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Gist TV: fathers day Roswell mention
May 26, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Megan for this :)
GIST TV exclusive
The Ideal TV Dad
Compiled by Elisabeth Morse, Gist TV Staff

A perfect dad is supposed to be strong and big and loving and forgiving.
He should know when to lend you the car and when to explain the dangers
of unbridled lust. A good dad will stick around when things are tough
and help make them better.
Alas, the ideal father is hard to find, both in the real world and on
TV. In honor of Father's Day, we propose ignoring (momentarily) the
downside of TV dads. Instead, let's celebrate what makes them good, fun,
lovable. They may not be overall role models, but they do possess some
of the qualities we'd want in an ideal dad.

The leniency of the fathers on Roswell

Teenagers are a demanding bunch, for sure. One thing they crave most is
the freedom to come and go as they please, a concept that most fathers
aren't too hot on. But high-schoolers Max, Isabel, Liz, Maria and Alex
(Michael's bum of a foster father barely gave him notice) are sure never
bothered by some pesky curfew. Their dads let out nary a peep when their
progeny are off gallivanting around town at all hours of the night and
day. It's not that the fathers don't care about their kids, it's just
that ... well, we don't exactly know why they're so cool about it, but
it's great that they are! - Jenny Higgons

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