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Need Assistance With Save Our Shows Article-Click Me :)
April 09, 2001Posted by Mandy  
First off, I want to apologize for the lack of updates by me--I've been pretty sick the last few weeks and haven't had the energy to do very much (which explains the 400 new emails I haven't even gotten to yet!) and on top of that I am working on a article on fan campaigns to save their favorite television shows which is due tomorrow. Which brings me to how you can help with that. I'm trying to get as many quotes as I can about why "Roswell" should be saved aside from the standard "because it's a good show" or " is the best!" I'm looking for quotes about what draws you into the show that makes you want to be a part of wanting to make sure it comes back next year.

1) Why do you feel the show is worth saving? That is, what makes the show stand out to you to want to become involved with saving it and 2) what does "Roswell" have that other programs on TV doesn't have that makes you want to get so involved with saving it.

I will use as many responses as I get back--all I ask is that you have fun answering the question and feel free to say as much as you like--just know, that I may have to edit some of the quotes if I need to make it fit into the article.

Send me the information to by noon Monday PST along with your first and last name and include if you are from another country and if so, please tell me the country you're from just so I can add how world-wide the show appeal is. Please also let me know what exactly you're doing in saving the show (from writing letters to writing to sponsers, etc)or if you're part of a campaign in another country.

DO NOT SEND YOUR RESPONSES TO THE CRASHDOWN ACCOUNT-- PLEASE SEND IT TO (Click on my name on the top right corner of this post to email me directly)

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