) Michael: "Are you going to be all right here by yourself?". Liz: "Yeah just go". (Michael gets up and heads out of the cave. Liz watches him leave then turns back to Max. She moves his head to her lap and with one hand strokes his hair and with the other hand continues holding his hand.) Liz: "Max don't leave me all right". (Starts crying) "I mean..... I can't picture my life without you in it. Max I love you and I don't care that your different or that we don't belong together because its are life and we decide it. And I want to be with you. I don't want to turn my feelings off anymore. I want to face them. So I need you to come back to me...... Okay?". (She looks at Max) Music: Am so glad I found you, Am not going to lose you. What ever it takes I will stay here with you. Take it to the good times, See it through the bad times....... (Jefferson Starship) ( Liz kisses Max on the lips and then continues stroking his hair.) (Michael looks around the reservation looking for Eddy but finds River Dog instead. He goes over to him.) Michael: "River Dog I need your help?" River Dog: "With what? What's wrong now?" Michael: "Its Max the guy you showed the cave too. He is in trouble and my friends and I don't know what to do. He is in the cave right now with one of my friends." (He looks at River Dog.) (Isabel, Alex, and Maria are at the reservation now. They get out of the car and walk toward the cave. They see Michael with River dog on there way to the cave so they run to them.) Isabel: "Michael" Michael: "Isabel, guys I am glad your here". Isabel: "So what's wrong with my brother?" Michael: "That was what I was about to ask River Dog". (He turns to River Dog.) "He tried to save a friend and the government did a couple of experiments on him and now he is unconscious in the cave. Do you think you can help?" River Dog: "I have to see for myself. Lets go." (River Dog LEEDs the way. Michael holds on to Isabel and Alex and Maria follow Michael. They all reach the cave and go inside and find Liz still stroking Max's hair and holding on to his hand. Isabel goes over to Max and Takes his other hand.) Isabel: "Liz has he woken up at all?". Liz: "No" (River Dog goes over to Max and Looks at him and raises his eyelids to checkout his eyes. Then he looks at all of them.) River Dog: "This has not happen to Nasedo not that I've ever heard of. But he did say that this has happen before to one of your people." Michael: "And what did they do?". River Dog: "The only way to save the alien was he needed to connect with someone that he has connected with before. And that person has to try to bring him back to this world." (Isabel goes to Michael and puts her hand on his arm. He hugs her.) Isabel: "Michael I have never connected with him and neither have you and I doubt he has connected with anyone." Liz: "I have connected with him". ( Isabel and Michael look at Liz.) Isabel: "When?" Liz: "Well, he wanted to prove to me that he was just the same as always even though I just had found out he was an alien. So he connected with me and I saw his thoughts and when he healed me he saw mine." Alex: "So River Dog is Liz the only one that can save him?" River Dog: "Yes she is the only one that might be able too". Michael: "But how can she? She not alien." River Dog: "That's why I will need you two to help Liz with this. Its a very difficult thing to do and I've never tried it but Nesado has told me about this." Isabel: "But if Liz cannot connect with him. How can we help?". River Dog: "The alien that this happen to Nesado told me once connected with a human by Nesado giving off enough energy so the human could connect. We can all connect its just us humans turn off that side of our brain that can do that." Alex: "That's very true we don't use all of our brain". Liz: "Am willing to try it. What ever it takes to save Max. How do we do it?". River Dog: "First I must warn you there's a danger?" Alex: "What danger?" River Dog: "There's a good chance that in the other world she might not be able to bring him back in time and she might not be able to get out." Maria: "And if She's not able to get out in time then what will happen to Liz?" River Dog: "She will die as well".................. (River Dog looks at Liz) |
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