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Openings for next weeks Chicago Summer Bash
June 17, 2001Posted by NetRanger  
Thanks to Matt H. for sending this in. Please note, this is not an official Fan Forum or Crashdown party, but should be fun. I'd go if I was in Chicago!

Looking for a creative way to spend some of your hard
earned cash?? Want to have a really fun evening?? Then
consider attending the Roswell Chicago Summer Bash!
Just recently we had a few cancellations, and we are
trying hard to fill these vacancies!

For a cost of $35/ticket you can attend the Roswell
Chicago Bash! You will get to watch Roswell episodes,
discuss them with other Roswell fanatics, meet some
fans, eat delicious food, take Roswell quizzes, and
play Roswell games, get a goodie bag with some neat
things, get a ticket for a free raffle, and
participate in a paid raffle to support a wonderful
charity! What a fun and exciting way to spend a boring

Saturday afternoon! And $35...what a great price! That
is less than a ticket to most concerts, and is cheaper
than admission to many amusements parks. Plus you will
get food, and some fun favors!

The party is FAST apporoaching, so if you want to
come, you will have to decided VERY VERY SOON!
(Because you will need to send your $$ right away!)

Here is some basic information:
DATE: SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD (Yes, this is just 1 WEEK
TIME: 3PM - 12AM (But of course you can arrive and
leave whenever you please)

Now that you have that info, would you like to
attend?? I can assure that many hours of hard work
have been put into this event and you wont be

If you would like more info, visit the party website:

And if you still have more questions, just email

If you are interested in attending, and are able to
go, AND you are able to send your money RIGHT AWAY,
then email -- we have limited
tickets remaining and it is first come first serve!

I can assure you that will have a blast -- an alien
blast of course!

We really hope you will be able to attend!! Thanks so

PS. Visit the official party thread on Fan Forum:

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