"A Stitch in Time - Revised" |
Part 34 by Lynda |
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Disclaimer: Dear Ms. Metz and Mr. Katims, can Max and the others come to my house to play? I'll try to have them back in time for dinner. Thanks, loon.
Summary: AU Fic. No spoilers. Max had thought just being an alien would fulfil the 'weirdness quotient' for his whole life, but now he had to cope with the concept of aliens from the future. And not just 'good' aliens from the future. There was a whole organization of 'bad' aliens from the future and he, Isabel and Michael had been recruited to help stop them. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 Authors Note: Dedication: to Addison, my first fan. |
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"Ohhhh, Dave." Isabel made a sympathetic sound and moved to his side,
ready to offer comfort if he would accept it. Max quickly moved in front of the distressed teenager. "Dave, I'd know if she was dead. Give me your hand." Max placed Dave's hand over his heart and connected. Max showed him the place Liz occupied in his heart so he would know that she still lived. He showed him the love and connection he and Liz shared. It was a personal thing, but Dave needed the reassurance that his mother was still alive. Tears of relief ran unnoticed down Dave's cheeks. "Thanks, Max." Isabel wrapped him in her best mothering hug and he accepted the comfort he so desperately needed. Being separated from all that he knew for over six months was bad enough, but when he thought his mother was truly gone, it was more than he could bear. After a few minutes he straightened up and wiped his face dry, unembarrassed about his emotional display. They were all slightly teary eyed as they said good bye and good luck to each other. If all went well they would be reunited that very night. As one, they left the dream plane and returned to their separate realities. Without a word being spoken between them, Max and Dave went to find the captain. They were going on that raid, no matter what objections he might offer. But in the end, they had to agree to leave Dave safely on the ship. Max knew of his importance to the timeline and didn't press the issue. It was a measure of Dave's growing respect for Max that he accepted his word that it was necessary for him to stay behind. Max 'pathed the image of the dissident's area of control to the men finalizing the raid. He clearly indicated Pokran's quarters and he insisted on being with the group that would rescue Liz. Even the captain agreed that he could join that part of the raid. Max was extremely grateful that Isabel and the other women captives would be spirited away right before the raid started so he didn't have to worry about her being injured in the battle. If only he could say the same thing about Liz. He could only hope for the best. They spent the remaining time finalizing the plans. And then it was time. Dave walked him to the transport room. They took their positions and the room disappeared around them. They reappeared in a storage room as planned. The groups separated, each with their own mission. Max's group headed directly for Pokran's quarters. Max couldn't believe they didn't encounter any of the dissidents on their way there. Maybe the raid was a total surprise like they had planned and hoped for. They were almost there when Max felt a sharp pain in his heart. Liz! Something was happening to Liz! Against the orders he had to stay in back of the group, he ran ahead and hit the door to Pokran's quarters with his shoulder. It burst open and Max ran into the room followed by the rest of his group. The first thing Max saw was Pokran straightening up from Liz's still form, an empty syringe in his hand. He dropped it and ran out the other door. The men in Max's group ran after him. With a wordless cry Max scooped Liz up and ran from the room. She hung limply in his arms, her body cold and clammy. Only the faint feeling in his heart reassured his that his mate still lived. He ran as fast as he could toward the safety of the storage area where he had transported in. He ran as if her life depended on it because he was desperately afraid it did. Max had to reach the medical center and get her into a healing chamber and let it deal with whatever god-awful drugs Pokran had been giving her. Max reached the door leading down into the storage room and triggered the return signal on his transport device. Dave was waiting when they materialized and he draped Liz's quilt around her and tucked it in. "MOM!" he exclaimed. "Max, is she… please, tell me—" "She's still with us, Dave. But we need to get her into a healing chamber right now. It looked like Pokran deliberately overdosed her." And without another word, Max took off down the corridor at top speed. Max burst into the ship's medical center and shouted for help. He rapidly explained what had happened to Liz and one of the doctors tried to take her from his arms. Instinctively he resisted, knowing that she needed contact with him to keep her anchored in this world. "Let me carry her. We need to stay in contact!" "Please, do as he says. She needs us." Dave held his mother's icy, limp hand as he pleaded with the doctor. "Don't waste any more time then. Bring her into the treatment room." The doctor led the way and had the healing chamber door open waiting for them. Max placed her inside and Dave maintained his grip on her hand. Max reached for Dave and Liz's joined hands and initiated a three-way connection. "We need to stay with her. She's almost gone." He placed his forehead on Liz's arm and concentrated on sending her strength and love. He felt Dave add to his efforts. They infused her with their energy, willing her to use it to return to them. They gave their energy freely until they were dangerously drained. Dave slumped down against the side of the healing chamber, never losing his grip on his mother's hand. Max was hanging onto consciousness with all his will power. He would not fail Liz. He couldn't live without her. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and new energy flowed into him. Max didn't question who had come to their aid, he just channeled the energy into Liz. After a time Max heard the doctor say, "Her physical condition has stabilized. You can release the connection now." Neither he nor Dave released Liz's hand. They had almost lost her and they needed to touch her for their own reassurance. Max sank down beside Dave. Liz's arm dangled between them, Max leaned his head against it and Dave held her hand. Max opened his eyes and when he could focus he saw a very pale Gregory sitting on the floor not far away. "You?!" He was astounded at the identity of the energy donor. "Gregory, I have no idea why you would do this for us, but you have my gratitude." Gregory smiled tiredly and got shakily to his feet. "I owe this woman a debt and it's still not paid up." Max raised his eyebrows in question. "I'll explain some other time. I have to attend to other duties now." Gregory turned to go but was stopped by Dave's voice. "You have my thanks also, and whatever help I can give you, Gregory." Dave's eyes slowly closed and he fell into an exhausted sleep still holding his mother's hand. Max smiled tenderly at the sight and closed his own eyes as sleep overtook him, too. A short time later Isabel came into the treatment room and saw her brother keeping vigil beside his mate. Tears came to her eyes and she dashed them away impatiently. Liz had to live. She had to. It just wouldn't be fair for her lonely brother to finally find his mate only to lose her. Not wanting to disturb him, but needing to be physically close after their separation, Isabel sat beside Max and leaned against him. He stirred and put his arm around her, never quite waking up. She sighed and closed her eyes, feeling safe for the first time since she had been captured. Several hours later the door to the treatment room opened again. Michael quietly walked in. He turned and smiled his thanks to the nurse who had showed him where to find his friends. She had told him about Liz and reassured that they had the drugs out of her system and that she should wake soon. Michael pulled up a chair and slouched down in it, trying to find a comfortable position. He'd just wait here until everyone woke up. They had been apart too long. The chief medical officer and his assistant entered the room the next morning and were taken a little aback at all the company the unconscious woman had. Their movements awakened the adults, but Dave slept on. Isabel leapt up and almost knocked Michael over with her hug. "God, Michael, it's so good to have you safe." Michael returned her hug more freely than he ever did as an awkward teen. His love for Maria had matured him and he was able to express his feelings securely. He said, "Ditto," knowing this would make her laugh. It was his standard response from those years when he'd been afraid to admit to his feelings. He was right. Isabel laughed through her tears and mock-punched his arm. Max watched their reunion with relief. The three of them had never been apart for such a long time and it felt good that they were back again. He didn't want to release Liz's hand so he stayed where he was and just smiled at them. Since he and Dave were occupying one side of the healing chamber the doctor went to the other side and began to examine Liz. When he was finished he consulted the readings on the instrumentation on the side of the chamber. He made doctor sounds and walked around to consult with Max. Dave woke up at this point and looked around at all the people crowding the treatment room. "Hey, Iz. Morning, Max." He greeted the ones he knew, nodded politely at Michael and then focused on the doctor. "Mr. Evans, Mr. Parker. Would you care to come into my consulting room?" he began. "Actually, no." Max and Dave spoke as one. Dave looked at Max and nodded that he should continue. "This concerns all of us so, if you please…" "Very well. The healing chamber has removed all traces of the drug from Ms. Parker's system and has re-hydrated her. There is no physical reason for her continued unconsciousness and frankly, I'm at a loss. She should have awakened by now." Max was growing concerned with Liz's continued unconsciousness. But she was alive! He could feel her there in that special place in his heart. Why wasn't she waking up? There had to be something they could do. Dave turned to look at him, his aura displaying his distress. "She's lost in her head, Max. That's what the dreams were about. She's lost and can't find her way back to us." This was the final blow. The traumatic events of the last six months crashed down upon him and Dave buried his face in her quilt and cried like a lost child. His heart wrenching sobs brought tears to all their eyes. |
Part 33 | Index | Part 35 |