News and Information
Message from Roswell Production Office
September 11, 2000Posted by Fehrocious  
I received the following e-mail from one of the show's producers regarding visiting location shoots.

We would really appreciate it if people would not make a special effort to visit the "Roswell" production on location.

While we certainly appreciate your enthusiasm and interest, it does complicate matters significantly to have large crowds observing the filming process. If you're there and you do drop by, you're welcome to watch, but please understand that the fewer variables we have to contend with on location, the better. I know that on occasion the actors have posed for photos and signed autographs, but this may not always be possible and I wouldn't want you to get the impression that this is a standard routine for them.

Also, please don't ask for call sheets, scripts or other momentos of the production as this tends to put our security people in an awkward situation and may potentially get them in trouble. As always, we love your passion, but please give us a little space so we can deliver the best show possible to you.

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