"A New Breed" |
Part 32 by Susan |
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Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 |
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Both Max and Liz could tell by the way Isabelle looked she was speaking the
truth. Something was wrong. "Isabelle, try to calm down and tell us what's
up." Max asked hoping she would calm down enough for them to understand her
words. "I just finished dreamwalking Tess to let her know we were fine. Max, that Agent Motley came by our house." Isabelle then went into as much detail she could remember that Tess had told her. How the other government facilities had all been hit by their enemies the same night and how he feared that they had been betrayed by someone that knew. "What?" Max had listened to Isabelle and couldn't believe what she had just said. He knew the only people that knew they were being held against their will were the sheriff, Nasedo, Alex and Maria. He also knew that he would trust all four of them with his life. Nasedo was their protector and had died while saving their lives. The sheriff had protected them on countless times. He wouldn't even think of thinking about Maria or Alex being the ones who had betrayed them. "There has to be another explanation Isabelle." Isabelle and Liz were both thinking the exact same thing that Max had voiced when they each ran the list of possible suspects down in their minds as well. "I know Max, but who knows about us that we don't know about?" Isabelle finally asked now worried once again about their safety. Only a few hours ago she had felt more safe then she had since this whole ordeal had begun. "Well, someone out their knows and the problem is whoever it is that knows, we don't know about them." Liz replied as she crept closer to Max. "Is everyone else still up?" Max questioned. "Yes, but as soon as I left Tess, I came out here to tell you guys. I don't even know how to tell Alex or Maria that they were consider among the choices of betrayers to our folks back home." Isabelle answered meaning every word. "Come on, let's go talk to them. They deserve to know what's going down." Max felt bad for even doubting his two friends, but his mind was still thinking of Liz and his baby's safety as his first priority. His mind raced for memories. He knew he had never actually connected to neither Maria nor Alex, but he didn't feel like he needed to as he was sure he trusted them. When they walked back into the house Alex immediately ran up to Isabelle and wrapped his arm around her. "Are you okay? Did something happen to Tess?" Isabelle self consciously stepped out of Alex's arms as she made her way back into the living room where Michael and Maria were sitting on the couch. No one seemed to notice how quickly she had left Alex's side, except for Max and Liz. Max took charge of the conversation. He choose his words carefully so he wouldn't offend his friends and make them feel like he didn't trust them. "It seems Agent Motley had a discussion with our parents back home and is trying to convince them that one of our friends or Nasedo was the one who betrayed us." He then informed them about the other government facilities. Alex understood what was being said, but Maria needed a little more input for her to actually understand what Max had tried to explain. "So what? He thinks that Alex or I are one of these other aliens or something?" "Maria, it doesn't matter what that agent thinks. We all know you guys aren't one of them." Michael tried to reassure her. His paranoid state was returning, but he knew one thing for sure and that was Maria was not one of the other aliens. "He is probably just trying to scare Max and Liz's parents into revealing our location by playing stupid mind games with them." Alex then spoke up. "I know it has been hard for you guys to trust anyone except yourselves for many years. I don't want any of you to doubt our loyalties now." He turned to Max. "Why don't you connect with me and Maria so you guys won't have any doubts, then we can figure this out together without having any lack of trust?" Alex knew how hard his friends have had it in the past and he wanted them to have no doubts about them now. Max took a step toward Alex, when both Isabelle and Liz jumped in front of him. He looked at the two women that meant more to him then the air he breathed into his lungs and just smiled. He then looked to his friend. "Alex, thank you for offering, but there is no need here. You have more then proven to all us time and time again you are our friend. I have no doubts." Max then looked over at Maria who was being held closely by Michael. "About either of you, now let's try to figure out how they found out about us." Liz wrapped her arms around Max's neck. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear so only he heard her. Michael then stood up and started pacing. As he paced he started thinking out loud. "Okay, all we know for sure is the other aliens found out that we were being held in some government facility, but they didn't know which one exactly we were at. So they attacked a bunch of them at once figuring they would find us and be able to kill us. Now this agent from the FBI thinks we were betrayed by someone we know, because everyone else was killed. Is that right so far?" "That about sums it up in a nut shell." Isabelle confirmed. "Isabelle, see if you can find out exactly what other facilities were attacked." Max stated. Isabelle agreed and immediately laid down to dreamwalk Tess for the second time that evening. When she came out of her dream state she asked for a piece of paper. As she started writing down the names of the facilities that Tess had informed her of everyone watched over her shoulder. "Oh my God..It was me..I betrayed you guys." Everyone looked at Alex in shock. "What?" Isabelle whispered so low hardly anyone could hear her. She was literally shocked at what Alex had just admitted. "Remember how I told you I would have found you even if you hadn't been able to come to me the first night we were all at Tess's house?" Alex questioned Isabelle. His eyes were full of sorrow, now knowing he was the one that had betrayed his friends. "Alex, what are you trying to say?" Isabelle questioned, still not believing Alex would ever betray them, her. "I used Valenti's computer to do a search for government facilities in the area around Roswell. We thought at the time you guys were in trouble. Isabelle, you didn't know then where exactly you guys were. So I got on the Internet and hacked my way into our governments real estate purchases since the 1950s. I then broke down the list for possible places that you guys could have been held. The final list I made is that exact same list." Alex stated has he pointed to the list of facilities that Isabelle had just finished writing. Max put his hand on Alex's shoulder. "It's okay Alex, you were only trying to help us." Alex felt a little relief that Max wasn't blaming him for what he had done. He was blaming himself already. "A lot of help I was. How many people lost their lives because of my help?" "I know six people who are alive because of your help." Isabelle stood up and lightly touched Alex's arm. She wanted him to know she didn't blame him and she sure wasn't going to sit there and allow him to blame himself for all those other people. "So the other aliens must have been monitoring your access to the Internet. When you were online they simply just waited for you to figure out what they wanted to know and acted on it before you found out our exact location." Liz stated. "Alex? I know you were setting up Nasedo's computer earlier. You didn't by any chance get online yet, did you?" Max hated to ask this question, but he needed to know if they were endanger again. "No. I haven't had a chance yet, but I'm glad we figured this out tonight. Chances are I probably would have gone online tomorrow." Everyone let out a breathe of relief. "You know this could work to our advantage Max." Liz suddenly had an idea how to end all of this once and for all. Max looked over at Liz and could tell her mind was thinking as quickly as it could. "Let me hear it." "Well, to begin with, do you trust this Agent Motley?" Liz asked. "I want to, but right now you know the people I completely trust." Liz could only nod at Max's response. "Well, it is more then likely the other's know their previous attempt had fail. So they are more then likely going to continue to monitor their computer systems for if and when Alex goes back online. I just think we have Alex send a message to Sheriff Valenti and set up a supposed meeting time. Then when the other aliens show up...." "We will be waiting and take care of them once and for all." Max finished her thoughts himself. "It's a good plan except for one thing." Michael interjected. "We don't know how many there are of them. It might be better if we use the government to our advantage this time." Max looked over at Michael and instinctually knew he was right. He couldn't take the chance anything could happen to any of them. He then informed the group of his decision. "First things first. For now I think we are all still safe here. I can supply the blood for the attack, but we need to find a way to get my blood into their blood stream to kill them without having to actually being there." "Why don't you guys just have that Agent Motley make some kind of blood bullet." Maria stated trying to joke it off, but when she saw the look in Michael's eyes she wasn't sure what to expect. "That's it Maria, I'm in love with a genus!" Michael exclaimed. Maria had no idea what Michael was talking about all she heard were the words that said he was in love with her. When everyone just gave him a questioning look he continued. "The government makes every other kind of weapon. Why can't they come up with one that holds Max's blood inside of something that opens upon impact. Pouf, Max's blood is inside of them and they die without any of us having to actually do anything." Michael thought the plan was perfect himself. "That would be great except you forgot one thing. We are the only ones that can tell who is human and who is not. So no matter what we still will have to be a part of the attack." Isabelle informed the group. "Or the fact that we have to get Max's blood into the hands of the right people." Alex added. Everyone in the party went silent as they each thought about their options. Then Max took charge. "Isabelle, I hope your up to some dreamwalking tonight. First, let Tess know we are working on a plan and that we are still safe and let her know what we found out. Second, go to dad. Tell him to make an excuse to go to his office in Clovis next week and expect a package to arrive from his dear old friend Mr. Walters. Make sure you let him know we are all fine so our parents aren't worried. Then visit the sheriff. Ask him to contact Agent Motley. Explain the blood bullet thing. Let him know we'll get in touch with them later in the week to find out if they could come up with anything that would work." Liz watched Max as he continued with his plan. It amazed her how in control he was and how natural it was for him to format everything they needed to do. She had heard his real mother state how he was the leader of his home planet, but at the time all she could think about was the statement about Tess being his young bride. Now that she no longer had to deal with that issue she could see what a wonderful leader he truly was and she felt humble that he had fallen in love with her. As soon as Max finished with his idea and everyone agreed it was a good plan they all decided to get some sleep. Once they were in their bedroom Max pulled out the medical supply kit they had brought with them. He sat down on the bed and begun the place a tourniquet on his arm to withdraw his blood. "Need some help?" She asked quietly as she approached him. Max watched in amazement as Liz helped put the tourniquet on. Then she took the rest of the supplies out they needed to withdrawal his blood. When she had everything set up she took the needle out and handed it to him. She had watched Max set up the equipment prior to them leaving Roswell, but she didn't know exactly how to drawl the blood and she wasn't about to experiment on the love of her life. Max could tell what she was thinking. "It might be a good idea if you learned how to do this. You never know when you might have to do it in the future." Max looked down at her stomach where their baby rested safely inside her womb. "Besides, I trust you." He stated as he held out the needle for her to retake. "I don't want to hurt you Max. What if I do it wrong?" "With everything you have been through, I'm pretty sure you can do this. Besides I'd rather you practice until your perfect on me." He made a fist, released it and then repeated a few times. Then he guided her hand and the needle it held to the vein in his arm. Step by step he taught her how to withdrawal his blood. Just as he had expected she did it perfectly the first time. After they had filled two bags of Max's blood, Liz went and got him some juice. Max had stripped down to his boxers while Liz was gone. The sight of Max laying on their bed in just his boxers took Liz's breathe away when she had returned. Even though they had made love many times by now, she still couldn't believe what just seeing his body did to her. Max saw the look of desire in Liz's eyes as she gave him the juice she had just retrieved. He gave her a knowing smile, met her eyes and she could see his love for her. She knew at that moment both of them were feeling the same thing. "I better get ready for bed." She stated as she slowly turned to walk toward their bathroom. Max waited impatiently for what seemed like an eternity for Liz. As he laid there his mind was going in about a million different directions, going over every thing that had happen and also the plan he had just relayed to the rest of the group. When Liz came out of the bathroom, his mind went to one thing and one thing only, Liz. He pulled opened the bed sheets for her and watched as she made her way over to the bed. As he wrapped her in his arms he couldn't believe how good and right she felt as she laid her head upon his chest. "You are so beautiful." He then took her hand in his and brought it up to his lips gently kissing the diamond ring that laid upon her finger. "When this is over and done with, I want you to know. I plan on devoting all my energy to making you feel like the most loved person in the universe. I want us to be happy Liz. I love you so much." "Max, you already make me feel like I'm the most loved person anywhere. But, you and I both know even after we take care of our enemies here on earth, their is still your home planet that needs to be dealt with. And just so you know, I plan on being by your side always." She leaned forward and gently kissed his lips. "Together." He whispered as he captured her lips again. "Forever." She moaned back and then let the desire that course through her body take over. This was their first night together in their new home and with each touch, kiss and climax they made their first night a memorable one. |
Part 31 | Index | Part 33 |