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Lifehouse Mentions Roswell
May 07, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Megan for this :)I just have to add that it's true that you learn something new every day--while reading this, I found out that Jason Wade-the frontman of the group is from the town I'm from and where I currently reside :) A gold star to anyone who doesn't live in Southern California and who knows where my town is located at ;)

Lifehouse Bio

Perhaps even more incomprehensible is how this recently obscure Los Angles band scored a #1hit on Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks chart, with "Hanging By A Moment," only ten weeks after the release of their debut album, No Name Face (issued Oct. 31, 2000, on DreamWorks Records). Jason, Sergio and Rick were equally incredulous at the appearance of their song "Everything" on the popular TV show "Roswell."

"It's all been unbelievable," Jason says of Lifehouse's success thus far. "We didn't expect any of this, but we're so grateful to have so many people hearing our songs. I really can't explain how it's happened."

In fact, the trio's frontman is hard-pressed to explain most of the unexpected twists his life has taken. His early years in Camarillo, Calif., for instance, would suggest an all-American boyhood, but then his family began touring the Far East, visiting Japan, Thailand and Singapore before moving to Hong Kong. Moreover, he admits to having little interest in music until his parents split up and the songs just started pouring out of him.

"This record deals a lot with self-discovery and breaking out of whatever your parents or your boss or whoever thinks you should be, says Jason of No Name Face. "It's about trying to find out for yourself who you're supposed to be - your purpose, your destiny in the world."

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