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MTV's TRL Campaign - Tues., Dec. 11
December 10, 2001Posted by Campaign Crew  
Thanks to the Grassroots Campaign Team leaders for sending this in! Please participate and spread the word!:

We're going to try the MTV's TRL campaign again. However we've picked a newer song. We're going to vote for U2's "Stuck In A Moment" video. Now we all know that this song has not been played during Roswell. We're picking it since Brendan is in it. Also we sort of thought that the lyrics to the song go very well with the theme of The End Of The World.

So we're trying to get the ratings up by asking everyone to vote for this video on Tues. Dec. 11th. We're asking you to wait until at least 12AM EST on Monday night/Tuesday morning (the 10th/11th) to vote by internet. You need to make sure you're done voting by 4:45PM EST on Tues. Dec. 11th. We've picked this day to promote Roswell (since that's the day it's always on) and to promote UPN re-broadcasting The End Of The World on that day. It's very important that we all vote for it on Tuesday and not before.

The website address is

Just click on the green button in the middle of the page that says "Cast Your Vote." Then you'll be brought to a big list of songs. Scroll all the way down and on the left side you'll see the option to fill in your own choice. Make sure you select "other." Then type in U2 and Stuck In A Moment for artist name and video title. It'll ask you for your date of birth and email address (optional), and then make sure you go to the right side and fill out your name, MTV user id (optional), and message. Please make sure to include something along the lines of Watch Roswell Tuesday Nights at 9PM on UPN! or Watch Roswell Tuesday Nights on UPN After Buffy The Vampire Slayer! It would be nice if you mentioned UPN re-airing The End Of The World episode that night. Also, if you can, do all of this without making it too long. Then say something about Roswell's Brendan Fehr being in the video. That way new viewers will understand the link between that song and Roswell. Please keep in mind to keep your message short and sweet! If you write a novel they won't show your message during the song!

For telephone voting please call 1-800-DIAL-MTV (1-800-342-5688) or 1-888-311-4343 (both are free)! Please wait until at least 2PM EST on Tues. Dec. 11th to vote by phone!

Please make sure you've finished voting by 4:45PM EST on Dec. 11th by either telephone or internet because they usually have the votes tallied by then.

If you have any further questions please post them at our thread on Fan Forum:

Thanks everyone!

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