News and Information
Shiri Appleby - Swim Fan
September 04, 2002Posted by Lisa  
Thanks to LaTiNaGoDdEsS05 for sending this in.

Shiri Appleby will be interviewed on Thoursday September 5, on Z100. She
will promote her new movie swimfan. It will be at 6:00 pm.

Thanks to Chris for sending this in.

From "Entertainment Today"

Remember your first high school boyfriend? Shiri Appleby does. "I still have the scars from it," the former Roswell star reveals. "You don't get over things like that." Sounds like things didn't exaclty work out . . .

"I got cheated on," she explains. "So I slapped the boy across the face." That was great preparation for her new role in the teen thriller Swimfan. "I play Jesse Bradford's girlfriend," she says. "He is her first boyfriend and she is so in love she is convinced she is marrying this guy. Then the new girl at school comes in to steal my man." That's about when art begins to imitate life. "When I found out in the movie that he has cheated on me, I slap Jesse across the face," she laughs. "I was telling him this story in rehearsals, so we decided to do it in the movie. That scene is taken from real life events."

Thanks to tmpond for sending this in.

Shiri Appleby will be on the show "Love Line" on Wednesday night, sept. 4th.

Here is a list of stations that carry the show, and where you can listen online. Adam and

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