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Screen Saviours - Entertainment Weekly
February 23, 2002Posted by Lisa  
Thanks to Anne for sending this in

Screen Saviors

When their favorite television shows get the hook, dedicated fans go to the net- and put their complaints online

by: Noah Robischon

For every TV series that was canceled this season, there's a jilted viewer pining for its return. And just as in years past, panicked audiences have begun gathering online to save their shows by petitioning the networks. Their efforts aren't all in vain: In 2000, La Femme Nikita was given an eight-episode reprieve after USA Networks was flooded with mail. With a decent website, and an imaginative ploy like the Tabasco sauce bottles that accompanied the save-ROSWELL effort, fans CAN win out.


The article then uses examples of such shows like "Once and Again", "The Tick", "Family Guy", "Emeril", and "Felicity". Also, EW criticizes whether they believe the show deserves to be saved as well as rating the overall quality of the show. It also included the websites that fans use to campaign like and

Unfortunately, Roswell was only mentioned that ONE time. EW probably haven't heard anything recently besides the Tabasco campaign we did two years ago.

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