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Variety: UPN's latest Endeavor
June 01, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Pam for posting this on the board and for Karyn to letting me know about this :)

UPN's latest Endeavor
Deal reps further expansion of co.'s marketing unit


HOLLYWOOD -- UPN has pacted with Endeavor-based marketing gurus Mark and Erik Stroman, retaining the duo to create and execute third-party promotional tie-ins for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Enterprise" and the netlet's other scripted programming.
Deal reps the further expansion of Endeavor's still-fledgling marketing group, which is designed to serve as an additional tool to boost the agency's clients and their projects.

According to UPN exec VP Adam Ware, the Stroman brothers will "handle everything from idea to pitch to execution" in creating new marketing and promotional opportunities tied to UPN properties -- a "Buffy" scratch-and-win contest at 7-11, for example, or a Sprint-sponsored screening of the "Enterprise" series premiere.

"They'll handle everything from A to Z, allowing us to use our marketing department to stay focused on promoting the shows on-air," Ware said.

The Stromans are best known for their attention-grabbing tie-ins and promotions while the duo were at Fox -- such as linking up the folks who make Butterfinger candy bars with "The Simpsons."

With UPN acquiring established properties "Buffy" and "Roswell," and launching a new "Star Trek" skein, the net suddenly finds itself with a wealth of programming sporting a built-in viewer base ready to be exploited by advertisers.

"We now have shows with real passionate fans," Ware said. "There's a unique opportunity for an advertiser to get involved in a way that's more than a 30-second commercial. Viewers of these shows want to get involved (with promotions.) Our goals match up perfectly with (the Stromans') track record."

While the deal with Endeavor didn't officially close until Thursday, the Stromans had already started working on potential marketing tie-ins. Meetings have been held with execs from Nokia, Sprint, 7-11 and several other companies.

Though UPN's trio of new properties rep the most immediate tie-in possibilities, the Stromans will work on all scripted UPN series, including the netlet's Monday lineup of comedies.

Endeavor is already working with Fox to promote its upcoming small-town murder mystery drama/reality series. The agency is expected to announce other deals similar to the UPN and Fox pacts in the coming weeks.

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