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Colin Hanks Mention on Rosie O'Donnell
December 19, 2000Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Andrea for this :)

On Monday December 18, Tom Hanks was on rosie O'donnell promoting his
new film "Castaway". I don't know if anyone has sent this in yet, but
at one point rosie and tom started talking about colin. Rosie mentioned
many times during the interview "Tom's boys" and here is a short
transcript of what they had to say regarding colin (alex)

Rosie: Now will your kids see this? Will your younger kids see the

Tom: Uh yeah. My ten year-old has seen it. there's uh....the airplane
crash is kind of hairy so he didn't watch that but he watched everything

R: And we had your son here just a few months ago.

T: Now this is a sign that you're a veteran in show business when people
come up to you and say 'Hey, I saw your kid today on Rosie'! (audience

R: yeah....yeah.

T: IT made me feel good. It made me feel wonderful.

R: Did your wife tell you the shock I was in when I got the notes?

T: no...

R: I get the notes...I notes the night before and I'm in bed, it's 11
pm and I read the notes and I'm like "Oh Colin Hanks, well how funny,
It's Tom and Rita's kid's name." (Tom Laughs) "i read the notes and I'm
like 'Oh he's on this show....I've never seen that show...Wonder...' And
I'm thinking 'Oh Colin's gonna have to change his name if he wants to be
an actor...' Come to work the next day, and it's him!"

T: yeah, it's my lad. So proud of him.

R: I didn't even know he was on Roswell. He's doing great.

T: yeah he is. So proud of him, yeah. He's a good kid.

R: We're going to come back...

T: I never see him! but he's a good kid! (audience and Rosie laugh)

Rosie: We'll come back for more with tom Hanks and his new movie

Thanks to Miss Kitty for this :)

Colin Hanks is benefitting from his father's current tour publicizing Cast Away.
A photo of Colin and Tom was featured during an interview segment on CBS' "60 Minutes" on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2000.
Tom also appeared on the "Rosie O'Donnell Show" on Monday, Dec. 18, 2000. Rosie reminded Tom that Collin had appeared on her show. She hadn't realize they were related until she met him. Tom made an appropriate remark about how 'proud' he was of Collin.

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