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MTV's TRL Campaign Idea - Tues 12/4
December 02, 2001Posted by Campaign Crew  
Thanks to the Grassroots Campaign Team leaders for sending this in! Please participate and spread the word!:

First we are going to do this on Tuesday Dec. 4th ONLY! That's the only way votes will count! That's 2 days to
get prepared for our campaign mayhem!

Second remember TRL airs 3:30-5PM eastern time. Check your local listings for channel and air time in your areas!! So get started requesting Dido's "Here With Me" at 2 or 2:30. I believe you can continue clear up til about 4:50. Usually by then they have everything accounted for.

Third, yes they usually play the NEW stuff, but if we get enough people to vote we might get a close call or a mention or SOMETHING!
Something is better than nothing!!

Fourth, to make the request either call 1-888-311-4343 (which is free) or go to the site at

TRL Voting

there you can click on "cast your vote." You'll see a massive list of songs. Scroll all the way down and in the left row you'll see "Favorite vid not on the countdown? No worries, just select "other" and fill in the info below." It'll tell you what to do. Make sure you fill out the info on the right too. That's where you get to put in your name and message. In the message make sure you mention WATCH ROSWELL TUESDAYS @9PM ON UPN or if you are unsure of the times for all over just put WATCH ROSWELL TUESDAYS AFTER BUFFY ON UPN!! If you'd like mention the pilot being on that night. You can also say something about watching the best show or how much you love Roswell. Just don't make it too long or they probably won't put it on there. ;)


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