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Alternative Ending to HTOHL
February 25, 2001Posted by Steph4913  
Thanks to Michelle for sending this in!

I was just rewatching Roswell and this time I used my "closed captioning" on my TV (something I do often) and I found a little
surprise. It seems as though the ending was written a little different then it was played out. Here's what came up with the "closed
captioning" turned on.

This is how the episode ended the way we saw it:

Michael and Maria in a kitchen. She's kissing him and calling him her hero.)

Michael: What's going to happen to her now? We can't leave leave her here with these freaks.
Maria: Well, that's something we can handle.
(Here we don't see Maria say this next line) All we need is a lawyer.

Here's how it was written with "closed captioning" on:

Michael: What will happen to her now? We can't leave her here with these freaks.
Maria: Well, that's something we can handle.

(These next words appear appear during the scene where you see Michael, Maria, Laurie and the relatives signing papers with a lawyer present)

Maria: And all it will take is a good attorney and some facy paper work and I think we can keep Laurie firmly in control of her
own money.

(These next words appear during the scene where Michael & Maria are leaving the Depree estate)

Maria: What's important for Laurie is that she knows you consider her family and that she knows you love her.

(These last words appear during the last scene where Michael is placing Laurie's picture on a shelf)

Maria: And what's important for you is that you never forget her and that you know you're not alone in this world.
-----The End-----

If you have "closed captioning" on your TV, go and watch this ending again with it turned on. It's pretty cool! I have no idea why it was changed but this isn't the first time that I've noticed this with a show.

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