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Shiri in Dance Spirit Magazine
February 26, 2002Posted by Lisa  
Thanks to Kathy W for sending this in

There is an article about an upcoming movie of Shiri's in the March, 2002 issue of Dance Spirit magazine. (Page 112). It reads:

Double Time

Tapping your toes waiting for the next big dance film? A Time For Dancing, which premiered at the Sarasota Film Festival on January 25, may be exactly what we're all waiting for. DS reporter Julie Harkness attended the film's cast party in Los Angeles last November where the buzz was the movie's phenomenal dancing!

Shiri Appleby and Larisa Oleynik play dancers and best friends, Sam and Jules, whose friendship is tested when Jules is diagnosed with an incurable cancer. Veteran film choreographer Marguerite Derricks (Austin Powers [I and II]; Never Been Kissed) Choreographed the soulful dances.

Appleby, who you may recognize from the TV series Roswell, was interested in the role after reading the script brought her to tears. "Being a dancer all my life helped me with the part," says Appleby, who spent her youth in ballet, jazz and gymnastics classes. Oleynik got her start at the age of 8, starring as the young Cosette in Les Miserables at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco, CA, and was most recently seen onscreen in 10 Things I Hate About

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