News and Information
FF members, please considering helping the Red Cross
September 12, 2001Posted by NetRanger has set up an Honor system type account to take donations for the Red Cross. They are giving all of the money raised to the Red Cross, and are not taking their normal percentage. You can follow the link below to go there, or you can follow one of the other links below to find out other ways to help.

Other URL's and info to help out:

Red Cross
1-800-GIVE HOPE*(blood donors)
1-800-HELP NOW*(monetary donations)

Red Cross web site

Also, KDberg has come up with a challenge for all of the Roswell fans at Fan Forum, but I'm asking that everyone read her idea, and don't take offense that it was directed to Roswell fans, but rather think of it as something that all of Fan Forum can do together.

Kdberg's post:

I'm still sitting here shell shocked after this horrible day and can't shake the feeling that there must be something we can do. *I mean, look at what Roswell fans have accomplished in the past* when we band together, it seems that we can do so much. *So, I've been trying to come up with some kind of plan that we can all work on together and I had a thought.* Follow me, if you will.*

Think about all the money we have spent, as Roswell fans, over the past two years.* Not only the money that we've given to charity, which I believe totals around $125,000 and up * but all the money we've spent on fun Roswell paraphernalia and products that we just had to have * parties we've attended * etc.* If we sent even a small percentage of that money to the Red Cross * think of the good they could do with it.*

So, I've come up with a challenge for all Roswell fans who wish to and are capable of participating in:

Think back to the beginning of your time as a Roswell fan.* Think about all the items you've bought as a fan.* Think about the parties you've attended and what you paid to attend those parties.* Think about the money you've spent on Tabasco for campaigns and the money you sent in to various other campaigns over the past two years.* If you want to go so far as to add up the cost of your internet service to visit Crashdown and Fan Forum or your cable/satellite service that you pay for in order to watch the show * go ahead and add that in.

Now * add all this up and take 5% of that total.* Write a check and call your local chapter of the American Red Cross and find out where to send that check.* (While you've got them on the phone, find out where to go give blood at the same time.)

I know a lot of people are looking at that 5% and thinking it's not much, but when you add it all up * trust me, you will realize how much it really is.* And with as many fans as we have here * every little bit that you can send will help tremendously.* But if you don't think 5% is enough * by all means * send more!

Here's an idea of what 5% will mean * based on my own financial records and what I've spent (some of these are estimates, as I can't remember exact prices):

$35 *** 1st Roswellian Gathering in LA
$150 ** Donation for Variety ad (Year 1 campaign)
$40 *** Tabasco for Year 1 campaign
$30 *** Season Finale party in LA
$60 *** 1st Annual Crashdown Party
$60 *** Valentine Dinner
$600 ** Flights to NewYork and Toronto for Season Premieres
$60 *** New York Premiere Party
$65 *** 2nd Annual Roswellian Gathering in LA
$60 *** Rosquilters Dinner in LA
$70 *** Tabasco for Year 2 campaign
$50 *** Thank You UPN* PCF campaign
$50 *** Amazon Fan Forum donation
$300 ** Flights to NewYork for Season Finale
$60 *** New York Finale Party
$40 *** Yearbooks* Season 1 & 2
$250 ** Various Roswell paraphernalia * books, posters, etc.
$50 *** Estimate for postage spent on various campaigns

5% of that total is $101.50

I've obviously travelled quite a bit, so my total is pretty high - yours will probably be less, but still helpful. And if it is too high for you to think of it this way - that's fine too! If you can't send 5% of your total - send 1%. If you can't send 1% - send $1! Send anything! This is just a guideline - an idea - if you want to think of it in "Roswell" terms.

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