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The Match Game (TV couples)
February 26, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Valerie and everyone else who sent this in :)

GIST TV exclusive
The Match Game

Most TV dramas and sitcoms feature romantic couples — everyone from longtime
marrieds to new twosomes hit by Cupid's bow. Though they're fun to watch,
all possible love connections are limited to the people within a series.
That's why we thought it'd be a hoot to experiment with a bit of
cross-pollination — to take characters from a bunch of shows and pair them
up with occupants of other time slots and networks. But remember one thing
as you're reviewing our amorous associations: It's
not only true love that brings people together.

Sabrina (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) and Max (Roswell)

Romances between teenagers can get complex enough, but when you're a witch
or half-alien who's forced to hide your true identity, things can get even
hairier. So just think how much smoother the course of teen love would run
if she were, at will, able to work her magic and he could do his
extraterrestrial thing, all without fear of feeling self-conscious or being
found out by unscrupulous humans.

Other couples included Max (Dark Angel) and Angel (Angel), and Dawson
(Dawson's Creek) and Carrie (Sex and the City)

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