News and Information
Various Magazine Information
January 30, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Samantha for this :)

I was browsing the magazines in Chapters, well, I was really
just looking for Roswell mentions when I came across a few of these. Some
may have already been posted. (Also there are mentions in
several HOT! magazines and I think in J-14. I let you know the details as
soon as I can.)

In "LATIN GIRL" (February -March

Pg. 58 - What are the stars saying about your favourite
stars? Check our celebrity compatibility chart to see how we
predict your faves would get along at close range! Brendan
Fehr (Capricorn) and Majandra Delfino (Pisces) - A possible
soulmate connection. Both guard each other's dreams and secrets, though
sometimes she finds him too distant.

Pg.93 - Happy birthday Pisces! -- A little
picture of Majandra with her birthday, Feb. 20


In the British magazine "TV HITS" (Issue 137, January

Pg. 36 - HUGE picture of Jason Behr against a red
background, wearing a dark purple shirt and a light purple collar
and pocket.


In the magazine "16" (Spring 2001, display until

Pg. 3 - Celebrity Sightings! hot shots of your fave stars
making a scene - #10 Roswell's Emilie de Ravin stepped out for the
premiere of the Sly Stallone movie, Get Carter.

Pg. 65 - Miko Hughes, In the 16 Spotlight -- Interview with
Miko that I know has already been posted


In "Teen Style" (don't know what issue, I didn't buy it but
it has a blond girl on the cover)

Pg. ? (near the end somewhere) - Small picture of Majandra
complementing her on the Rupunzel-like hair that they
(magazine) love.

Thanks to Lauren for this :)

In the March 2001 one issue of Hairstyleguide with Christina Aguilera on
the cover there is a picture of Shiri Appleby and a couple sentences on
how she does her hair. Then there is another picuture of Majandra and
how she does her hair.They are very cool pictures so check it out.

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