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LA Life Articles--Jason and Brendan
January 07, 2001Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Joan for sending these in :)

My friend just sent me these articles/interviews and, although they are a month old, since I haven't seen them posted, I thought I'd share. Even though the article appeared the day after, I think the episode Jason is referring to in his interview is Max in the City, so I don't think it's a spoiler.

LA LIFE, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2000 (Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith)


"Roswell's" Brendan Fehr reveals he initially passed on doing the upcoming big-screen "The Forsaken" because he didn't want to go from playing alien to vampire.

But then, he says, "I talked to the director, and he hooked me on what he wanted to do. 'The Forsaken' is more of a buddy movie like a 'Lethal Weapon', and it doesn't rely on the vampire theme. The vampires we chase could be substituted for whatever kind of evil you wanted - punks, hooligans - they just add an interesting backdrop to the story. I've seen most of the movie, and it's a really cool film."

Fehr says if "The Forsaken" does well, there's a possibility of it becoming a franchise film for him.

"It would depend on what the second script was like", he says. "I'm always looking for bigger and better projects."

LA LIFE, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28, 2000 (Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith)


Look, up in the sky. Could it be "Roswell's" Jason Behr taking off? The soulful-eyed hottie lets us know that his character on the WB alien teen series is soon to "travel outside the Southwest. It's a nice road trip that could lead to an even longer trip. Max is following his destiny, and it leads him far away from Roswell, and he has to make a decision whether to stay away or return - to figure out where home is to him." As for whether that home might be not only out of the Southwest but also off the planet, Behr will only laugh in response. He does say, "The first season had Max exploring his human side. This season, he's exploring his alien side, and facing up to his responsibility, and whether he'll accept that responsibility." Behr says he's hoped people would see "a real human metaphor" of teen alienation in his character: "It's a discovery."

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