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NY Daily News-Fans Fete the Sight Of "Roswell"
October 04, 2000Posted by Mandy  
Thanks to Chaz for sending this to me and special thanks to Emily_A who sent me this note along with the article Gotta love this! Mentioned in article are:
Emily_A (me), Vigie, Shaiya (Jen Reimer), TheGoodNacedo (Anthony Barra), and
Melinda Metz, also pictured Betty and ddawn347!"
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Fans Fete the Sight
Of Un-Crashed 'Roswell'

Daily News Staff Writer

hese people think they've changed television, and the WB agrees with them. So, having saved "Roswell," they celebrated.

Emily Anthon of the upper West Side and Virginia Ramos of Forest Hills, Queens, were among the 70 "Roswell" fans at the Mercer Pub Monday night for a season-premiere party.

They dined on chicken wings, lasagna, pasta, grilled chicken, roast pork and the satisfaction of influencing network television executives.

'Roswell' enthusiasts celebrate the phoenix-like return of their fave show.
For dessert: Cake and alien-faced shortbread cookies from the Covina, Calif., bakery that's part of the set for "Roswell."

"In March when we heard that 'Roswell' might not be renewed for the fall season we sent Tabasco bottles — the alien drink of choice — to the top three people at WB stating '"Roswell" is Hot,'" Anthon said.

When the network put "Roswell" on its fall schedule, executives called fan support a critical factor.

"We wrote letters asking for support from the local networks, radio stations and talk shows and put up flyers around college campuses and street corners telling people to watch," Anthon said.

Why? "Everyone goes through the feeling of alienation and not belonging and trying to find their place, and that is what the show deals with. I think that is where my passion for 'Roswell' stems," she said.

Jennifer Reimer, who wore an alien symbol pendant resembling the alien character Isabel, said she joined the "Roswell" cult after her boyfriend turned her on to it.

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