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News on Roswell CD
November 26, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Megan for this :)

I was watching MTV2 today and a commercial for Ivy's new CD came on and it said that it's music was "Featured on the hit show Roswell."

Also this post was up in the "news" section at Ivy's official website:

Question: Why aren't Ivy on the Shallow Hal soundtrack?
Andy replies: "We're not on the Shallow Hal soundtrack bec, at the time, only "Edge Of TO" was in the film. And we had licensed it already to be released on the Roswell soundtrack (coming out in Jan), which we thought was better for us anyway, to spread ourselves out. Neither wanted it on their soundtrack if it was on the other's as it had to be 'exclusive.' We had to pick which one. The movie trailer for Shallow Hal was made months before much of the film's music was decided on so that's why there's no familiar music in the trailer."

So, get that, kids: No Shallow Hal soundtrack purchase! Purchase Roswell soundtrack (in January 2002) instead!

**So they are promoting Roswell's CD, which will be out in January!! CAN'T WAIT!!!

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