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Colin Interviewed By MTV
May 29, 2002Posted by Mandy  
This may have already been posted when Colin's movie 'Orange County' was released but since he's up for Best Breakthrough Performance on the MTV Movie Awards, I'm posting it again.

Interview-Colin Hanks

Nominated for Best Breakthrough Performance Male for his starring turn in the comedy Orange County, Colin Hanks talks about his childhood and his beginnings as a professional actor.

Colin Hanks: I definitely had a typical childhood in Sacramento. I lived up there with my mom and I had family that lived down in Los Angeles so I consider myself a true native of all of California. It was pretty standard stuff. I went to a pretty small high school, didn't really know exactly what I wanted to do with my life.

I dug acting though. I knew that and I did a lot of plays from grade school all the way up through high school and college. I came down to Southern California for my freshman year in college and actually went to school in Orange County for a year, which was kind of funny. Then I transferred to a school up here in Los Angeles and never got a chance to finish school 'cause I ended up being really lucky and getting a job and I figured if you're studying to be an accountant and you get a job as an accountant, why study to be an accountant? Just be one. I'm not at all endorsing dropping out of school, but that's what I did and then now here I am on a rooftop here in Hollywood, California.

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