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Swimfan in YM
September 13, 2002Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to BelieveInRoz4eva for this :)

In the October 2002 issue of YM (With Avril Lavigne on the Cover) There's an article on Swimfan. It's called "Fatal Attraction on the Swimteam" (p. 102) It includes three pictures of Shiri (One with her and Jesse by the pool, on with her and the director, and one with her and Jason Ritter talking about a bikini wax)

Shiri, who played Liz Parker on Roswell, is stopped by some extras. "Of course I'll sign an autograph for you." She says to one shy female fan. "As long as you'll sign one for me" And she means it. Shiri has the girl write her name on a napkin and then she puts it in her pocket and head to catering. She and Jason begin eating a healthy lunch (pasta, sald and some grilled veggies...

Shiri seems to have fared the worst: "My character gets chased by a car while on her Vespa, beat up [more than once], and Madison tries to drown me." says Shiri with a "Can you believe it?" expression on her face. "I'm not looking pretty in the second half of the film. That's all I'll say, because I don't want to give away the ending."

There's much more to the article, I just typed up the parts focusing on Shiri :)

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