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Toys for Tots Campaign Update
January 09, 2002Posted by Campaign Crew  
The final tally for the Toys for Tots Campaign is in!

Thanks to Roswellians everywhere, a total of $2,211.00 was raised to help Toys for Tots this holiday season. 30 donors contributed $1,641.00 and $570.00 was raised through the Roswell TV Auction Package at eBay.

From Major Bill Grein at Toys for Tots:

"Thanks for the great support. It looks like we had a tremendous last ten day response from the public. Our direct mail program for 2001 (of which most of the Roswell supporters were part of) broke our Year 2000 record by over $60,000. So you were a part of helping us set a record for internet donations, which reached a total of $224,000."

Your donations were "worth 200 to 300 toys, which made a real impact on a lot of families. You should be proud."

In addition, several of you wrote in to tell us how many toys you donated and how much time you donated. You made a real impact as well.

Major Grein has also sent letters to Dean Valentine at UPN and Leslie Moonves at CBS describing this latest charity effort of Roswell fans.

Thanks, everyone, for your support. Once again, Roswellians have shown how much they care for others. And remember that Toys for Tots can use your help all year long. Please continue to do what you can.

Happy New Year!

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