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Brendan Fehr Interviewed On Texas Radio Station
February 06, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Katie for this :)

Brendan was on the 102.1 The Edge, a local radio station in Dallas, TX
2/5/01. I was in my car on the way to work so i did not get a chance to
write anything this is what i remember. The interview was
about 10 minutes long, and for some reason Brendan was having a really
hard time asnwering questions...the DJ's were giving him a hard time
because he was taking so long ansering questions, and then Brendan would
make poke fun at was funny. They talked about how the show
had taken a sci-fi turn this season, they talked about the plot for
"Disturbing Behavior" and he said basically the same thing as the other
interview that was already posted on here...They asked him about the new
movie...the release date was pushed back to April 27th because Sony gave
the orginal release date to the movie "snatch". Brendan talked about
Kerr Smith and how is really fun to work with, the plot f the movie, and
made a joke about how Kerr bought a condo at some sort of ski resort and
Brendanis glad because he bought a playstation 2. One of the DJ's asked
him if he was still with Majandra, and he said they WERENT together
anymore...i dont know if that has been heard but thats what he
said...Brendan talked about how him and Majandra had to do a make out
scene (from the way it was making they we talking about it i think it
was heatwave, but im not sure) and Brendan's mom was htere and she was
embarrassed. Then Brendan had to go and he asked the DJ's if they were
gonna make fun of him for being slow about answering questions, they
yes, he said he was gonna have to buy plane tickets to dallas and come
kick there a** was all in good fun of was
funny...anyways, im sure other people heard it and someone hopefully
wrote it down, but i just wanted to let everyone know...Majandra has
been interviewed by the same people and Jason has been on twice, and i
missed all of those, so this is one i actually got to hear...i was

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