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Roswell Obit: R.I.P., Ms. Topolsky
January 08, 2001Posted by squanto  
Thanks to scotlore for sending this in!


Roswell Obit: R.I.P., Ms. Topolsky
Monday, January 08, 2001

Although on Roswell the laying of hands by an outer-space adolescent can heal gunshot wounds, Julie Benz isn't hopeful that there is a resurrection in store for her high school guidance counselor/FBI alien hunter character, Ms. Topolsky.
"I guess I could get that call — a WB exec recently told me they're still working on a way to bring me back," she tells TV Guide Online, then adopts a skeptical tone. "I was like, 'Okay.' I don't see how they could do it."

The actress — whose blood-sucking Buffy the Vampire Slayer alter ego Darla, ironically, was given a new lease on life this year by sister show Angel — even refuses to be buoyed by the fact that, after Ms. Topolsky "died" in a fire, her body was never found.

"They're so far removed from that storyline that to get back to it now would be really hard," she theorizes. "So I think at this point Topolsky's really dead."

While Benz may regret that she lost her role because of the sci-fi series' second-season shift in focus — instead of the Feds, these days the underage ETs outwit otherworldly enemies — she's sorrier still that Ms. Topolsky never traded more than information with Roswell's Sheriff Valenti, played by William Sadler.

"I so badly wanted to have a love scene with him!" she confesses. "Everyone's like, 'You didn't want Jason Behr or Brendan Fehr?' I'm like, 'Oh, they're good-looking guys. But Bill Sadler... he's a man!'" — Charlie Mason

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