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Cast in Australian Mags
December 08, 2000Posted by Mandy  
My mom is making me stay awake so I thought I'd post some news to kill time until midnight for me. Thanks to xallyx for sending this in :)

The cast has been in some Australian magazines this year. Here are some of the articals. (Some are from a while back)

May issue of Girlfriend Magazine

Q&A- Shiri Appleby.
Roswell's Shiri Appleby gives Girlfriend an encounter of the alien kind.

GF: How did you get the part of Liz?
SA: I actually auditioned for all three parts numerous times.(laughs)
GF: So is it better playing an alien or a human?
SA: Oh yeah, definitely a human.
GF: Do you believe in aliens?
SA: I really don't know. I get asked that a lot and I'm not saying I do or don't believe. I guess anything is possible.
GF: What do you like most about the show?
SA: The thing that reallly drew me was the writing. It really spoke to me and was written in such a realistic way, so for people my age it's really easy to understand.
GF: How is Roswell to work on?
SA: I got really lucky in working with a really good group of talented young people, so we're able to work together and bounce ideas off each other.
GF: Do you have a lot of input into changing things?
SA: Oh yeah. If I don't like the way something is written , I'll talk aboout it with Jason and then see if we can change things. Thankfullly the creators are really open to what we have to add.
GF: How is Jason (BEHR) to work with?
SA: He's great, a real professional and a really nice guy. We have a great time together.
GF: What do you do with down time on set?
SA: I just took up photography and I love it. I've been taking pictures of everyone, it's so much fun. I used to play Gameboy a lot , but you have to be careful you don't get addicted.
GF: What's your favourite meal?
SA: I love a pasta dish called Telephono- it's long pasta strips with a cheesy creamy sauce and a little bit of tomato- and it's really quite good.
GF: Shiri is a great name, where is it from?
SA: It's an Isreali name and I like it a lot- thanks.

In the same issue there is a section on Brendan.

Brendan Fehr likes to dabble in the creepy stuff,or so it seems if you look at his acting credendtials. After a small part in Disturbing Behaviour, he guest starred in Millenium, and next up in the thriller Final Destination with Devon Sawa. But it's thanks to Roswell that Brendan, 22, has been thrust into the spotlight. Brendan initially wanted to become a teacher, but during a visit to Vancouver He dropped in on a talent agency to inquire about modelling. A week later he was offed a guest role in the tv series Breaker High and things rolled on from there. On the Roswell set he jokes around all day with co-star Jason Behr. "We're like the little boys in the sex-ed class laughing everytime the teacher says 'penis'" Uh-huh?!

In the TV Hits November Issue Jason answered a Q. on his favourite scary movie.

"Jaws. For the longest time I thought there were sharked in the lakes. Everytime I'd touch the water, I'd cringe and lift my feet up. I had nightmares for years where I'd wake up screaming 'Jaws is gonna get me!'"

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