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Help Save "Roswell" In Italy
November 19, 2000Posted by Mandy  
I'm doing this as a special request. :)Please help the Italian viewers out just like you are elsewhere :)

I'm Thunskat, the webmaster of,
the biggest italian site about Roswell. We already
supported the Save Roswell campaign a few weeks ago,
but now the problem is different. Roswell's in trouble
in Italy.

It never had a fixed airing day since its first
episode. The TV Network that broadcasts it, "Raidue",
moved it from wednesday to sunday, then to another
timeslot on sunday, then on tuesday, and then canceled

We sent a fax to the WB, explaining the situation, and
telling our point of view: in our opinion, Raidue was
ruining WB's reputation in Italy. (They did a worse
thing with Charmed: aired an episode and then canceled
it). We got a reply, not from the WB, but from Raidue.
The President of programming wrote us that they had
"suspended it, to replace it in a better timeslot in
the future".

Anybody could say, "well, they're telling you they're
gonna replace it. Why bother? Just wait!". Ok, wait
for what? For another "change of timeslot-then change
of timeslot-then change of timeslot" and so on? When
Raidue moved it, the network DIDN'T MENTION IT in any
form, including trailers or info on its official site.
What a policy, eh? To be more specific: when they
moved Roswell from sunday to tuesday, they *obviously*
didn't mention it "officially", but we were able to
know it ONLY 48 HOURS BEFORE the airing of the
episode. This is due to Raidue's programming policy.

We're starting a Letter-to-Raidue campaign, that will
have a slightly modified "We still believe in Roswell"
logo. To put more pressure on Raidue we've started
different campaigns, including contacting a TV Critic
that writes for an important newspaper in Italy. An
article about Roswell and its programming policy by
Raidue appeared today under the eyes of the entire
Italy. Plus, radios have started to air "Here with
me", a few of them after our massive email campaign.
We're contacting other important sources in Italy, but
we need your support for an International spotlight
about the Italian situation. This will put some more
pressure on Raidue.

I know I'm asking you a huge favor, but could you
please set up a news for us, instead of putting this
under the "Roswell around the world update"? What
happened after the fax to the WB is a clear sign that
that fax meant something. And this could mean
something more. Plus, I'm starting a Thread on the
WB's forum at this address:
Thread To Discuss
Please redirect people there..

I beg you, please help us as soon as you can. For
Roswell's sake.

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