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The Fan Forum tee shirt project!
July 24, 2002Posted by Lisa  
Thanks to Blackwidow for announcing this on the Roswell boards

Want to show your love for Roswell? Want to show your support for FF? Here's your chance to do both!

EDR has found a t-shirt manufacturer that will print t-shirts at the cost of around $10-$15 apiece, and since there are a lot of wonderful creative people in the Roswell fandom that want to help FF, there will be a contest for a best Roswell-themed t-shirt design!

We want our members to think up a neat Roswell-related slogan, idea, logo, graphic or design, and then post it below on the thread. After all the submissions are in, they will be compiled and listed in a new thread, where ALL Roswellians can then vote for the winner. The winning design will be made into a shirt, and the winning designer will get a free shirt with his/her design on it.

Here are your design guidelines:
1. One sided/one location on the shirt
2. The t-shirt itself can be almost any basic color (white, black, etc.)
2. Four colors max = $15 shirt
3. One color = $10 shirt
4. The shirts are screen-printed, so complex designs with photos, etc., are tough to make look good. Simple designs work best!

EDR chimes in with a little concern over copyright: "Obviously, we must be careful to avoid any copyright infringement on the shows. Therefore, official logos, pictures of the cast, etc., would not be permissible. However, posters are free to use Shipper Group names and any uncopyrighted images on the shirts. They can probably get away with dialogue from the shows as well. But we must pitch this as a tribute shirt, not an official shirt of any kind."

Shipper shirts are allowed of course, but it is strongly encouraged that people try to come up with a non-shipper design so everyone can show their support for FF. We can only have ONE design made into a shirt, and we want something that will appeal to everyone, not just the members of one shipper group. If you're not artistically inclined, that's okay -- you can submit slogans or phrases, too.

You can enter as many times as you wish.

All submissions and questions should be posted on the thread below. The submission for designs will begin immediately, and close at 12:00 midnight (EST) on Wednesday, July 31. After this time, no new submissions will be accepted.

On August 1, all submissions will be compiled and posted on a new thread where you can vote (only once!) for your favourite. Votes will be accepted from August 1 until August 7 at 12:00 midnight (EST) after which, the thread will be closed and no new votes will be accepted.

Immediately following the end of voting, the votes will be tallied and the winner announced. The winning shirt will go on sale shortly after the contest closes.

Please post all submissions on this thread. You should also post all questions here, too, and one of the mods will respond ASAP. There is an identical thread on the other Roswell board, and you can enter on either board, as many times as you like.

Good luck, and happy designing!

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